
Equal Environment Assumption Summary

Satisfactory Essays

Nell Mariutto Behavioral Genetics / Psy 343 Dr. Laura Koenig 1/25/16 Article Summary 1 This article starts off explaining five tests describing the validity of what they called the ‘equal environments assumption’ (EEA). The EEA is a bold concept that states how environmental factors do not contribute to the differences in twins, either monozygotic (MZ) or dizygotic (DZ), and traits in the twins are only different because of their genes, not the environment. It explains five tests that have been done to analyze the legitimacy of this theory, all showing evidence to support it. Another test was conducted as well, on younger children, and it found that even if some young twins had more contact than others, it had no effect on how they behaved. EEA was tested in many studies on adult twins, but not many child twin studies were conducted, so the rest of the article describes one of those …show more content…

Does this have a negative impact on the validity of the study? They had a specific research design, using a survey to get information and with correlations, ANOVAs, and multiple regression studies they calculated the results. If they were to use a different type of study, such as observational, would this test be more valid than the one they used-where they are relying on parents to answer these questions truthfully and accurately? This article has a huge impact in the study of behavioral genetics. It shows validity in the nurture side of the nature-nurture debate. It shows that most of the external similarities in twins is due to genetic influences. There are some invalid points to the study, including how environment influences symptoms of CD, ODD, and hyperactivity. But overall the study was pretty valid and true, giving an interesting perspective to the behavioral genetics

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