
English Comp II Class Analysis

Decent Essays

January of 2017 I started taking an English Comp II class. I was very hesitant about it because I knew I wasn't so good in writing. Coming into the class with a little bit of knowledge was good but I still am not a good writer or where I should be at this point. All the assignments the teacher give is kind of complicated for me because i just can’t come up with ideas to help me start and get through my paper. I wish i could focus better and be able to write papers.
Starting off the semester we had little writing prompts to get up going. I remember the first one was writing the Lord’s Pray. I do believe that was so difficult for me to do because i keep getting it mixed up with other bible verses even tho i know it very well. It shocked me that …show more content…

My opinion was basically stating that I liked the fact that i would be increasing my ability to write. I didn’t like that i’m not able to write essays and paragraphs of that matter off the top of my head like i use to be able to do. Later in the semester i would like to look back on this experience and say I got past this experience with no problem.
For the past couple of weeks we have been getting ideas and articles for our research paper. Finding a topic for a research paper is kind of difficult but it gets your mind going. I love researching about things I don’t know about and getting more information so maybe one day I can tell some one else about it. Research papers take a lot of time and effort so you can’t wait until the last minute to do it.
Picking a topic based on your major can be a good thing but it can also be a bad thing. For example; my major is nursing but i want to be a traveling nurse, you really can not find much about traveling nurses and the patients. You can find a lot about registered nurses, LPNs, and nursing assistants. You have to dig really deep so you can find something interesting enough to talk about

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