
Epigastric Pain Case Study

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A 29 year old woman,gravida 2 para 1, at 33 weeks gestation comes to the emergency department because of worsening epigastric pain that started few hours ago. She denies any nausea,vomiting, headache or abdominal contractions. She has been feeling the fetal movements regularly. Her pregnancy has been uncomplicated upto this point. She had 1 normal vaginal delivery at term without any complications. Her past surgical history is significant for appendectomy 7 years ago. She has no drug allergies. Her blood pressure is 146/92 mm Hg,Pulse is 78/min and temperature is 37.4 C (99.3 F). Physical Examination shows right upper quadrant tenderness. Cervical examination demonstrates 2 cm dilatation and 50% effacement. Laboratory studies shows.
Hematocrit- 26%
Leukocyte count- 12,000/mm3
Serum ALT- 600 U/L
Serum AST- 550U/L
Serum Amylase- 40 U/L
Serum Lipase- 70 U/L
Urinalysis shows 3+ protein
The most appropriate next step in management is to

A- Conservative inpatient management in the Intensive Care Unit.
B- Perform Liver Biopsy.
C- Prompt delivery with administration of I/V Oxytocin and I/V MgSO4. …show more content…

HELLP syndrome is a life threatening obstetric complication usually considered to a complication of pre-eclampsia. HELLP has 3 components- Hemolysis ,Elevated liver enzymes and low platelets. Early symptoms can include epigastric pain, malaise, nausea or vomiting. There can be headache, blurred vision and paresthesia also. This patient has elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count and with an hematocrit of 26% ,she may have hemolytic anemia also. If HELLP is misdiagnosed in the early stages, it can lead to permanent liver failure. The only effective treatment is prompt deliver with induction of labor by I/V oxytocin along with I/V MgSO4 to prevent seizures. This patient is the perfect candidate for this treatment as her cervix is 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Delivery of the fetus usually results in rapid improvement in

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