In order to save the environment from pollution, businesses should consider having an environmentally-friendly operation. Protecting the environment is a key factor in going green that is beneficial to businesses and the environment. This topic is discussed in Ava Mohsenin’s article, “Can Businesses Be Environmentally Sustainable And Still Make Money?” Businesses stepping forward to lead a change in sustainability signifies there is profit and other benefits to being environmentally friendly. Additionally, Dupont is committed to “65% reduction and was saving $2.2B a year” through energy efficiency (Mohsenin). Kate L. Harrison, a communications marketing expert, explains in the article “10 Ways to Green Your Business and Save Money” that although some methods will not show profit immediately, business owners that use public transportation or have a fleet of hybrid vehicles can see an increase in profits over time. Furthermore, Mohsenin suggests that companies give their employees Prius’ in order to save money on gas and not pollute the air as much, similar to a brewing company that follows these …show more content…
According to the article, “Simple Ways Going Green Can Save You Money” by Josh Weiss, an expert analyst, and senior editor Susie Poppick, “One report from 2012 found that hospitals that reduce energy consumption and waste produced could save $15B over a decade.” This information suggests that putting effort into saving the environment can result in extensive profits and
The rise of green products and the want of consumers to become more environmentally friendly has been increasing. In 10 Green Marketing Milestones, the reading mentioned how the “rise of the Toyota Prius: It may not have saved the world, but at 1 million cumulative vehicle sales the Prius became the predominant fuel-efficient hybrid vehicle” (Neff 2). This is an example of how companies are actually wanting to go green in order to make more profit and rise above their competitors. Going off the Prius example, it was also mentioned how Hummer cars, which use an excess amount of fuel, sales have plummeted. This was because this model no longer appealed to the consumers and General Motor’s had to discontinue the model and even went bankrupt. This sale tactic works and is so successful because the consumer’s mindset have evolved to seek things that are better for the environment. Many would prefer Toyota over General Motor because of their company’s reputation with being green. Although this might not work for all companies, but for some, they have become more successful than their competitors by going green and so, convincing more and more to
Everyone is going green; it is so common in today’s society for every company to advance to smarter ways of doing business. My long term future career goal is to become a Neonatal Physician. I would like to play a huge role in improving both the health care and natural ecosystem. We have to live here on Earth, so why not protect it “One Earth, one experience” -Edward Wilson. Hospitals operate on a 24-hour basis, 365 days a year. In the process of treating patients, they use a lot of water and energy and generate a lot of waste from medical products. Though most hospitals have made the initiatives to reduce some of these issues, I do believe that more can be done. Starting a sustainability program to reduce some of these concerns will not only
One point of view says that we should invest in the environment because it will increase our reputation among other things resulting in increased sales. Another point of view is to not invest in sustainability and since consumers gravitate towards the best products and the best prices, which a team could develop, then sustainability is just an unneeded expense. As a team we feel that there should a balance of both investing in sustainable business practices and turning a profit. This strategy can be seen when we turned a $4,600,257 profit in quarter six while investing in seven conscious
As we have seen an increase in awareness around sustainability and climate change, with the help of Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth documentary in 2006, we see organizations moving towards mitigating the effects of climate change in various ways (Al Gore, n.d). As this corporate social responsibility has become more prevalent, organizations are now pushing their green agenda by publishing sustainability reports, doing mass marketing and implementing sustainable business practices to portray the image that they too are working towards protecting the earth’s natural environment all the while focusing on their underlying goal of selling their products and
Additionally, on a socio-cultural level, many consumers feel that restaurants partaking in green initiatives and operations are doing their part to not only help sustain the earth but also to conserving natural resources (Hu, Parsa & Self, 2010). “Going green” is not simply a trend in the food service industry but around the world and in all forms of business. Corporate companies consider “going green” as a sensible business strategy in building recognition for corporate social responsibility among consumers concerned with environmental conservation efforts. Lastly, technological initiatives such as Energy Star appliances (dishwashers, refrigerators, ice machines, etc.) and faucets that use less water must also be analyzed in their ecological conservation capability and weighed against their financial costs (University of Notre Dame, 2014).
Another way hospitals and clinics save money is to turn green. Hospitals uses thousands of papers. In the Lakeland Regional Medical Center prints off papers that say what they found and what to do at home. They also print off prescription if the patient desire so. By using recycled paper, the hospital will not cause harm to the little trees we have in America. Americans need clean air, because once the trees are gone, so will the clean air. The hospitals and clinics can use less electricity by
The phrase “health care greening” is the process of changing the way hospitals use medical equipment, so that it has a less harmful impact on the environment we live in. Our reading states “health care greening is the process of redesigning medical technologies and architecture, resetting clinical priorities, and reinventing the health care delivery system into something more environmentally sound and sustainable” (Jameton, 2013, p. 300). Of course we all want to implement green models into our health care facilities, but it can be very challenging. Some problems that could arise are increased costs for “green” products and making sure all staff members abide by the recycling items within the facility.
One positive implication capitalism has to the natural environment is industrial ecology, a system of chain production and consumption, serving to the lowest environmental impacts in a most environmentally sustainable economy as the main goal of operation (Richards & Pearson, 1998). The Companies in a like to operate in such way because of four major reasons. The most important factor is known as the corporate well-being, for it is determined by higher profits and growth provided by innovations in an industry. Profits are increased from recognizing the production ineffiency costs that comes from wasted inputs and energy losses; this allowing cost savings to increase and ineffiency to decrease. compliance with cleaner technology alternatives such as ones that produce less waste and less energy will provide long term savings which are both beneficial to the environment and the business at hand. A real world example freight company changes their salvaged driving equipment to hybrid vehicles. Money is temporarily lost, but the gasoline and maintenances cost savings will compensate in a long run period of time.
In today’s day and age, everyone is concerned about the environment. Our society is increasingly encouraged to “go green,” to do our part in making the world a cleaner, more eco-friendly place. Green marketing is one major strategy being used to promote such efforts, but is it effective? There is some debate about this concept, including the history of green marketing, the problems with green marketing so far, the effectiveness of marketing schemes like Sunchips and Toyota, and the strategies that could be used to increase the ability of green marketing. While protecting our planet is a noble concept, its execution seems to be a little vague. Of all the aspects concerning green marketing, one thing is clear: our planet still has a long
Many firms are learning that being environmentally friendly and sustainable has numerous benefits. (O.C Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2015). This could enable them to increase goodwill from various stakeholders and also save money in the long term. This will mean that they are being more efficient and less wasteful of resources, which will enable them to be more competitive by satisfying stakeholders. The CEO of
The company could save millions of dollars over a period of time. Companies like LogiCore, and Tec-Master have save millions of dollars annually by going green. As the country moves closer to some kind of cap and trade system that can provide economic incentives for pollution reduction. The adoption of going with green technologies for companies could increase. By creating an environment where people can freely share their ideals, one ideal could bounce off another one and creates lots of other options for the company.
Environmental sustainability has been receiving immense academic and industry attention in recent years. Increasing carbon emissions and the associated global warming have been raising numerous questions on the efforts required to make businesses more sustainable environmentally. In a globalized world, where manufacturing is increasingly getting concentrated, transportation of products over long distances is a reality. Increasing consumption, richer lifestyles and supply chain issues such as higher levels of logistics and transportation coordination have led to higher carbon emissions thereby raising important questions on environmental sustainability. On a parallel basis, customers are becoming more environmentally conscious and are
Thereupon, employees were requested to come up with proposals about how the firm could reduce its carbon footprint by up to 25 percent. This report, therefore, was prepared in response to this request, and it is intended to provide the management with the ideal strategy that the organization could use as part of the efforts aimed at embracing green initiatives. It is expected that the information contained herein will go a long way in helping the leadership adopt an effective strategy that could be used to realize the company’s objectives as far as conserving the environment is concerned. In this case, the ideal alternative would be to engage in the recycling of waste material.
Selling environmentally friendly products and services has gone mainstream. Not only is this good for the planet, it 's also great news for your business because consumers are often willing to pay more for products that protect the natural environment by conserving energy or resources and reducing the use of toxic agents, pollution and waste. The vast diversity and availability
We as a human species need to fix the problems that we have caused. Not just as individuals but businesses as a whole can have a big impact. There are many ways that businesses can reduce pollution in the air and climate change. Managing and reducing emissions is the key thing that we need to strive for. Some businesses are beginning to understand how to manage their greenhouse gas emissions and are getting involved by preparing annual greenhouse gas inventories in order to