
Equality And Inequality In Society

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The word equality as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary is “The state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities.”, so is everyone in our country equal? In America today, equality has not yet been achieved for all people. Some reason for this include: People of color are not treated the same and women in today’s society are not treated the same as men.

First, people of color are not treated the same in the U.S today. For example, minorities tend to make less money. Median weekly income for black and Hispanic men and women are significantly less than white men and women. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2017, “Among the major race and ethnicity groups, median weekly earnings for Black men working at full-time jobs were $744, or 77.1 percent of the median for White men ($965). The difference was less among women, as Black women's median earnings ($658) were 83.2 percent of those for White women ($791).”. Income inequality is a gateway to overall inequality because in today's society if you make less money than someone you are seen as less of a person than them. This is because we value money so much in our society that we let it dictate who we are as people, and that’s not right-- not right at all. Another racial inequality present in our country is that minorities are treated differently by cops. Minorities are more likely to be victims of nonfatal force and verbal force by police officers. Further, the Bureau of Justice Statistics,

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