English Project
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Date: May 10, 2012
1. Presentation Page 2. Index 3. Introduction 4. Origin of English Language 5. Origin of the English Language 6. Origin of the English Language 7. How did the English Language spread around the world? & English as a major business communication around the world. } 8. Conclusion
The English Language has been spoken for many years, in this project I will talk about its origin and how it is divided in different periods you can how it has transformation has influenced the words we used today. Also about the founders or founders.
English, as you know, is a major language. In Canada, United States, Australia,
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They were called Normans, who brought with them French, which became the language of the Royal Court. For a while there was a division where the lower class spoke English and the upper class French. In the 14th century English became dominate in Britain again, but this time there were a lot of French words added. Middle English would also be hard for us to understand.
An example of Middle English by Chaucer
Modern English (since 1500)
At the end of the Middle English vowels were being pronounced shorter and shorter. In the 16th century The British had contact with people around the world. This meant that a lot of new words and phrases entered the language. In this time books were being printed out in English and people began to read. So spelling and grammar were fixed and then in 1604 the first English dictionary was published.
Hamlet 's famous "To be, or not to be" lines, written in Early Modern English by Shakespeare
Late Modern English (1800-Present)
Now, Late Modern English and Early Modern English are different in the way that words have been added in due to technology, names for new things and English language adopted foreign words from many countries.
How did the English language spread around the world?
Well due to Colonization basically, England colonized and took over some parts of Scotland, Africa, Australia, Asia and North America. Also because of Media, like a said England’s Colonization’s, the world’s
William Shakespeare’s Hamlet concerns a young boy, Hamlet, who's father, the king of Denmark, has been killed by his power-thirsty uncle who has now taken over the throne. Hamlet struggles with the idea of revenge throughout the entire play, knowing he must kill his uncle to avenge his father, while simultaneously failing to take action with every opportunity that presents itself. Throughout Hamlet’s soliloquy, “To Be or Not To Be”, Shakespeare avoids personal pronouns, while also using generalized diction and ambiguous, philosophical language in order to further his dismissal of his own situation, showing, rather, his contemplation of life and death as a whole. The beginning of Hamlet’s soliloquy is perhaps the most famous line throughout
The film The Fly is about a scientist that makes an experiment that goes terribly wrong. The scientist was working on a transporting device. So, he tries transporting objects like plates and newspaper then, he transports living things like a cat and guinea pig. Trouble occurs because he tests it out on himself and it goes terribly wrong, he went into the device with a fly and mixed their atoms making his head and left arm of a fly. In the end, Helen his wife is ordered to kill him because the fly was messing with his mind.
A controversial issue in the United States as of recently is should the death penalty be allowed or not. The death penalty or capital punishment, is the punishment for a severe crime by way of death. As of July 1, 2015, the death penalty is used in thirty one states in the United States. The main states with it are in the south and Midwest and the states without it are up north. This is very controversial in the United States at the moment. The death penalty should be banned from the United States because it is wrong morally and it gives criminals an easy way out for crimes they should have to do their time for.
Before today’s “Modern” English, there were major shifts: Old English Shift and Great Vowel Shift. Both of these lead to how we speak today and why we speak the way we do. Bruce Mitchell and Fred C. Robinson state in “A Guide to Old English”, in the Old English language they used the Germanic language of Great Britain. This can be
Everyone has a different interpretation of the word, “invention”. However the word is simply defined as; a new device, method of process developed from study and experimentation. An invention is just a mental fabrication; it’s a falsehood ( 2013).1 Although in the essays, “Why I write” by Joan Didion, “Life in a new Language” by Eva Hoffman, and “Basmati Rice: An Essay about Words” by Audrey Thomas, each author has their own view on the English language, how they each began inventing their own writing styles, and also their reasons for why they chose to become writers. These are the three things that make their definitions of invention very particular and their own.
The English language got its present form through lot of changes. If we look into the history of any language then we can see that every language has gone through a lot of changes. English language is divided into four periods: Old English, Early Middle English, Late Middle English and Modern English. As we know that English is a Germanic language and it belongs to the branches of Indo-European languages so it has Germanic influence in vocabulary. Old English grammar is similar to Modern Germanic but Modern English is different from what it was before. Middle English began after the Norman Conquest in England. Normans were French people so Middle English language had a great influence of French vocabulary.
The change of English language is divided into four phases: Old English, Middle English, Early Modern English and Late Modern English. The period of Old English was roughly between 400 and 1100. It was the time when English developed from Latin as it borrowed many words via church. At that time the language was also largely affected by Scandinavians after invasion and
The change in syntax over time has shifted greatly, and language has been altered because of it. For example syntax used to be the Subject, Object, Verb order, as opposed to the Subject, Verb, Object order that we use nowadays. The complexity of sentences has also, changed, with Middle and Early Modern English writers using longer complex sentences with varied clauses and clause lengths, and Modern English writers using short, less complex sentences with less clauses and simpler, easier to read clause lengths and variations. The language has also become more simplified in terms of inflections. These were removed because the system for adding
Who is Samuel Johnson? “He was an English writer and critic, and one of the most celebrated literary figures of the 18th century. His best-known work is his 'Dictionary of the English Language'”. (BBC, 2014). English language is a hybrid language that borrowed words from many origins such as Latin, French and German. The English language is also used by many people. Specialist started the process of English language standardization as early as the sixteenth century. Hogan (1966) pointed out that the process of standardization consists of: selection of dialect to be the standard, codification by which "norms are elucidated and captured in dictionaries or grammars" (Beal, 2012). This is followed by elaboration and implementation. Although, the process of standardization started in sixteenth century and eighteenth century, yet there was still a good deal of variability in language. This essay discusses the development of English language codified in both dictionaries and grammar books, with their descriptive and prescriptive approach.
In the development of English, invasions and other historical events were huge factors that had influence to the process. Through the history, the language especially English has been changed very much. When we see the Shakespeare’s sonnet, we can find out that his sonnet is written in early Modern English but that language is not quite different from Modern English. However, when we read the poem which was written in the Old English period, many of us can realize that Old English is very different from the Modern English. When Old English was changed into Middle English, there was an important historical event, the Norman Conquest. In this report, I would like to explain what Norman Conquest is and how that event changed the Old English.
One of the fundamental ideas of linguistics is that all languages undergo some sort of change. It might be surprising at first to know that language changes, it was especially to me because I’ve never looked at language in that particular perspective. Although all language changes, they change at particular rates, whether it takes a thousand years or a couple hundred, and in different ways, whether it is grammatically or phonologically. However, it’s important to note that language change is definitely not a bad thing. It usually seems like the older generation grumbles about the younger generation’s poor English, but there is indeed nothing bad about any form of language. It is something that happens due to a variety of factors, but a common question from a person who has no background in linguistics is “Why can’t they just speak with correct English?” However, after learning and researching more about linguistics, that statement is extremely absurd. There isn’t a correct English. The English that people think is correct is the dialect with the most power, which is Standard English. There is nothing that is sloppy or lazy about a way that a person speaks because language will never stop changing. English is always a work in progress!
As Old English and Middle English period, the Modern English Period is linked to several historical events, changes and inventions. Defining changes from one period to another vary a lot; therefore it is important to mention some of them which are part of Modern English. The Early Modern English Period is dated from 1500 to 1800. As we have seen Modern English has developed a vocabulary of great extent and richness that is drawn from many other languages of the world. It has few inflections but its syntactic rules are presumably as intricate as those of any language. Its verbal system represents great complexities on making delicate distinctions. It is a concrete and also abstract language, whereas its spelling is fairly irregular even though
Over the years, the English language has continuously been transformed; changing and revolving through time and space. We've visually professed that language deviates throughout time and across convivial groups has continuously grown. So, as a student and professional writer, it is imperative to learn the history and unceasing changes that affect the English language and its structure. As linguistic fluctuates transversely and continually, we must resume our need to embrace and pursue the knowledge to master it. Amidst the writing of fictitious conceptions, it is important to recognize the value of how diction, word choices and syntax connect with the evolution of the English language and the practices we inculcate in our writing formation today. In fictional writing, it is valuable to study the English language as well as the native dialect, terminologies and wide-ranging pronunciation and word expressions of people in all communities. To create realistic characters, a writer must understand the cultural beliefs, inner workings, and dialogue of their indigenous subject. Granting that many people believe that they can be successful fictional writers without the general awareness of the progression of the English language, it would narrowly limit their ability to be a master at their craft.
In the English language, there are several words that are considered off-limits in everyday use for Americans. This is as a result of the negative significance the words held historically. However, the words are still used in specific contexts. For example, these words have been used for educational purposes or in comedy skits. This leads one to wonder how these boundaries have been set within language and why can they be used in specific contexts. It is evident that the development of cultural identity is influenced by the heavily honored restrictions placed on these words. It has shaped people’s behavior within different media platforms. In order to identify the effect of language and these external sources in society, the bias, story framing and effect of perceived notions are analyzed within three different types of texts.
How difficult is it to understand the English language? The Earth is made up of a variety of languages that have its difficulty of understanding and English is nowhere near the difficulty level of the Mandarin or Hungarian language. But even if a fluent Latin American speaker migrates to an English-speaking country like the United States, it may be a difficult transition for the individual to learn that language. They must take ownership of a language which means that one must consider possessing the knowledge of the dialect of the country. Obtaining ownership of a language is a necessity because in order for an immigrant to get by in a new country they must secure their cultural identity and it is essential for everyday purposes.