Title of elective: ENGLISH FOR CHILDREN AGES 8-12
1. How many distinct stages does an infant pass through between birth and 18 months? At which stage does the child / should the child start using consonants and vowels?
A: They pass through 5 distinct stages. The child should start using consonants and vowels between 20-25 weeks.
2. What do we call the type of speech is when toddlers (by the age of 2) start using 2 words together?
A: Telegraphic speech
3. At what age can children usually start to learn a second language?
A: At age 4
4. Between what ages would a TESOL teacher teach activities to “Build motor skills”?
A: Between ages 5 and 6.
5. Because children at the age of 6 enjoy
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I find if you keep saying the word and use enough motions students can pick up any game suited to their level.
3. List 3 ways flashcards can be used.
A: Flashcards can be used to teach new words, by having the teacher hold them up for the class while saying the word.
They can be used in a game where you stick each flashcard on a part of the wall around the classroom and children run to the correct flashcard when the teacher calls out a word.
They can also be used for children to learn the letters of the alphabet. The teacher has picture cards of apple, ball, cat, dog, egg etc. and holds them up at random. Students are divided into two teams, each with a set of flashcards from A-Z. When the teacher shows a picture students race to find the letter that word begins with.
4. What are the advantages of using Board games in the TESOL classroom?
A: Board games generate spontaneous situations within a defined linguistic area, hence this is the perfect opportunity for the teacher to take back stage, and just give 'hot correction' when required. This allows students a greater chance to use their English speaking skills for a longer duration of time.
5. Develop Intermediate level questions for a game of “Tic Tac Toe”.
How often do you listen to music? | What is your name? | Where do you go to buy clothes? | What do
Between 6-9 months the baby’s brain will start to develop faster and faster at any other time during their life. Their memory will become quite strong they will repeat things over and over again. They will also learn what they are hearing which could be songs or rhymes or whilst they are being spoken to by parents siblings or strangers.
Children’s language development usually begins in their first three months. They will begin by learning to use their voice and enjoying vocal play. Babies will watch faces and mouths to try and copy movements and sounds.
the games that they play with, including puzzle games should be to do with words, for example,
I like how you used your own personal experience and take a closer look using your sociological imagination to evaluate the reasoning behind J.P Morgan Chase and its military connection to hire veterans. I have to agree with C. Wright Mills opinion of how the “big three” are the true power elite in this country and how they have managed to control “lesser institutions into means for their ends”. (Mills, 2013). The goal of these powerful institutions is to create a society that serves their purpose and constantly keeps them in control without ever losing their power. It is sad when you realize everything in our society revolves around the big three. For example, studying in an Ivy League school, besides being a social status is also
It allows us to review with the class before our tests. It can do Kahoot and other fun class games. We use it for our tests. They can also be used for homework.
Children are now beginning to learn letter-sound associations and are able to expand on there auditory understanding. By the age of 6 90% of children would have mastered being able to use a variety of blends and self-monitored speech. Children are able to stabilize the correct usage of irregular plurals and past and tense/ irregular verbs.
Joanne Ma is a HIGHLY enthusiastic and bubbly sophomore who portrays an excellent characterization of a perfect student. Although she may not be aware of it, she serves as a role model to her peers through her hardworking skills and ethical values. She is very active and loves to give back to her community by using her free time volunteering and doing service events with various clubs that are passionate about making a difference such as the World Vision Club! Her passion in helping other is very evident and she uses her skills by serving through officer positions in various clubs on campus- she is the secretary in the California scholarship federation, member recognition chair D15S in Key Club, and fundraising/ community service chair in the
He found that children have a biological ability to detect phonology, syntax and semantics. Environmentally, children’s vocabularies are linked to family’s socioeconomic status. The child’s language is affected by the frequency of parents talking, child directed speech, and mother’s verbal response to infants. Language milestones are from 0-2 years. From birth children cry to communicate, at 2-4 months they coo, at 5 months they begin to understand words, at 6 they begin to babble, at 7-11 months they change from universal language to their specific language (their parents), from 8-12 months they use gestures to communicate, at 13 months the child’s first word is spoken, at 18 months vocabulary spurt starts, and from 18-24 the child uses two word utterances and understands words rapidly.
The Welsh Government has categorised the different stages of language development that an EAL child can be assessed at.
| Babbling happens between 4-6 months of age. During this stage, the constant, vowel combination comes into play. As the child gets
However, Pinker (1994) then goes onto note that the particular sub-stage of reduplicated babbling occurs around 7-8 months, and states that the children will exercise phonemes and syllable patterns that are not specific to a singular language, but rather are seen as common across a variety of languages. Yet, Pinker (1994) does also argue that the children are able to distinguish between phonemes of their own mother tongue, which has been seen from birth, and this is seen to be more prominent by the time the child reaches the age of around 10 months. Pinker (1994) refers to this as the children no longer being ‘universal phoneticians’, and states that the children will no longer distinguish foreign phonemes.
A textbook is a printed and bound artefact for each year or course of study that contain facts and ideas around a certain subject [2]. They have not a same purpose and focusing. For their usability, the games are various styles of using that they are created for playing in many styles, in examples, video games, board games, and play together in a special rule to enjoy with the games. Textbooks are books or electronic books what are used for reading only same as theories are written or shown into any document. At the farthest, information is read and explained by intermediaries who might be a teacher, speaker, or presenter sound to audiences. In popularity, the games are used for students who child popularly more than textbooks that are often used for students in higher levels. For preparing, textbooks can be read easier more than games that must prepare rules and necessary resources before playing. And the last, as results of their learning, textbooks give important knowledge deeper than playing games that emphasize for entertainments, not focus on teaching for a knowledge as well as textbooks and theories. In additional, the books are existent that there are playing game, so there are more good books that good games [3]. Therefore, some games might be terrible that could interrupt learning of students, if they play in a wrong way, wrong time and wrong
Video games can be used as instructional tools as well. They have positive elements and add value; they create a micro world of their own. The players act based on natural tendencies towards learning. Therefore, learning occurs while playing (Rosas et al., 2003).
The developmental stages of language are; pre-linguistic stage, one-word stage, two or three-word utterances, more complex sentences, further development between 3-4, and further development between 4 and 5. In the pre-linguistic stage from birth to 1 year, babies can tell the difference between voices and other sounds, they can start to use sounds such as ‘dadadadada’ or ‘mamamamama’. In the one-word stage from 12 to 18 months young children can have a variety of
The pre –language or the pre-speech stage is the period from about three months to six months. We can call this period the zero stage because in this period the child is only a listener and he does not produce understandable sounds. The only sounds that the child produces in this period are crying and screaming. At this stage, the child usually reacts to any speech