
Epictetus Free Will Essay

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According to Stoicism, the only way that happiness can be achieved is through “self-control, detachment from all externals, and the acceptance of one’s fate as identified by the objective use of reason.” Stoics follow the thought that nothing can make you happy or unhappy without your consent. The manner in which we deal with a situation and the attitude we choose to have toward it needs to be of the upmost importance since anything outside of self-control and self-discipline can result in “avoidable unhappiness.” With the use of reason, we must learn to control what we can and accept the things in which we are completely powerless. Stoicism offers the thought that in some unknown way the Logos guides our lives, which is the Stoic concept of World Reason and Fate. Since there are things that are painfully out of our control, the …show more content…

In order for one to be happy, one must be free. So this begs the question, how do you become free? Epictetus lends us his distinction between things/objects that depend on us and those that do not. He states that our body, fame, power, etc. are things that do not depend on us. And, our judgments, our desires and dislikes are all things that do depend on us. In order to be free, Epictetus says we need to focus on the things that do depend on us, and for us to not let things that don’t depend on us be of any importance. Surely, they are not dependent upon our own will, rather the opportunity of external circumstances. For instance, fame in which one may desire in not completely dependent on the amount of talent the individual has, but it is also the people that will come and take time to discover one’s talent. In this particular scenario, we lack having total power. This is because we aren’t the sole cause in determining how successful are actions are. Because of this, we are more at risk to having speed bumps or disappointments along the way that will ultimately cause us to be

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