
Equal Pay For Equal Work

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Feminism goes back many decades when it practically concerned only a few topics such as suffrage and equal economical standing. Today, however, feminism, a topic that concerns every part of lives of women and men, is a word too broad to point out a specific women’s rights movement. Among all the branches of feminism, one of the most controversial and fiercely debated topics is equal pay for equal work. While equal pay for equal work campaign has achieved some improvements on lives of women, it also represents a continual problem that still has not been completely banished. Women in US are still being discriminated in their workplaces, even though US constantly evolves and changes to follow the flow of time, in which everybody are equal. Thus, in order to meet US’s changing standard of equality, new laws and Supreme Court rulings, such as Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, and the fourteenth amendment, which states that all people are granted equal opportunities, a woman must be guaranteed by law to receive equal pay for equal work as her male counterpart, for otherwise, there is no true equality. Even though the feminism had a powerful kick-off in 1848, in the first Women’s Conference held in Seneca Falls , it only truly blossomed in 1920 when women were granted right to vote and afterwards, in the1960s when many women questioned their identity and unjust discrimination against women. However, the feminism in 1920s, 1960s, 1990s, and 21st century were fundamentally different.

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