
English Language

Decent Essays


English Project

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Date: May 10, 2012
1. Presentation Page 2. Index 3. Introduction 4. Origin of English Language 5. Origin of the English Language 6. Origin of the English Language 7. How did the English Language spread around the world? & English as a major business communication around the world. } 8. Conclusion


The English Language has been spoken for many years, in this project I will talk about its origin and how it is divided in different periods you can how it has transformation has influenced the words we used today. Also about the founders or founders.
English, as you know, is a major language. In Canada, United States, Australia, …show more content…

They were called Normans, who brought with them French, which became the language of the Royal Court. For a while there was a division where the lower class spoke English and the upper class French. In the 14th century English became dominate in Britain again, but this time there were a lot of French words added. Middle English would also be hard for us to understand.

An example of Middle English by Chaucer

Modern English (since 1500)
At the end of the Middle English vowels were being pronounced shorter and shorter. In the 16th century The British had contact with people around the world. This meant that a lot of new words and phrases entered the language. In this time books were being printed out in English and people began to read. So spelling and grammar were fixed and then in 1604 the first English dictionary was published.
Hamlet 's famous "To be, or not to be" lines, written in Early Modern English by Shakespeare

Late Modern English (1800-Present)
Now, Late Modern English and Early Modern English are different in the way that words have been added in due to technology, names for new things and English language adopted foreign words from many countries.

How did the English language spread around the world?
Well due to Colonization basically, England colonized and took over some parts of Scotland, Africa, Australia, Asia and North America. Also because of Media, like a said England’s Colonization’s, the world’s

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