Six weeks have come and gone and it’s going to be another school year. I’m going to be an “upperclassman” now. Entering into college, I didn’t know what to expect out of anything. I was too inexperienced and naïve to be even aware of all the opportunities and possibilities available for everyone. My goal for my 4 years here was to explore and get into areas where I have no experience whatsoever. An education outside the classroom. Ultimate was the initial venture to try something I had no knowledge of. That catalyze the subsequent exploration since it was so successful and Ultimate is such an integral part of my life now. Like Ultimate, I did not know a single thing about Pilates. I didn’t know what it does, I didn’t know how it works, or the history of it. I knew it was a type of exercise due to TV shows and movies. I knew that it was an exercise that mostly women do. You don’t really hear or see a guy do Pilates. I had a feeling I could potentially be the only guy in the class and it could be awkward. I have come to learn that Pilates demand inward focus. It requires that you listen and be …show more content…
I learned how my muscles respond in doing certain exercises and positions. I learned how my muscles relax and contract. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the class and how quickly I felt the benefits. This class showed me that it doesn’t take a large gym full of all kinds of equipment or hours upon hours of time to become toned and fit. All you need is the knowledge to perform the movements correctly, and the motivation to do it. This course has helped me in more ways that I could simply explain. It helped me not only gain strength in the places I’m sure I needed it, but also helped me with a lot of stress going on in my life. I have even more of a reason to continue this type of exercise throughout my life not only because it is fun, and pretty easy to do, but because it helps me feel really good about
With America growing at the rate it is, it is very important to grow with it. College is the best way to prepare someone to be out in the workforce and survive. Going to college is not essential for success, but it will give someone the extra skills that will help them in their career and in life. College helps people get a good job, prepares them for adult life, and will help them make more money.
Luckily, there’s a modifier on screen to help dial down the intensity of the workout if you’re struggling like I was. I only struggled for about the first couple days until day five when I really noticed myself getting visibly stronger. As soon as my strength and perseverance grew, I could keep up with the videos easier, without using the modifiers as much, sweating less, and not being out of breath as easily. About half way through the second week, my muscles seemed more toned, especially in my belly region. And by the third week, I didn’t even need the modifier at all.
I've always been the odd man out on any sports team who looked forward to conditioning at the end of practice and would hold my plank an extra few seconds until I really felt the pain. I loved pushing myself beyond my expected limits and the satisfaction of leaving the gym knowing I gave my full effort. Although the thought of taking a weight lifting class was extremely intimidating, I acknowledged my deep love for training and bettering myself.
College can be very helpful in more ways than just giving people more head knowledge. I do not disagree that people will benefit from learning a trade skill. In my personal opinion I think we should teach the basics of some trade skills in high school, and let the student decide if a college education is something they want to pursue. After coming to a college I do see that people should come even if it is for two years. The debt is always in issue when coming to school, but there are plans you can make to pay them off. Coming to college can do a lot to help anyone, but for the students that are coming right out of high school, college can be a safe place for them to experience the real world. In some cases it can give them some much needed
At the moment allot of people not only in the united states but in the world are indecisive about going to college. Some of them are scared of the hardwork and dedication that they would have to commit to but the money that they would have to pay. There are alot of people that didn't go to college and are very successful. Although teachers make it seem like its a requirement to go to college, it’s not, it’s the students decision. It is not gonna help the teachers out when people go to college.
You might feel as though your body has betrayed you, and like you have no control over what’s happening to you. Pilates gently helps you find a mind-body connection where you are in charge of the muscles you utilize through a concept known as concentration.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” This quote from Nelson Mandela always clicked with me, because while many things can change the world, education is always at the root of it. The Ottawa County Early College program is an opportunity for me to practice with this essential tool. I feel that I am a good fit for the program because I have passion for my studies, am proactive in them, and I flourish under challenge. This amazing program excites me because it will help me to achieve my overall goal for my education; to positively impact the world. While I have many different ideas with what I want to do with my education, Early College will allow me to explore many different paths within a budget I
Ever since I was young, I had always thought anyone could go to college, that college was the next step after high school. Although this is technically true, there are people that cannot go to college like other students. Whether it is because of money or conflicts within the family, there are some people that never got the chance to have a higher level of education.
I believe that every person should have the opportunity to go to college in order to thrive. However, a lot of kids decide not to because of the issue I am also facing, finances. I do have a job, but after bills are paid, not much is left over. I have to give my dad money every month for my car insurance and my mom money for my phone bill. This past year has been incredibly difficult on my parents. My father had an extreme cut in his work hours by almost 20 hours per week. This has created an extreme burden on my family. My mother and father did not have the opportunity to go to college themselves, simply because they could not afford it. My mom is an LNA at summer crest and has a low salary, due to only being able to be part time. My father is a steel maker at Rugers, and due
It does take time to learn Pilates, and embed the movements into our body and nervous system; most people will be confused in the first few sessions primarily as they are learning to move from a position we don’t often use as adults; being on the floor.
We are all making choices and decisions in everyday life however, good ones lead us on the right path while bad ones bring us to nowhere. However, my whole life the hardest decision I have ever made is getting into college. In my country, our education system is a bit different from other countries. First, we are mandatory to choose our major before getting into college. Second, we have two means to admit to a college. We take the first test which is named “qiyas“, and apply to schools in which we want to get into.
The idea of going out of your comfort zone, forcing yourself to experience something that you never thought was possible, is terrifying to some. However, being able to adjust and take a little risk will only help your transition from high school senior to college freshmen go smoother. According to Dr. Roush, “be prepared to take a responsible risk, though I am mostly talking about academic risk when I say this. I worry that too many young people chase good grades rather than the best education they can acquire. Be conscious of your GPA, of course, but take some risk with the wide array of courses that are available”. (Roush, 1) College freshmen find themselves stepping
Besides being able to destress Pilates has shown me that there is constantly a capacity to improve because there is always somewhere I can better the moves. Additionally, I have learned that Pilates is not a competition therefore I should not compare myself to others. The people I do Pilates with are normally more advanced than me, so I have found that I need to focus solely on what I can accomplish. I will share these lessons with the kids so that they can become exceptional leaders in their communities and have stronger bodies while helping others. Through improving their concentration, scholars can think of creative solutions to the problems they face in their day to day lives. Throughout the three weeks, we can discuss how Pilates is helping them and if the students do not like it, we can also consider other ways they can find an outlet to de-stress after the course. I will also integrate group puzzles such as obstacle courses that incorporate strength. Through learning about teamwork as well
Our trainers are on the spot helping you develop a system that is beneficial for you. Each class is different because we’ll use various movements, machines, and tools to change up your routine so the class will never get boring. We’re there to ensure you get the most out of your workout.
Back when I was a senior is high school touring Oregon as my potential future college, one thing that really stood out to me was the rec. I thought it was so nice and well equipped, I would probably never be a member at a gym that nice again. Although I knew myself all too well and knew that I wasn't going to utilize it if nobody made me go. I thought signing up for one of the PE classes would force me to work out and take advantage of the amazing gym we have. I chose pilates yoga fusion in particular because I have never loved doing cardio and I thought this class would be the perfect balance between exercise and relaxation.