The story “Anthem” by Ayn Rand is written in the form of a journal owning to a boy living in the future named Equality 7-2521. In this future that he lives in people have lost all knowledge of what it is to be an individual; one with his own perspective. Everyone in this time lives and works in groups, with facets of life dictated by the Councils. Among these councils there are the Council of Vocations, council of Scholars, and a few others. On the day that each person is a assigned a job, Equality 7-2521 is assigned to menial job cleaning the streets. As time goes by he rebels against socialism by conducting secret scientific research. Through time and research Equality 7-2521 was able to recreate electric light; electricity. He then goes
Equality 7-2521 is introduced to us as the main character and narrator of Ayn Rand’s beautify written novel, Anthem. He is a twenty-one year old street sweeper for the council of vocations, who displays an extraordinary amount of intellect and pride. His ambition in life is to join the council of scholars as a scientist, but the scholars fear he has evil seeping through his bones. To break his spirit they assign him to work as a street sweeper and discourage his mental intellect. He has always been a man a little too curious of his surrounding and discovers a secret tunnel on his way to the theater with International 4-8818. Eventually Equality 7-2521 will begin to passionately develop many experiments in his hidden sanctuary at night.
The book Anthem is taking place in a collectivist society. Evidences that proves this existence includes laws within the society, similar clothings, same opportunities, and “group before individual” thinking style. Its people have routine rules depending on their age. There are leaders and then, there are its followers. Its followers are wired to believe that it is a sin to think about yourself before anyone. They are to replace the word “I” to “we”. Their futures are not in their control but the leaders. In a way, it’s the same as being imprisoned in a labyrinth. Equality 7-2521 is the main protagonist and he is 21 years old. He is different from his brothers because he thinks in an individual way. He did not report the secret tunnel he found.
He walked courageously to the Council of Vocations. His hands tightly gripped a case that’s smaller than a kid’s shoebox. He came to present his invention, but it was going to be like teaching a baby about algebra. Equality 7-2521, later named Prometheus, is the main character in Ayn Rand’s novel Anthem. It sets in the future but the people are living in the past. This dystopian novel is about mankind set in the future timeline going through another Dark Age. It revolves around Equality 7-2521’s actions and thoughts. It also speaks of the society Equality 7-2521 lives in and its rules and regulations, but why do they have those laws? What is their purpose and does Equality 7-2521 apply those rules to his version of his society?
“...we waited for the earth to rise and strike us in the face. But we ran. We knew not where we were going. We knew only that we must run, run to the end of our days.”-Equality 7-2521 in Ayn Rand’s Anthem. Equality 7-2521 was always been different. He wanted to become a scholar but became a street sweeper instead. One day he meets Liberty 5-3000. They fall in love but this against the law. When Equality discovers electricity he show the council of scholars. The council disapproves of his ideas and Equality runs away to the forest. Liberty secretly followed. They find a house in the forest and start a new life together. Doing this Equality 7-2521 shows that he is a complex character with character traits such as determination, curiosity, and
Throughout the book Anthem, written by Ayn Rand, Equality 7-2521 changes his perspective on how he views the leaders of society. As he starts to realize that there is more meaning to his life than he previously thought, he changes his view which leads him to start thinking of himself as an individual instead of just another member of his society. He no longer accepts the way his government is telling him to live his life as a proper way to live. Equality 7-2521, is correct in denouncing his leaders of their morality as he finally starts to realize that the leaders are hindering him and the rest of the society from expanding their knowledge in development of technology and advancements in the medical field.
In the book Anthem, Equality 7-2521 risks his life just so he can find himself individually. The society that he lives in is a society where all men do the same job and are forbidden to have their own thoughts. Equality 7-2521 is a guy that is fascinated with the phenomena of nature and can’t help but wonder what power of the sky causes lightning and how it can be harnessed to human benefit. When Equality 7-2521 discovered a tunnel in an uncharted forest, he secretly started to perform scientific experiments that led to the creation of electricity. He knows that he is taking risks by showing the World Council of Scholars his invention, but he thinks that his invention could change the world for the better.
Ayn Rand wrote a short novel called Anthem. Anthem is similar to the known movie The
In the novel Anthem by Ayn Rand, the leading character , Equality 7-2521, lives in a collectivist society where the citizens have no control over their thoughts, actions, or lives. They are brainwashed to believe that the outcome of working together is righteousness, and working individually is evil. This is the basic standard in which this society lives in, therefore the citizens replace “I” with “We” in their thoughts, speaking, and writings. At the close of the book, Equality 7-2521 becomes an egoist, his new philosophy is that he needs to work for the good of himself, and based on the society he was raised in, the reader could agree with Equality’s new ideology about living life.
The novella, Anthem by Ayn Rand, Is written in the first person point of view. Although the reader may be tricked due to the fact that the author commonly uses words such as, we, were, and our. In the first chapter of the novel, Equality 7-2521, the main character, says “Our name is Equality 7-2521, as it is written on the iron bracelet which all men wear on their left wrists with their names upon it” (6). Equality 7-2521 is not talking about a group of people when he says “our name”, he is only talking about himself. Yet, the society which he lives in (a post, Dark Age version of the world) does not allow him to use the word “I” along with the word “ego”, unless he wants to be punished by death. This becomes clearer to the reader at the end
The first few pages had me wonder why those rules were placed upon people. Why was being different a bad thing, did it make people superior than others? In the first paragraph it says, “IT IS A SIN TO WRITE THIS. It is a sin to think words no other think and to put down upon a paper no others to see. It is base and evil” (Rand 17). The narrator explains that no one has the right to write with Council of Vocations telling them to do so. They had many limitations. The main character, Equality 7-2521, does not quite fit in like everyone else. He is tall and he tells us that it is evil. It is a sin to be different from the others. He tries to fit in but it does not work. Everyone must be the same. He slowly begins to not follow
“Is it sin to write this.” Anthem is fictional novel that wrote about others life who doesn’t own their freedom, and whose live life under commands.
We base our morals off of society. If society says something is a sin, the majority of us agree that it is a sin. So naturally, when Equality 7-2521 is told that writing for just himself is a sin, he believed it was. Had he been told differently, he would have thought differently. Throughout the story, he continued to believe that writing for just himself was a sin.
A spiritual, mental, or emotional awakening places one into the position of a child, allowing one to choose their path from that on. Anthem, written by Ayn Rand describes a character named Equality who is a citizen of a “perfect” society. At a young age, he realizes he is an outcast for always wanting to learn more information, and is eventually given the job of a mindless Street Sweeper. While working, he discovers a hidden tunnel, he creates a light bulb using electricity, and shows this incredible invention to the World Council who immediately rejects it and causes him to run away and start a new life in the forest. Siddhartha, written by Herman Hesse, tells the journey of a young Brahmin who leaves his wealth to find Nirvana. Along his
In the dark ages many lack the intelligence of simple knowledge. The lack of knowledge leaves one without correct judgement. In the city of Anthem numerous of rules are proposed to serve “equality”. In such place one is contained in a mental state of obedience to what they believe is correct. Apparently the rules and regulations in the city of Anthem were to assure that no individual is more superior than another, yet achieve justice incorrectly. Words such as “I”, “him”, or even “her” were forbidden due to the fact that, that proved inequality, because if one is referring to another or themselves as and individual you place yourself apart from society causing you to think highly or poorly of yourself. They tried to depict a world of equality by
Individuality is held captive by people who have conformed. Development into a individual takes plenty of strife but will lead to finally discovering one's true self. Equality from Ayn Rand novella Anthem is broken down by others, but eventually will come out victorious and empowered to walk his own path. Others negativity and lack of knowledge pushed Equality to reach for his goals and never give up. He is extremely motivated to establish a world where information isn’t limited and people are able to live the way they want to. Equality has finally uncovered his purpose and is willing to fight for it. Equality’s mindset generated as a reaction from the nurture he received made it capable for him to defeat any opposition that came his way.