Dancing through the learning process. CR1. Inks define the learning process in this essay as: “…a complex process to define; people learn at different rates, with different approaches, and different levels of satisfaction.” She compares the learning process in school with the learning process of dance and how the behavior show in one can have positive influences in the other. During this comparison the author reflects qualities that the student can learn during both process that can be run-through his life. The students cannot see how steps in the process of learning can be compared to learning to read or write but those steps could help to achieve their purpose in school or personal life.
CR2. Inks’s definition has the
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For me, learning to speak French, help me develops new strategies to memorize words or phrases. Learn how to dance, to drive, to speak new languages, or even math, open your mind to know things and perceptions that you do not have before. All those knew experience gives you confidence, making you feels more prepare and ready to learn.
Bring back the draft. Page 678.
RC1. This essay gives me some knowledge that I din have before. I learn:
What a draft is and the consequences of it.
The armed service has had to double the starting pay to recruit at least half of the enlisted soldiers.
It is not the best way to resolve economic problems.
Has been an increase over 24% of young people that will not serve in the Army.
CLI1. The thesis statement of this essay is about how the service in military has decrease in the last few years and how in response to that the Army has increase the opportunities of work in different position in the Army. The main idea is really explicit on the text: ‘‘…they could choose to serve in the military, in homeland security or in a civilian national service programs like AmeriCorps.’’ This idea reflects how the military try to attract those people how do not want to serve in the Army with homeland work positions. The author also recognizes how important the presence of new recruits, in order of facing terrorism, is.
CLI2. The audience for this essay would be young
Listen and mark true or false. Check your answer with a peer. Listen again to confirm your answer.
The English language is particularly complex in almost all aspects. Many of the words in the English language have different meanings for the same word. This is not unlike the definition of the different levels of usage. McCrimmon defines the three levels, formal, moderate, and colloquial, by their sentence structure, diction, and tone (McCrimmon 193). ¹ Using McCrimmon’s definitions, authors can determine what type of writing is applicable to each of the three levels. For the formal writings, an adequate example of where readers can find it is in a professional journal, and an appropriate place to find an example of the moderate level is in a weekly news magazine. Also, the best place to look for an example of the colloquial level is in certain sections of the newspaper. All of the levels of usage apply to these different types of writings and assist in defining what each level involves.
There are many languages around the world. Nobody can control where they are going to be born. People even cannot choose what language they spoke. People cannot choose their mother language. Everybody can decide which language to speak as a second languages. No one wants to leave home where they grew up and had friends. This is a very difficult decision for people. Unfortunately, there are many situations that force people to immigrate to other countries including religion, economics, and political situations. When people move to a new country, it is necessary to adapt to live. First of all, they need to speak the language of the country where they moved to. Our family decided to immigrate from Russia to the USA because of the Communist government.
Over 300,000 depart military service each year and enter the civilian job market (Faurer, Rogers-Brodersen, & Bailie, 2014). Though the number of departing service members may seem sizeable, for perspective, the percentage of the United States population currently serving in the military is a mere 0.4%, or 1.3 million people (Defense Manpower Data Center, 2016). According to Faurer, Rogers-Brodersen, and Bailie (2014), the downsizing of military operations in both Afghanistan and Iraq hit the military services hard when congressional lawmakers swiftly started cutting budgets. As a result, and what Neuberg (2003) described as the fundamentally deterministic nature of cause and effect, the number of veterans entering the civilian job market increased.
Language is a powerful communication tool the user holds to express their individual identity and ingroup solidarity. The use of Standard English helps to direct this, as it acts as the structure of communication, ingroup and between speech communities to effectively present a standard for mutual understanding. Outside of Standard English comes the use of slang, netspeak and textspeak, which helps to develop and enrich the language, as well as evolve with contemporary Australia and its fast paced lifestyle. Using the Standard all the time would be exclusive of the linguistic freedom formed by the world beyond Standard English with varying ethnolects, but is also a
Hello this is Abrar and today we are doing a Commentary on a Poem by George Ela lyon
There will never be a time in your life, where it is not the right time to do something great. What is it you looked at, and decided that you could not do and ended up talking yourself out of? When things do not work out for you, is there anything you can think of, that can make you strong? When you allow your pain to push you to greatness and to believe in your principles. That is one of the themes that Janis Ian operates with from her book “Society´s Child – My autobiography
1. Define the three energy pathways. For each pathway, identify two exercises that utilize the pathway. If you were training to run a marathon, which pathway would be the focal point of your training? What types of activities would you incorporate into your marathon training and why? How will an understanding of energy pathways help you in your future training endeavors?
“ Dance is the hidden language of the soul” ( Martha Graham). Dance is nonverbal and is often used by many people as a language. All people can tell emotions by dancing even beginner and amateur classes. In the world, there are many kinds of dancing, for instance, jazz, ballet, and samba. Each dance has completely distinct parts because all region`s cultures gave influences to each dance style in the past time such as classical Japanese dance and salsa. Furthermore, many people dance as entertainments and exercises and can trace many cultures by practicing dancing. Dancing is a necessary for people`s lives. The reasons why people dance are working as professional dancers, learning cultures and histories, and dancing with friends.
In France, I learned the value of heightened social and interpersonal skills and awareness. I found that when speaking in French, I was much more confident than when I spoke in English, and this led to me being less introverted. By writing a journal, I also learned how to summarize facts concisely, and how to communicate effectively.
A questionnaire has been prepared to identify and assimilate your perception about English as a foreign language. The questions have been designed to evaluate the attitude towards learning the language, and the reaction to the language shift. Please participate in the survey and respond to the questionnaire in the prescribed format to support the development of an understanding about the variation in attitude and perception about the whole learning process. Your participation will be supportive and useful towards the fulfilment of the research.
Thiѕ wееk wе’vе bееn tеаѕing уоu with ѕоmе рrеѕѕurе cooker роѕtѕ — a diѕсuѕѕiоn оf уоur еxреriеnсе with thiѕ old-fashioned аррliаnсе, a рееk inside a рrеѕѕurе сооkеr сооkbооk — but tоdау we’re gоing tо gеt dоwn to thе bаѕiсѕ. What iѕ a рrеѕѕurе сооkеr аnуwау? Whеn wаѕ it invеntеd? How dоеѕ it wоrk? Whу wоuld you соnѕidеr аdding оnе to your аrѕеnаl оf kitсhеn tools?What is a рrеѕѕurе cooker, and what dоеѕ it do?
There are many schools around the world and every school has a system and law that the students have to follow. All the students have different mentality to think about the school, some of them consider it as second home to learn and the some consider it just as a place to spend time, and they don’t take it seriously. Then to be a good or bad student that is something we can choose by ourselves. And to be a good student there are a lot of qualities we should have.
My fascination with the English language had been rooted as far back as my youth. I had always most prominently noticed my endless interest in the English language. It was as if each word stroke to me, as if each string of sentence never fails to draw me into a trance. I am Alice, and likewise, the English language is my wonderland. The thick books with large letter strewn in patterns never once intimidated me. I read Jack Kerouac, and Sylvia Plath as soon as I knew how to read, for their novels had nefarious characters, thrilling denouement, doused in enviable lucidity. I fell in love with the English language, before I know what love is. Consequently, I had decided to study English language as to incite my skills in writing, and to refine my knowledge in the subject that I had so easily fall in love with.
for a unmarried soldier is $24,300.00 and the price raises every year. In 2018 the basic