
Environment And Consumption Of Food

Good Essays

Final Assignment
Amanda Bruette
Core III: Environment & Consumption
Patrick Parise The definition of food has unarguably changed over the last few decades. The Merriam Webster definition of food is “material consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, and fat used in the body of an organism to sustain growth, repair, and vital processes and to furnish energy” (Webster). Food makes your body work, grow and repair itself. When comparing the purpose of food now to the purpose several years ago, there’s a very clear difference. Food used to be solely a source to a necessity for survival; as fuel to keep your body in existence. Early Americans hunted and gathered food together for their tribes or communities. They …show more content…

Companies like McDonald’s and Coca Cola, after realizing this, increased their portion sizes causing Americans to purposefully overeat and in return increase their profits. Also a shift in cultural norms surrounding food is that our social events are now primarily revolved around food. Many of our foods are processed, filled with sugars or artificial sweeteners, chemicals and added fats. This has led to many Americans partaking in over indulgence, gluttony, or even developing eating disorders. Pollan highlights in Chapter Six that a baby born in 2000 has a one in three chance of developing type 2 diabetes. Also, three out of five Americans are considered overweight, and todays’ children are the first generation of Americans who are expected to outlive their parents (Pollan, 2006).
My relationship with food has changed over the past few years. When initially faced with making food decisions on my own, I was influenced by the fast paced, quick and easy foods that are everywhere in our culture. At that time, my relationship with food was that I wanted it to taste good in order to satisfy my cravings, wanted it fast to fit into my schedule and I wanted it cheap to fit into my budget. I was literally eating McDonald’s on a regular basis and quickly became addicted to their french fries! That way of living took a toll on my weight and

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