Genetics and Epigenetics of Homosexuality
Homosexuality is a behavioural trait that male or female attracts to same sex. Opposite of homosexuality called heterosexuality which is attraction to opposite sex. Homosexuality is common in humans between 3 to 10%. Before 20th century, there weren’t enough valuable studies about homosexuality due to social and religious reasons. In addition, most homosexual individuals were hiding themselves to express their feeling to avoid social exclusion and this was one of the reasons to see less incidence rate of homosexuality in population. Moreover, scientists were also reluctant to publish this kind of studies. Today, it is easy to find many researches about this topic and many others. With improvement
Many scientists have a difficult time understanding homosexuality on the evolutionary aspect. They believe a human beings’ main purpose is reproduction, which makes the sexual relationship between two males a confusing concept for most evolutionary thinkers (McKnight 1). Evolutionary thinkers believe that the less desirable genes are removed from the system when they are not breed as often, but this cannot be said for homosexual males who have been a continuing presence in most societies over numerous generations (McKnight 1). These evolutionary thinkers, like most humans, have a need to place others into
The research article suggests a structure within the human brain and a genetic link indicate the biological factor for male homosexuality. The journal investigates an experiment about the role of male genetics in sexual orientation by analysing the hypothalamus in autopsy specimens from homosexual and heterosexual men. Increased possibilities of same-sex orientation were discovered in the maternal male cousins and uncles of the participants, instead of their father or parental relatives. Also, the researchers discovered a brain cell group ‘INAH’ had a potentiality of being the sex-orientated DNA, indicating that the reason of homosexuality may be related to genetics.
When Edgar Allan Poe wrote "The Fall of the House of Usher," two factors greatly influenced his writing. A first influence was John Locke's idea of Empiricism, which was the idea that all knowledge was gained by experiences, exclusively through the senses. A second vital influence was Transcendentalism, which was a reaction to Empiricism. While John Locke believed that reality or truth was constituted by the material world and by the senses, Transcendentalists believed that reality and truth exist within the spiritual or ideal world. They believed that the external world was dependent solely on the conscious. Beverly Voloshin suggests that "Poe presents transcendental
The American Constitution, is a document that was drafted in July of 1787 to replace The Articles of Confederation. The Constitution created a national government and established major laws to benefit America. Along with these impressive actions, our Founding Fathers made sure this document contained the ability for each individual citizen of America to have basic guaranteed rights. This should stand for all citizens, not only those who are natural-born. The Constitution, leaving out equal opportunity and equal rights to those not born in America, essentially makes the document unfitting for our current government and society. The Constitution has been amended and ratified twenty-seven times. For our country's current situation and diverse population, it is important that a Twenty-Eighth Amendment be put into place to give all citizens, natural born or not, all basic rights.
Homosexuality is increasing in number in today’s society due to a number of situations that
In the four studies examined, all the researchers were trying to link homosexuality to epigenetics. Rice, Friberg and Gavrilets examined the effects of trans-generational epigenetic inheritance to the occurrence of homosexuality, made several testable predictions and created a model for the development of homosexuality. Ngun and Vilain created a hypothetical framework which combined genetics and epigenetics to explain the cause of homosexuality. Billack, Serio, Silva, and Kinsley investigated the biochemical, cellular, genetic and epigenetic events linked to homosexuality. The researchers reviewed published empirical data from 1994 to 2014 to create testable models for homosexuality. Most of the research performed used rats and mice to
Science is uncovered origins a lot of things over the centuries and the human created much great inventions and even explored the surface of the moon; however, one question still on everyone’s mind and science may have solved one of greatest mysteries yet which is: how did homosexuality and heterosexuality evolve? Many psychologist, biologist and scientist may agree with sexual orientation is output from a combination of biological, hormonal, environmental and emotional factors and those many factors that influence to a development of human sexual orientation. However, being homosexual or bisexual is not mentally ill or abnormal in certain ways, although sexual minority is part of social problems that makes output from misinformation or prejudicial attitude. Diversity in sexual orientation has been a subject that has been seen in different perspectives by the different people (LeVay, 2010). Today there are the homosexuals, heterosexuals and bisexuals orientated people are forming a part of our society. This paper conduct an overall study of important and strong factors and provides accurate information and explanation for those who want to better understand development of sexual orientation.
When it comes to love it is known to be a second hand emotion which all race, age, and gender can experience. When different entities experience love in sense of romance, this may lead to several possibilities such as a relationship, an engagement, a marriage, or even the start of a family together. For many years within the United States, there have been legal restrictions and limitations placed on the love of individuals, such as homosexuality, which is considered to be the sexual attraction for and between members of the same gender. Due to recent growth of homosexual relationships, this phenomenon had been widely and commonly debated universally often in regards to the different views and images they possess. As for this research , it argues
What is homosexuality? Homosexuality is the sexual or romantic attraction between persons of the same gender. Nobody knows when the homosexuality started, but it is been there since a long years ago. Homosexual people are been having hard days through the years, because religions. Every year are more states around the world that are giving the same right to the homosexuals, and giving them opportunities to normal life. Discrimination against homosexual are one of the principal problems around the world, there are more problems about gay bullying, homophobia and discrimination. June 12, 2016 is named the worst massacre in the United States, because around 50 persons were killed in the club of Orlando, Florida. Homosexuality is the attraction
Research has proven the statement of “born gay” as a complete myth. “This week, a team from the University of California, Los Angeles claimed to have found several epigenetic marks—chemical modifications of DNA that don’t change the underlying
Homosexual behavior and lifestyle have negative effects on human health and society. In this paper I will examine homosexuality, and investigate the arguments so to whether homosexuality has a negative impact on human health and society
Twin A number of studies have attempted to compare the relative importance of genetics and environment in determining sexual orientation . In a study of 1991 , Bailey and Pillard conducted a study of twins recruited by " editions homophile " , and found that 52 % of monozygotic ( MZ ) brothers ( of whom 59 are in question ) and 22 % of dizygotic ( DZ ) twins were agrees to homosexuality
After analyzing different studies, and observing scientist’s reasoning as to why they may or may not think that homosexuality is genetics; I am convinced that it is not. A lot of test has been studied but where is the actual proof? There is no actual proof that homosexuality is genetic, there are only studies that’s trying to prove a point that is not yet valid. Scientists are elaborating about there is a gay gene that is triggering to determine whether an individual is gay or straight; I understand their study but why aren’t they letting us know what actual genes are causing homosexuality. After reading the scientists studies, I concluded that they assume there is a gay gene but they cannot prove it yet. This topic relates to genetic in several
Homosexuality is defined or characterized as attraction towards the same gender either male or female. It came from the Greek language, where “homo” means the same or similar, hence referring to the attraction between two beings of the same sex. Homosexuality is also referred as a clinical term. Most male homosexuals generally prefer to be called "gay men" and most homosexual women generally prefer to be called "lesbians." Homosexuality is one of the three main categories of sexual orientation, alongside bisexual and heterosexual. The longstanding consensus of the behavioral and social sciences and the health and mental health professions is that homosexuality is an example of normal and positive variation in human sexual
The nature and nature of homosexuality is heavily debated. Some people believe that homosexuality is biologically determined and others believe it’s base on ones environment. This topic can be argue to be base on both nature and nurture. Studies conducted in the past decades support both the biological and environmental aspect of homosexuality.