
Epidemiology Of Diabetes: Yesterday And Today

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Diabetes at one point in time was a disease that was known to only affect older adults. But in today’s time it has become something that not only affects the older population but every age group. Diabetes has become an economic amount of weight on individuals in today’s society due to the increase in size of the population. What is Diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus is a common Metabolic Disorder it passes large amounts of urine that has been described by Greek and by Roman Physician as Diabetes. The term Mellitus refers and means a sweet taste (Barrett, Biotanio, and Brooks 2012). The name of the Disease reveals one of the most important Clinical manifestations, which are passing sweet- tasted urine and in other words means the presence of sugar in person urine. …show more content…

Among the races the Indians showed the highest prevalence of 19.9 percent, the malys 11.9 percent and last the Chinese showing 11.4 percent. Lecthuman ET .al (2010). In America diabetes is one of the major killers among African Americans today. 4.9 million African-American adults, or 18.7% of all African Americans ≥ 20 years of age, have diagnosed or undiagnosed diabetes, compared to 7.1% of non-Hispanic white

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