
English 950 Week 1 Essay

Decent Essays

The Wonders of an English 950/1101-350 Class.
In English 950/1101-350 one will join in collaborative exercises with their classmates and guided research. Students will use the Norton Field Guide and adventure their ways through CNM’s Library Database’s. Students will receive, ancillary readings, grammar handouts, and model essays from past students. While students will spend most of their time in a classroom, they will also have a chance to go to a computer lab and do research for their essays. Students will receive an assignment one week in advance and is due the following week on Wednesday but the instructor, Sue Fox, will accept it Thursday that week without any grade penalty. After the assignment is graded and handed back, revisions are allowed, students have one week from the point it is handed back, to fix and turn it in for a better grade. By the end of the term students will have written eight essays, the essay genres students will write are; a diagnostic essay, a literacy narrative, a textual analysis, an informative report, an argumentative essay, a proposal, a memoir or reflective essay, and an evaluation essay for the final. Students will be given three chances to earn extra credit as well; students can present their textual analysis to the class for ten points extra credit, one can also receive extra credit if the whole class participates in the course evaluation, and the student will have a chance to earn up …show more content…

Fox has an amazing turn-around time in grading, she usually gets a students graded essay back to them within two or three days. When writing an essay that requires research, the instructor expects all the readings and cites, in which you research, to be

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