
Equality In America

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According to Robert Kohls, “Equality is, for Americans, one of their most cherished values.” In recent years this value has been vanishing from society. I disagree with Mr. Kohl’s ideas on the value of equality. I feel that in many social situations today people do not treat each other equally. In American society, equality is still one of our most revered values but in some ways we have created a new meaning of equality when it comes to other Americans or immigrants in our country, and the way their status is perceived.

Ever since the United States was established, equality has always been the meaning of America; a symbol of hope, freedom, and the chance to have a fair life as well as many of the opportunities most Americans expect. Immigrants …show more content…

America has had its struggles with issues on equality and many still continue to arise. From the Women’s Rights Movement to equality for African Americans, we have created a sense of assurance in having all of our rights secured through historic documents and laws.

With the state of today’s economy and the disorganization of our government, many of our American values are being tested. Many people suffer from the effects of these hard times such as losing their jobs and not being able to support themselves or their families. Some also feel that they are not treated fairly, or believe that have no say in what affects their lives. One example of this is found in equality issues for women. Throughout our history women have struggled to maintain equality whether it is in the workplace or school. They have a harder time finding jobs than men and when they do, women do not receive the same benefits as their male counterparts. An article written by Jessica Valenti and …show more content…

Many come to America in the search for a better life, a job, or just to escape problems in their native country. Those that come for the jobs work for a lower salary and find employment in menial jobs that many Americans are not willing to do. They do not receive as many benefits as some Americans may get in the same position. I do not believe that is fair for an immigrant who has become a legal, American citizen to not benefit from the same compensations, but there are some cases were these immigrants are “playing the system.” They will work for long periods of time, and lower wages. According to an article by Patrick Buchanan, it is believed that 8.5 million U.S. jobs are held by illegal immigrants (Buchanan). I don’t believe that it is fair that they are not legal citizens and can have a job over an American citizen who can’t find work at

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