
Equal Pay Among Men And Women

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Equal Pay among Men and Women
It has been severally said that women earn less than men in their lifetime. According to (Rubery, et al, 320) in the past few years, women working full time have been earning around eighty percent of what men earn. There is a twenty percent difference. The fact that the difference is for both men and women who work full time discards any explanations based on more women working as part timers which pay less. Does this mean that women choose to work the less paying jobs? This gap has however been narrowing down as years have passed down. Among the younger workers, the gap is much smaller. A hypothetical woman is required to work until mid-April to earn what a man earns in a year if she did the …show more content…

During the World War I, the United States Employment Service printed a list of works that were supposed to be done by women, as men were to join the war. These jobs were initially for men, but men had to be encouraged to join jobs that supported the war. After these jobs had been designated for women, it was expected that the men would quit. As the women were doing the jobs done by men, the National War Labor Board decided that they were to be paid the same. During this period, the equal pay motion was championed by both males and females. Men feared that after the war, the management would retain the women if they did the same work as men. After the war, the fight for equal pay was less active. In 1947, Lewis Schwellenbach, the Secretary of Labor, tried to enact an equal salary amendment bill. He based on the argument that the women paid the same as men for services. Women paid the same for food and rent. Thus, it was right to pay them equally as men. He did not succeed in the bill, but in 1963, President John F. Kennedy approved the Equal Pay Law (DuBose & Renalia, 445). Since then, there have been other wins for, women to earn as men do. Progress has been however slow. To date, there is a gap between men pay, and women pay.
Reasons for gender pay gap As the passing of the Equal Pay Law, it’s been fifty-four

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