
Episode 1: Castle Grounds

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By Abbi and Madison Turner - 907


SCENE 1 - Castle Grounds

Prince Stefan is shooting arrows into targets. In the background, a giant castle looms. Barely visible on the horizon, there is a very old castle with foliage almost completely covering it.



It had been 100 years since Maleficent had cast her terrible spell and it was almost forgotten that there was a princess locked in a castle, cursed to never sleep again. Prince Stefan had been only told stories from a young age, that a beautiful princess was waiting for her true love to save her. As a child he dreamed that he would one day, be that prince, but as he grew older, those …show more content…

You must die so I can restore peace to my future kingdom!

A fight starts. Maleficent breath fire onto Stefan, but Stefan dodges using extraordinary footwork. There is dramatic music in the background. Stefan and the dragon go on like this for minutes. Finally Stefan manages to throw his sword into Maleficent's heart, killing her.



Foalage the covers the old castle retreats. It seems that with Maleficent gone, her magic has left the world.


With Maleficent killed, Stefan could finally get to the castle and save the sleepless princess.


SCENE 3 - Inside the Old Castle

The walls are cracked from 100 years of abandonment. The walls have holes in them. A princess paces the rooms. She is obviously very tired, eyes are red, hair is messy, but she is still very beautiful. Stefan enters and is immediately in love.



Thank you, you saved me. 100 years ago I was cured to remain ageless, but never sleep by that witch Maleficent. She said that only my true love could save me. After 20 years I just gave up hoping that man existed.


My love, we will always be together now. Let me kiss you, so we can be forever united by by

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