
Environmental Science: What Does Lead Mean?

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What does lead mean?
Lead is a substance that comes from the layers of the earth. This element is very toxic for people and other living organisms. People cannot manufacture lead because it is naturally coming from earth layers (“Learn about Lead,”2016). Lead is “ a soft, heavy, ductile bluish-grey metal, the chemical element of atomic number 82” (2“Lead - Definition of Lead in English from the Oxford,”016).
Where is Lead Found?
Lead exists in people’s environment such as air, soil, and water. In the past, people were exposed to lead because they were used to lead exposure in their daily activities. Workers and consumers used to use leaded gasoline and paints that contain lead. Also, there are different materials that contain …show more content…

Pregnant women who are exposed to high levels of lead will have some or all of these symptoms. The symptoms are increased blood pressure level, multiple mononeuropathy, headache, muscle pain, and anorexia, and the inability to control body movement. Also, they may feel a lack of energy and display disorders in both behavior and concentration. In some cases, these women have kidney diseases. All of these symptoms will become acute when the blood lead level increases(“Guidelines for the Identification and Management of Lead Exposure in Pregnant and Lactating Women,” 2010).The potential health effects from a high blood lead level during pregnancy are losing babies, lower birth weight, premature birth, productivity problems and stillbirth (“Lead and your baby,”2016). Additionally, another symptom that occurs when infants are exposed to high levels of lead before they are born is development a delay (“Lead Poisoning Symptoms,”2014). Also, the other symptoms and health effects that these babies will have after they are born are difficulty learning, and low intelligence quotient (IQ) levels. Some babies will display disorder in their behavior and difficulty hearing (“Pregnancy and Lead Poisoning Protect Yourself, Protect Your Baby,”

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