By Abbi and Madison Turner - 907
SCENE 1 - Castle Grounds
Prince Stefan is shooting arrows into targets. In the background, a giant castle looms. Barely visible on the horizon, there is a very old castle with foliage almost completely covering it.
It had been 100 years since Maleficent had cast her terrible spell and it was almost forgotten that there was a princess locked in a castle, cursed to never sleep again. Prince Stefan had been only told stories from a young age, that a beautiful princess was waiting for her true love to save her. As a child he dreamed that he would one day, be that prince, but as he grew older, those
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You must die so I can restore peace to my future kingdom!
A fight starts. Maleficent breath fire onto Stefan, but Stefan dodges using extraordinary footwork. There is dramatic music in the background. Stefan and the dragon go on like this for minutes. Finally Stefan manages to throw his sword into Maleficent's heart, killing her.
Foalage the covers the old castle retreats. It seems that with Maleficent gone, her magic has left the world.
With Maleficent killed, Stefan could finally get to the castle and save the sleepless princess.
SCENE 3 - Inside the Old Castle
The walls are cracked from 100 years of abandonment. The walls have holes in them. A princess paces the rooms. She is obviously very tired, eyes are red, hair is messy, but she is still very beautiful. Stefan enters and is immediately in love.
Thank you, you saved me. 100 years ago I was cured to remain ageless, but never sleep by that witch Maleficent. She said that only my true love could save me. After 20 years I just gave up hoping that man existed.
My love, we will always be together now. Let me kiss you, so we can be forever united by by
Overlooking Casper Lake, sitting high on a dark hillside outside of a small sleepy town in the deep mountains of Colorado, Nightshade Castle looks like it escaped from the pages of Grimm’s fairy tales. Complete with Gothic windows, turrets, towers, steep parapet roofs, crumbling walls, and a courtyard overgrown with shrubs and trees. The Castle has been a landmark and a source of stories about romance, and curses for hundreds of years.
The call to adventure for Maleficent was when Stefan cut her wings. Maleficent ordinary world was her kingdom “The Moor”.
Baker is one of the very first authors to put a spin on the Sleeping Beauty fantasy novels by making the lead character not a sleeping princess. Princess Annie does not have the magical powers that Gwendolyn her sister or other princesses and princes in other kingdoms have. The lack of the mystical powers not only makes her look ordinary but also makes her impervious to spells and curses. However, the lack of magical powers turns out to be a curse and a blessing. For instance, when a cursed spinning well pricks her sister Gwendolyn’s finger, the entire castle is sent into a deep sleep except for her. With the kingdom at its most vulnerable, the curse becomes a blessing given that an awake Annie can work out ways of breaking the curse. Our protagonist is an intelligent, kind and admirable alternative to the usual flawless princess fantasy that most authors serve up. While she was not born with the beautiful looks and magical powers of a princess, over the series she develops a skill set and personality that make it possible for her to navigate a wide variety of situations and gain favor. While she is always reminded that she does not fit the princess ideal, she finds it easy to tri up love and admiration from persons who value her for herself rather than the physical attributes. Her quest also sees her have a lot of humorous fun that is normally reserved for the more beautiful members of the royal
In his childhood he had many dreams. One of his
Clad in metallic, reflective armor, the boy marches through the city streets that he protects every night when he goes to sleep. The world he’s dreamed up has everything he could have imagined- golden sun in the afternoon, tall trees whose leaves shake with every gentle breeze, and the dazzling beauty of the princess he has befriended. The city is ecstatic; the tall castle stands victoriously as the townspeople celebrate their triumph against the wicked witch. However, the boy’s vision changes quickly, as a menacing darkness begins to loom over the sky, and he grips his sword, ready to fight for his kingdom. It seems that he cannot react fast enough, that suddenly the darkness becomes too much for him, and the shadows crawl out from between cracks in the castle wall. Fog creeps over the cobblestoned paths, and the celebration of the joyous citizens is drowned out by a low, ghostly groan. The beautiful summer day has evaporated, the deep grey clouds are rolling through the sky, and the boy notices they’re almost shaped like hands, the same
Once he became king you could say his mental state changed a little bit he started
His fervent and imperious ways were in instilled in her since birth. Knowing the princess’s nature, the king did not just “happen” to find out about their affair it was planned. The fact was obvious, her choice in men was not one of which her father would approve. The discovery was a perfect way to ride her of the youth. She had no future.
Your princess is waiting for you, high in the darkest part of the tower -- locked up. In a fairytale life, the only way the princess is saved is usually by her courageous Knight. He goes through trials and tribulation; fighting evil. Now of course, the Knight gets to the climbs up the tower and save her, so that they can live happily ever after. The Princess is completely dependent on the Prince to save her in order to escape.
The proof of his character demonstrates his own complexity, but little to show for the reasons for his decision. For this, one must look to the final events of the story, and to the very moment of his decision. Here the deep connection between the two lovers is established, as well as his motive. The young man looks for her response without and need to wonder if she had discovered behind which door lay which fate. In addition, it appears that “the only hope for the youth in which there was any element of certainty was based upon the success of the princess in discovering this mystery.” Given the young man’s knowledge of the princess’ own indecision and the fact that his own plan hinged upon her knowledge of the doors’ contents, his reasons for his trust in her become clear. The nature of his plans hinged on the decision of the princess because that decision reveals a core element of her character. Her decision to save him would show her overcoming jealousy and barbarism with compassion. In this scenario, her compassion for her well being indicates that her feelings for him did not end simply because they were discovered, and may even be rekindled in a rebellious reuniting in the future. In the other situation, in which the princess favors her father’s barbarism as well as her own jealousy to condemn him, she has made clear that she no longer cares for him more than she despises the young man with someone else. Thus in
In Sleeping Beauty, the Prince is portrayed a strong and courageous person, he can be seen as a great character because he overcomes many obstacles to be able to help the Princess survive. Although Sleeping Beauty is a fairy tale and is stereotypically more admired by girls, the masculine tale might be liked by the male population because they aspire to be the male hero. Maleficent shows the feminine tale and warns the girls that not men cannot be trusted in some cases, and that there is no need to have a man by your side. A woman can survive on their own using her own intelligence and courage to overcome any obstacle that she might face. For the female population, this change is very important because this “hero” story helps us relate to the character and our desire to do great and special acts (Seger 387). This film proved that a woman is capable of defeating evil, and brings a new perspective into Disney
Welcome back to Current affair I’m joined by Michael Carton who plays Darryl Kerrigan in the much loved film “The Castle” the castle is a iconic Australian movie portraying a battling Australian family living in a low socioeconomic, near and expanding airport. The owner of the airport, air link wants to buy the kerryigan family home amongst others is in the way of the development. Darryl his family and friends mount a high profile high court battle in a successful attempt to protect their homes, this David Goliath battle highlights the Australian attitudes in relation to family and the family home. The concept of the family home as more then a building is reinforced by Wayne Kerrigan is longing to be back in the family home, the love
As soon as she reached the end and trying to regain her breath she looked up to find herself face to face to something she already had seen. The castle, which had pop several times on her visions. A creepy, old looking castle that appearance made it even worse than the forest. Suddenly, a loud noise came from her back .Knowing that it could be the strange figure she needed to hide, but where, so gathering courage she reached to the castle, opened the gates to the inside door and walk in. The inside was dark with only three candles glowing. She called out, hoping someone could hear her, but unexpectedly someone grab her from the back and covered her mouth making it impossible for her to breath. She soon lost consciousness. She later woke up not knowing what had just happened, and found herself tied up in thorns that were cutting her body. Inch by inch blood cover her from the wounds she was getting. She panic and started to kicked and move her body around to try to free herself, but the more she moved the more pain it cause her. Suddenly loud steps were reaching her, she closed her eyes daring not to see. Her whole body was trembling and her heart racing. The sound stop and saw two tall and beautiful men starring at her, but their red crimson eyes and fangs froze her completely.
The top of the castle captures Orson as he uses his hand to feel the structure. When asked if he would like to sit on top of the castle? Orson verbally expresses “yes”. As Orson explores, he begins to repeat his father to gain a deeper understanding and process meaning. Orson shows examples of using private speech during the video (Siren Films, 2009), which is an important aspect in young children’s language development according to Vygotsky and Piaget (Education Portal, 2015).
More specifically this tale takes place in the Victorian Era, in which many of the characters do not reflect the values that were taught open them this time period. Where aggressive and dominating behavior is seen as masculine, and sensitive and submissive acts are considered feminine, Carroll paints a picture of a society where these qualities are switched. The Victorian Era was a strict time for women, where they were expected to act “proper” at all times, especially in public and in the presence of men, emphasizing that a woman was expected to be innocent and almost completely arrogant of intellectual opinion at all times. Additionally, Charles Perrault’s “Sleeping Beauty in the Wood”, demonstrates the traditional expectations upon males at the time, portraying masculine characteristics through the prince. He is shown as a power figure, as his relationship with sleeping beauty expresses his need for dominance as she is the damsel in distress. The tale reads, “A young and gallant prince is always brave, however; so he continued on his way, and presently reached a large forecourt” (Perrault 51). Due to the expectation of bravery, independence and assertiveness upon males, the prince had saved the princess from the 100-year slumber, satisfying his masculinity. Furthermore, an English poet named,
Once upon a time, in a far away land lived a beautiful princess; the fair maiden was fair and kind and in search for her one true love, Prince Charming. She waited in her castle, singing, and brushing her long blonde hair. The princess grew tired of sitting around her castle. The princess decided enough was enough, she would go find her prince instead of waiting for him to come knocking at her castle door. After only a few days of her search, she went walking through the town square, the young men of the kingdom looked up from their blacksmith shops, fish and fruit vendors to smile and bid the princess hello as she waltzed past. Suddenly the young men were interested in her! The kingdom grew worried. Why were they so intrigued by the beautiful maiden in search for her true love, the wondered “There is only logical reason young men are attracted to the princess, it is because she put a love spell on them!” said the head guardsman, a very poised and religious man. “Yes!” agreed his anxious men, “the only way a man is attracted to a beautiful young woman is through the power of the devil!”. “SHE IS A WITCH!!!”, he exclaimed. The guilty, evil witch, princess, is drug from her castle, tied to a steak in the center of the town square right where she had bewitched the young men, and burned to death. While reading this fictional story pulls its audience in for one reason, the idea of fantasy. Fantasy is the idea of something that is invented from one’s imagination since it is only