
Epilogue To Ayn Rand's 'Anthem'

Satisfactory Essays

Emily Burnett
Honors English II
23 August 2015
Anthem Epilogue It has been many years since the sacred word has been discovered. Since then a lot has changed. I have faced many difficulties trying to create a society that no one else save for Gaea can see. The others, my friends, have trouble comprehending the word ‘I’. This is of no surprise to me but it does complicate things. How can they convince the rest of what they themselves are unsure of? All the same we do have people in our side; it is not as much as we want but it is more than we could have hoped for. Gaea, my beautiful wife, is pregnant with my 3rd child. Gaea and I have raised our sons as we claimed we would. They grew up knowing the sacred …show more content…

“I promise I will be back before the sun has set on the horizon. Lie down and rest, when you awaken I shall be home.” She replied back to me, without hesitance: “If you do not return when you’ve promised me you would, Prometheus…I will come for you.” I smiled and kissed her tenderly. Never will I tire of this freedom nor will I take it for granted. Uttering a last goodbye, I started on my quest to fill my city with citizens.. I walked through the streets as the sun rose over the horizon, past the city cesspool, past the theatre…and into the home of the street sweepers. Without waiting another moment, I woke each of them up. Terror marked their faces as if they had seen a ghost.. “We have not wronged you, Equality 7-2521. We know not why your spirit comes back to haunt us!” It was one of the brothers that I swept streets alongside of that spoke first. That was also the first time in so long that I had heard myself being called Equality again, and it made me shiver with the remembrance that not long ago I did not have a name.Not …show more content…

I assure you I am not dead! I am more alive than you’ve ever seen man before!” Many of the men were shocked and confused with the pronoun I use so freely and unashamedly. The council of the home gasped; their eyes went wide, and their face pale. For I had used and abused the forbidden word not once, but multiple times. They quickly stepped as if to seize me but froze when I pulled an object out of my cloak. I pushed the rectangle switch and the tube glowed with light shining across all of their faces. The electricity had invoked their long buried curiosity and I left there with all of the beings that hadn’t fully caved under the demon word yet. I then visited Gaea’s old place of staying, the Home of the Pheasants. At her request, I swayed a few of her friends to leave with me and help build a new society. Before returning to my beautiful Gaea I stopped at the Palace of Corrective Detention. This was the place I was hoping to find my support at. The locks were still very poorly built and I pushed them open with ease. Upon entering a chamber, there in the middle of the floor was my loyal brother. The one I’d had my mind on saving since I left: International

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