
Enrollment In The Army (JROTC)

Satisfactory Essays

JROTC is a program that teaches high school students the values of good citizenship while giving them an introduction to the U.S. Army. Your participation as a student or cadet in this program shows your willingness to make the most of your high school education. Enrollment in JROTC does not require you to go into the military nor is it recruiting anyon. It provides tools for success after high school. The mission of JROTC is “to motivate young people to be better citizens.” JROTC might help you achieve your future goals in many ways, it sharpens your communication skills, strengthen your self-esteem, and also helps develop your leadership potential, this is especially good for your future career and if you plan on going off to college. The Army JROTC can impact your future in various ways, the course prepares you for responsible leadership roles while making you aware of your rights, responsibilities, and privileges as an American citizen. …show more content…

The first unit, “Citizenship In Action”, this unit helps develop new skills you can use in school and throughout life. It engages you in the practice of basic citizenship customs and traditions, and in the exploration of opportunities for non-military and military national service. “Citizenship In Action” is important because it helps develop new skills that you can continue to use for a

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