1 year, 6 months and 15 days. That’s how long since my carefully constructed world was split right down the middle, ripped and torn apart mercilessly, just like the car that I was in. The remaining adrenaline from last night’s win overshadowed my perception of the slight sheet of sleet that subtly covered the dark, twisted road. Little did I know how much could change from one moment. One moment where you believe that you are taking your final breath, that this would be your final thought. It was that one moment that changed me forever, from the instant eyelids slowly fluttered open a week later, ‘lucky to be alive’ my plastered arm in a loose sling across my chest, a throbbing headache threatening to drone
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To an outsider, this is my kingdom, the place where I can be with people like me. But to everyone else in this god forsaken place, it is me who is the outsider. No longer do I join in screaming rants about the funniest thing that happened that day. No longer do I chant and stomp and get pumped up before every game, because I am too occupied convincing myself that this is the game I have always loved, that I have a reason to be here. They think I’ve changed. And for what it’s worth, they’re right.
But the rest of the world doesn’t seem to understand either. Everywhere I go it seems as though someone has focussed the brightest spotlight onto my every movement, highlighting every fear and insecurity. Everything about me has changed except my physical appearance. My beliefs. My values. My virtues. My dreams. Yet how can it not be as painfully obvious to everyone as it is to me? How can they possibly not see how drastically I’ve changed? That I’m desperately trying to make sense of a confusing world that I thought I had figured out? But they don’t see that. To them I’m no more than an identical replica to any other football jock. That I’m too wound up in nothing but my own selfish life to be able to maintain a conversation, that I bluffed my way through high school and now struggle to form a sentence. That I’m an exact match to the stereotype despised by so many. But all I want is one person. One person to prove to me that
The 1920s was often referred to as the "Jazz age", or the "Roaring Twenties". Not only was American culture 'roaring' in terms of social trends and style, but the economy was 'roaring' as well. This related to the economic booming period of rapid expansion and changed social attitudes. The 1920s impacted American Society and economy because of Laissez-Faire, farm crisis, and consumer credit/installment plan. Society was discovering new found freedoms and becoming less regimented. This lead to new technologies disasters and a booming economy. However, hidden behind the optimistic views on the economy, there were significant structural problems, which led to the Great Depression of the 1930s and the notorious stock market crash of 1929.
One reason why outsiders are not misjudged or misunderstood is because in a typical situation, the outsider is making a conscious decision to stray from society. In high school, it’s apparent that there are many separated social groups, and although this may seem daunting, when it is your everyday life, you come to find that there’s a unique place for everybody. All you need to do is look to the small commons at lunch, and you’ll find at least a dozen outsiders, all banded together, eating lunch. There is no fathomable reason an outsider would not fit in there, let alone somewhere else. As anticipated, there are exceptions to every situation, such as Gregor from “The Metamorphosis”. He didn’t have a say in his transformation, and looked so repulsive society would have to break in half and do a full spin to accept him again. “She was standing here with her hair sticking up on end… with her hands clasped,” (Kafka 147). However, that does not ever happen in the real world, making it clear that if students really strived to fit in, there is a spot for everyone.
Why were the pyramids so important to the history of Egypt? Pyramids housed dead, important pharaohs and is now a main source of income through tourism. Pyramids were representations of Ancient Egyptian religion, and also benefit many people by learning more about it.
I must have been through all the stages of grief before I accepted my lifelong friend could die. It was hard to understand and it puzzled me; Why, out of the seven billion who inhabit this planet, would this happen to him? My life had been torn apart and turned upside down in the matter of an hour, from when I was awoken by the unexpected sharp thuds of knocking on the door, to me in the ambulance, praying like I had never before.
My hospital bed was ice cold and the bleak and empty white walls depressed me as the uncomforting thought that I would have to stay here for maybe another week brought tears to my eyes. The usual and oppressive smell of disinfectant lingered in the room as I recalled that night in my head, trying to convince myself it wasn’t my fault, as I had done everyday since the accident. It was the day everything changed and my life was turned upside down. Forever.
I’ve spent a great deal of my life trying desperately to be different. When I was in elementary school I never listened to the same music as everyone else, I used to pride myself on not following fashion trends, not liking the popular kids, doing whatever I could to make myself seem special and I would make sure to point this out every chance I got. I had to make sure everyone knew I was my own person, special, different. I was doing this from a very young age, which when I got to Jr. High meant that I didn’t actually have many friends. All that time and energy I had put into trying to be different had paid off, but I was sad and alone. “There is nothing sadder than a child who has barely seen the world, yet who has seen enough of it to know
But just when I thought the day couldn’t get any better it turned for the worse. Suddenly, everything happened in a blink of an eye and my world seemed to have ceased. We were t-boned right at an intersection by a massive truck that didn’t stop. The car accident, which was displayed for all to see, was a monstrous mess. I saw both the driving wheel and dashboard were compacted, the cracked windshield, and the doors that were all dented as well as the two windows shattered on my side of the van where the truck hit us. The impact was heard as well as felt as the car jolted forward. We had flipped multiple times and suddenly I wasn’t
You look to your right as a van rams into the driver’s side of your car. The pain came after the last breath moved through you. You feel your bones crunch in your body, and you scream, but the scream of the bending metal overlaps yours. The impact of the crash sends your car sliding into another vehicle. Another ear-piercing scream escapes from your mouth. The last thing you thought of before the numbness took over was your love, your reason of happiness.
My day continued on. I headed to base and completed my 10 hour work shift, without a drift. As I said my good byes and made my way to my mustang, I felt a cold breeze circulate through the warmth of the Florida sunshine. Time seemed to slow down as dark clouds emerged from the depths of hell! I’m being deceitful; it was still just another normal day. There were no signs warning me about the moment that would occur, the moment that would grasp my life like a safety harness and take me on a roller coaster ride.
The agent kept his gaze locked on Dave, while responding to her. “I have friends in the area.”
‘’Woohoo!’’ Exclaimed Ralph, coming out of Cisco’s breach and back at the lab, as the engineer released his grip on him.
The smokey air of Modesto California mimicked most other places in Cali, thick with pollution and smog, and near constant raining, making the earth a sloppy mess. A difference between Modesto and the other various bustling cities of California, was that it was far from bustling. In fact, it was mostly farmland and quaint streets, filled with local businesses and street markets. It shared its surroundings with various other small and pointless towns, much like it’s own, and San Francisco was the closest recognizable name on the map.
Then a quiet voice out of the darkness spoke. Quiet, yet confident. It was so sudden, so unexpected, even the demons surrounding them were taken aback. Zoey could tell because they had a look of surprise on their face. But it instantly faded and turned into a malicious grin.
Among other public buildings in a certain town this building was the one at the end of the gravel road and through the dark creepy forest where little dare to go down , which for many reasons it will be prudent to refrain from mentioning the screams you can hear from a half a mile away, or the blood stains all over the walls the shattered windows that make a faint whistle when the wind blows , and to which I will assign no fictitious name and the clown they call Pennywise this creature that rarely comes out of the shadows, there is one anciently common to most towns, great or small: to wit, a workhouse ; and in this workhouse was born a devil child and the one who is in charge; on a day and date which I need not trouble myself to repeat,
The compelling question that I plan on using for my inquiry lesson is; “What are some important physical and behavioral adaptations that help animals survive in their environment? Students will work in pairs to investigate two animals in a symbiotic relationship, for example, Oxpecker birds and Zebras. Students will research the animal’s habitat, the animal’s physical and behavioral adaptation and how it helps the animal survive and how the animals interact with nonliving and living things.