I enrolled into this class not knowing what to expect or what concepts does this class will contain. After reading the syllabus, I now have a better understanding of the subject this class will covered, I am capable to describe and reveal what I hope to achieve from this English class. This English class have for objective to teach me how to” Communicate clearly, concisely, efficiently, and effectively with audiences of all levels and types. Write clearly and accurately. Understand the major forms and conventions of reporting technical information. Use research skills to develop and implement technical writing projects. Respond objectively to another individual’s written or verbal assignment. Gather research for and prepare a feasibility, analytical, and/or investigative report that includes …show more content…
Currently I am a part time employee on campus. It is really hard to balance between jobs and school, since both of them are taking my entire time. My responsibilities at my jobs are: follow recipes, prepare food for customers, provide great customer service and have the ability to communicate in communicate clearly in English. My strengths in writing are at first my creativity, it really does not matter if the story is real or just a fantasy. I give a lot of details and I always go straight forward to the point, I do not like to fill out the whole page with non-important elements, I want the audience to understand the subject or what I am talking about without them getting lost. I always use facts and researches, instead of talking about useless and doubtful information. I organized my work perfectly and I know how to follow the guideline depending of the subject or the assignment given. My weaknesses, I have plenty of them but I am working hard on fixing them, or to get better. I make from times to times some grammatical mistakes, as I understand many writers are struggling with it, and sometimes I get lost in my brain storm and cannot keep track of my thinking or
Students must always wear eye protection and laboratory coats when they are doing the laboratory exercises. There are no exceptions to this requirement. Students not having eye protection and laboratory coat cannot remain in the laboratory.
Reading the syllabus for English 111 nothing surprise me about it. I usually expect to see these policies and rules been enforcement for a safe environment for learning. The policies were very clear to me, I understand the effect of tardies and absents will do to my grade and my learning. I also understand that we all might have different opinions but we should till have respect for one another. Policies of Email communications, course announcements no electronics etc. I have comprehended very well. What I will do to be successful in this course is show up to class of course, be on time and make sure I have the right materials for reading and writing throughout the semester. The types I skills I believe you need to do well in English 111
assignment refers to Service Request SR-kf-013, Develop Requirements for Kudler Fine Foods Frequent Shopper Program. Similar to the individual assignment, please ignore the “Expected Results/Impact when completed” section of the service request and focus your answer on addressing the items listed below. A link to the Virtual Organizations can be found on the course Materials page.
Course Description: Ethnic Studies is designed to bring awareness and understanding of the problems facing the American people in the area of race and ethnic relations, primarily focusing on ethnic minorities. Ethnic Studies will focus on the nature and scope of relationships between minority groups and majority group in the United States.
Failure to do so results in an automatic 10% assignment grade reduction for every class period the assignment is late. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain class notes from any missed time from classmates.
This course was comprised of many learning activities; each was designed to help me achieve the course learning outcomes. I have taken two college English classes in the past; however, it has been several years since my last college class. I have some experience in writing and this class definitely helped me get back into writing. I often have trouble brainstorming and capturing the subject I need to write about. This class definitely helped me overcome the challenges I faced in writing and being able to effectively express my ideas in a clear and concise manner. Not to mention, it definitely helped build my writing foundation through a step by step approach to each assignment. Therefore, this class bolstered my writing and communication skills.
English is one of the most widely spoken language, so it is key that you learn how to write and make sense when you write. In this class you will learn how to be confident in yourself and your writing, always prewrite and peer review. To succeed in English, you must learn to be confident with yourself and your writing. If you pick topics that have no interest to you, how are you going to write a paper on them? You must pick things that you enjoy and that you will have a fun time writing about.
Describing the Class: The class to which the syllabus relates is the first class from two designed to help students develop their abilities to produce unambiguous expository writing. Focus and concentration will get placed on written composition processes like analyzing audiences, selecting topics, developing the fundamentals they will need later in writing a thesis, and making revisions. By the time they’ve completed the course, each student will produce prose adhering to English writing standards, works displaying coherence and unification, plus solid developmental quality.
When I first started English 101, I saw myself as having a few good strengths and a lot of weaknesses as a writer. Some of my strengths included being able to write a good introduction minus the thesis part. I also saw myself as knowing how to write a good conclusion that summarized what I talked about in my essay and being able to understand a article or essay by knowing what the author was talking about. Some of the improvements I saw in my writing thorough out the semester is learning how to write an essay where I can communicate with the audience with my own personal voice. I also feel I improved on knowing how to properly include quotes and how to find good creditable sources to include in my essay and on how to include both sides of a argument in my paper. Another improvement I found in my papers is learning how to revise them and approach each essay. However, there are some items of writing that I believe I improved on but still needs some work. For example, even though I have learned all about the rhetorical appeals and how to determine them in a essay, I still feel as if I do not know how to properly included them in my essay. I also see myself as improving on knowing how to write a thesis but still need work on
A syllabus is something very important in every class. You must read over it, and keep it close to you when referring to all class assignments. I find myself looking over a syllabus quite frequently in the first few weeks of class and highlighting what I feel to be important. While reviewing the syllabus for our honors English course, I found a number of things I feel I should highlight and keep in my mind at all times. The first one being, no book.This a huge advantage as books can be quite costly. I find myself to be a very organized individual who at times can become quite anxious if things are not in order. Therefore, I find great appreciation in the fact that all modules as well as weekly assignments are broken down for you to see. Continuing
You must have junior standing and have passed ACCT 3368 with a minimum grade of C to be enrolled in this class. In addition, you are expected to have a working knowledge of computer spreadsheets, such as Lotus or Excel, as taught in DISC 2373.
Based off just the opening of this syllabus I have a lot to look forward to while in this course. Hopefully, through this course, I will be properly educated on all of the core writing styles, punctuation and grammar skills that I need to be successful not only in this course. But also for every writing piece I write on my way up in
Writing is a skill that takes time to develop. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is very important. Being aware of your strengths can help you stand out, and your weaknesses show you areas where improvement is needed. Like everybody I have weaknesses as well as strengths, and being conscious of them helped me improve my writing skills.
My goals in this course is improving my writing and reading skills to the next step, and feel more confidants about my self. There are two reasons that make me defecated to improve my writing and reading skills. Writing will force me to clarify what I want to achieve in my future, and can open for me a good place in my pharmacy