I was initially attracted to the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA) because I discovered that within its English major there is a creative writing program, which appeals to my desire to continue studying literature while at the same time developing my skills and exploring my creativity as a writer. The program within the major involves multiple workshops and tutorials on both poetry and fiction, which can provide me with the independence and flexibility to learn by writing original content and develop my own portfolio of work. Furthermore, courses within the LSA’s English major are very diverse, ranging from Intro to Autobiography to Native American Literature. This diversity will help me form a strong foundation in literature through the study of works from many eras, genres, and styles. This exposure to such a diversity of literature will also help me hone in on what style of writing I like the best and want to continue to study in my future academic career as well as in personal projects. …show more content…
LSA has a Screen Arts and Culture major which I’m also very attracted to and can see as a potential major. If I decide I want to focus on screenwriting rather than general creative writing, I can major in Screen Arts and Culture and sub-major in Screenwriting, while still being able to minor in English through the LSA English minor. The Screen Arts and Culture major is the perfect combination of general courses and production courses and, like the English major, is very wide in scope and will make me very insightful on visual media of the past, present, and future on a global scale. However, if I do decide to major in English, there is also a Global Media Studies minor which would also provide me with the opportunity to study
Throughout the course of freshmen year I have developed different skills and opinions on writing. I feel I have created a more mature style of writing and a better understanding of literature. I have changed my view of writing over this semester and acquired a strong liking for it. The importance of writing has become more visible throughout the past few months. Writing is crucial in many aspects of a person’s life. I have grown to be a more powerful and well built writer throughout this course.
Kate Kimball is an award-winning fiction author who has worked hard to be in the position she is in now. Despite currently struggling with her health, she has continued to peruse her English PhD in Creative Writing here at Florida State University. Born in beautiful Salt Lake City, Utah Kimball is surprised to find herself over 2,000 miles away now studying in the sunshine state. FSU offers one of the top creative writing programs that currently is ranked top 5 in the nation according to The Atlantic Monthly. Kimball was excited to be accepted into the accredited program after earning her bachelor’s from the University of Utah and masters at Virginia Tech. Kimball has always loved writing and says, “Creative writing allows you to write about
I became interested in Wake Forest University because I see myself there. I see myself discovering solutions for contemporary issues through research, writing, and critical thinking in Professor Leuschen's Waves of Change: Global Social Movements Writing Seminar. I see myself studying immorality as a rhetorical device within literature in Professor Ekstrand's Writing Through Evil Writing Seminar. I see myself expanding my knowledge of English literature in Professor Sigal's Gateway to the Study of English Literature course. I see myself sitting in Professor Wilson's Creative Nonfiction Workshop, mastering the genre. I see myself pondering on
I have chosen a business related course as I have been interested in this field from GCSE level & I believe that I have the qualities to forge a successful career in this area. I have been inspired to fulfil this path by my Uncle, a director at a successful company in England
My English Literature major has helped me to achieve an outstanding level of appreciation, enjoyment, and knowledge of both American and British Literature. As a high school AP English student, I struggled through great works like Hamlet and To the Lighthouse. My teacher’s daily lectures (there was no such thing as class discussion) taught me merely to interpret the works as critics had in the past. I did not enjoy the reading or writing process. As a freshman at Loras, I was enrolled in the Critical Writing: Poetry class. For the first time since grade school, my writing ability was praised and the sharing of my ideas was encouraged by an enthusiastic and nurturing professor. Despite the difficulty of poetry, I enjoyed reading it.
The personal statement is very important to applicants who intend to be admitted to an undergraduate or graduate school. The role of a personal statement is to make applicants be different from other applicants. It mainly serves the purposes of persuading the admission committee of applicants’ great passion for the study field, explaining their experience that shaped their personality, demonstrating their longtime desire and commitment for the degree, and showing their life goals. What the admission committee is looking for in a personal statement varies from school to school, major to major. Art and Design is a unique program requiring its prospective students to be different in every aspect. The Art and Design Admission Committee is looking for a student who has creative potential in all respects. Hence, for those who want to apply to the School of Art and Design, they should understand how to present their stories, experiences, practice, goals, philosophy, inspirations, and aspirations in a creative way.
There are few certainties of what one will encounter during life. A common joke names two: death and
As an undergraduate student at the University of New Mexico I have become increasingly aware of the complex network problems that I face as a citizen of the world. I have also realized the progress and success that I enjoy in the same capacity as the frontiers of medicine, technology and communication continue to expand. My desire to participate in the resolution of those problems and in the further expansion of those frontiers had inspired me to seek a degree in biology and entrance into a School of Dentistry. I intend to successfully complete program of dentistry and further my specialization in the area of endodontics. Upon completion of my
My interest in the EIU English Studies Camp stems from a lifelong love of literature and the desire to learn more about the process of creating literary media. As an aspiring editor, this camp would give me the opportunity to learn more about the craft of writing. It would also allow me to become more skillful in one of my favorite pastimes. The courses I am applying to participate in cover novel writing and writing dialogue: two things that are very important to a future editor. Being able to participate in the EIU English Studies Camp would give me a boost in my college career and perhaps even in my career as an editor.
In the past five years I have learned more about humanity and humility than any paycheck would ever be worth. Over the course of these five years I have worked full time at Emerald Coast Behavioral Hospital, gaining invaluable experiences along the way. I have witnessed the entire spectrum of psychiatric disorders I studied during my undergrad. Seeing individuals, first hand, struggle with their illness was like putting a face to a name. I have been fortunate enough to interact and contribute to the treatment of patients struggling with schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder, and personality disorders, among many others.
Since I started at Sinclair Community College, I knew that I wanted to carry on to a four-year institute where I would utilize the skills I developed at Sinclair. Since then, I have excelled in the Veterinary Technician Program and found a calling to work while I attend a four-year institute. Receiving a job with MedVet Hilliard contingent upon my graduation from Sinclair has shaped my perspective on my college path. I was accepted to the Ohio State University and have every intent to maintain an excellent GPA as I pursue a Double Major in Molecular Genetics and Zoology. With the Double Major, I hope to utilize my RVT licensing and double major to work in a clinical laboratory where I can pursue a Master’s and PhD to become a Research Scientist.
I always had a strong interest in a career in the healthcare. I am basically a caring person and health care profession would provide me with the great opportunities for contributing towards well being of human being. The profession of physician assistant would suit my nature and enable me to obtain a greater degree of job satisfaction. With this aspiration and a great interest in Science I did a degree in Biomedical Science. Recently I came to know about a health care career as physician assistant. As I read more about this career and dwelled further into it, I realised by pursuing this career I would be able to care for others and be involved in diagnosis and management of patients. I have also comprehended that this career will provide
Pursing a career as a medical doctor is an opportunity for me to mentor youth in underserved populations. As a child, I was raised in the low income, urban community of Roxbury, MA. Although not as notorious today, the neighborhood had garnered negative attention for its high crime rates. My mother emigrated from Haiti and raised me as a single parent. Due to our financial circumstance, Roxbury became our permanent residence. I have always felt there was something lacking in Roxbury in comparison to other towns I visited. My teenage years were largely spent in the suburban town of Stoneham where I attended high school. There was a literal difference in air quality and a psychology contrast in future prospects. While native students of
Studying Sociology at GCSE was what sparked my interest for Law. The way the legal and judiciary system in the UK functions has been a major curiosity to me. Policies that are based upon laws are everywhere around us and has an influence on our day to day lives. I would like to understand law and how our society is run in a whole in more depth; increasing my knowledge and how justice and equality is maintained. The government sets laws to give structure to our society, enabling people in society to be guided and be aware of the consequences when the law is broken.
I have a wide range of skills and knowledge that I have acquired throughout my personal and professional life. I can communicate with different types of people regardless of age, race or class. I have accessed a huge range of courses that have enabled me to develop interpersonal skills including negotiation and dealing with different types of people and personalities. I also have the knowledge, drive and enthusiasm to work alone when required as I am self-motivated and can meet targets and deadlines. I believe that challenges are best met positively by developing and improving knowledge and skills and through professional reflective dialogue that leads to change. I am very hard-working and reliable. I work well under pressure achieving a high standard of work. I have practical and organisational skills and I can find solutions to problems and face challenges confidently.