
English Major Personal Statement

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I was initially attracted to the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA) because I discovered that within its English major there is a creative writing program, which appeals to my desire to continue studying literature while at the same time developing my skills and exploring my creativity as a writer. The program within the major involves multiple workshops and tutorials on both poetry and fiction, which can provide me with the independence and flexibility to learn by writing original content and develop my own portfolio of work. Furthermore, courses within the LSA’s English major are very diverse, ranging from Intro to Autobiography to Native American Literature. This diversity will help me form a strong foundation in literature through the study of works from many eras, genres, and styles. This exposure to such a diversity of literature will also help me hone in on what style of writing I like the best and want to continue to study in my future academic career as well as in personal projects. …show more content…

LSA has a Screen Arts and Culture major which I’m also very attracted to and can see as a potential major. If I decide I want to focus on screenwriting rather than general creative writing, I can major in Screen Arts and Culture and sub-major in Screenwriting, while still being able to minor in English through the LSA English minor. The Screen Arts and Culture major is the perfect combination of general courses and production courses and, like the English major, is very wide in scope and will make me very insightful on visual media of the past, present, and future on a global scale. However, if I do decide to major in English, there is also a Global Media Studies minor which would also provide me with the opportunity to study

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