My local political party, recently our President claimed that inequality is the “defining challenge of our time,” but today I stand before you to challenge that notion in its entirety. I do not wish to demean such enthusiastic thinking, but I would like to indicate that this notion acts under the assumption that there is equality. How can we fix inequality if in its premise it is immeasurable? Instead, we should focus our efforts on the more pressing challenges in our own community such as hunger or the illegal drug epidemic. The issue with inequality is that it only exists in theory. For example, redistribution of wealth was presented as a seemingly plausible solution in the President’s remarks, but it has been tested throughout history
Inequality, a subject that usually focuses on developing countries or communistic governments, is now a topic that no longer focuses predominantly on these foreign nations; but rather one that lies here, on our own soil. The United States has one of the largest socioeconomic gaps on earth. In terms of dollars, our gap is greater than a majority of impoverished countries. In a country like Chad, someone could earn a thousand dollars a year and another
Income inequality is one of the greatest problems facing the United States today. It is important for everyone to understand what this means and why this is a problem.
One of the main topics discussed during this political science course is the political and economic inequality that has recently risen to staggering levels in the United States. Although political and economic inequality seem to be some of the most pressing issues we face today, little has been done to close the gap between the middle and upper classes. By looking at how our government and society behaves, one can see why the inequality barrier is such a difficult obstacle to overcome. Politicians may be more focused on staying in the good favor of their party than their people, but they are still elected by the majority. If more citizens took a more proactive approach to politics, social movements would be more successful and more balance would be brought to the political spectrum; however, money, powerful officials, and a general lack of interest prevent the government from maintaining a system that benefits everyone equally.
In the united states in american society.Men and women are treated unequal at times i think still thre is a little bit of unfairness. in the way they are being treated.such as them having a jail sentence. The men getting less time and the women getting more time depending on if the judge likes her or not.The system of unequality is in effect.because there are still unfairness in the way every man and woman are being treated.there are some equalitys in the and woman are supposed to be treated equal.That is what people are fighting over people are still fighting for their
Inequality is ubiquity in our world, most people are looking at the downside or the surface of this phenomenon. In fact, that inequality is the drive of historical and social progress.
Living in a peaceful world would mean that no one (and I mean NO ONE) would go hungry or be without basic medical care; denying individuals access to food, clean water and basic medical care is both in-humane as well as ignorant. The inhumanity of denying food to individuals who cannot by no fault of their own feed themselves when we have supermarkets, refrigerators, and pantries over flowing a bounty of food. Turning away from a person who is hungry, while the US as a nations spends more on its household pets than it does in donations to local food bangs demonstrates ignorance of our understanding that perhaps the stem of violence both here and overseas could be stymied if we’d only offered not only bags of rice but a safe place to grow
As an American, we revel in our freedoms. Not everything is free, however, we have laws that were created for safety. They help keep everyone happy, alive and well. The foundation for these laws came from the founding fathers; they wished for Americans alive then, alive now, and alive years from now feeling safe and free. However, there are fatal flaws in the documents created by the founding fathers. These documents are not effective in establishing and preserving freedoms of Americans because they confined the definition of a valued American to white males as well as allowed the means of corruption to enter our laws through lack of rigidity.
Income Inequality is a tough policy issue to tackle and relate to the texts the class has been assigned to read. This particular policy issue is rather difficult to give insight on because income inequality is widespread and immense, yet most of Washington and mainstream America will not address this critical matter in question that is happening all over the country. Beliefs are blinding the majority of America when it comes to how money is distributed throughout the social classes and minorities in this nation. Americans have a distorted view of how unequal the pay gap is between the top 20% and the bottom 40%, according to Nicholas Fitz (2015). For instance, in the first study done by Michael Dorton and Dan Ariely, 5,000 Americans guessed that the richest 20% own 59% of the wealth and the bottom 40% own 9% of the wealth (Fitz. 2015). Consequently, the actual statistics are that the top 20% own more than 84% of the wealth, whereas the bottom 40% own a scarce amount of the wealth of 0.3% (Fitz.2015). Elitist view of power, also, is another term that relates to this issue of income inequality due to how government in this country, with regards to how only a few people with power actually know economically, what is happening in America, leaving the majority of American citizens in the dark about how money flows and how discrimination of minorities is hindering their ability to earn livable wages (Fitz.2015). The Federal Poverty Level which is based on the amount of income
Social inequality exists in the United States through the Elite’s power to maintain their dominance in the United States capitalist system. The Elite Ruling class is made of the upper class and this class of individuals share similar ideology and are the members of the United State’s Superstructure. The Elite Ruling Class members of society are the decision and policy makers in the United States. Research and history has proven that many policies and decisions made by the Elite Ruling Class serve their own interest and promote their ideas. These decisions are the source of the inequality in the United States and it contributes to their ability to maintain their dominant status. The inequality is trickled down to the other classes through social policy and social institutions that affect our lives everyday citizens. A major example of this social inequality can be seen in the United States housing market or home ownership. A significant amount of studies, statics and data supports the evidence of social inequality within the US housing market or home ownership. The following passages will discuss social inequality in the United States as it is connected to Karl Marx’s theory of capitalism’s power and influence of the Elite Dominant i.e. the Ruling Class view as it relates to homeownership within the United States. Karl Marx’s theory however focuses mostly on economic s and the difference between upper and lower class not race. It is also important to point out that the Elite
If so then why is there something known as inequality! As was stated before there are two sides to inequality, whether it is positive nor even negative. One of the major positive things coming from inequality involves the idea that it is something that gives a person an urge with the incentive of working hard to get to where they want to be. If they don't make as much money as they would like to, they will definitely be a lot more motivated to work a lot harder in order to achieve that goal of theirs. Those are the type of people who we want running our world, whether it is from being our next doctor to even becoming the next president. It is quite different for everyone, a beautiful blond with rich parents would definitely have a different experience than someone who migrated from Mexico. Even though it may be easier for that beautiful woman to become successful, that does not mean success is impossible for that one person who came to the United States for a better future. All it would take would be hard work and dedication and anything is possible, for anyone even though the world may think otherwise. This is only one of the few positive incomes of inequality, but there are definitely more negatives than positives when it comes to this
(1) The question of economic and social mobility is important to the question of inequality because less economic and social mobility is an indicator of inequality. Unequal access to resources for children in their formative years, affordable higher education, private business ownership, and inheritances all perpetuate weak economic and social mobility.
The United States was built on the foundation of freedom and equality for all, and it prides itself in the idea that everyone is treated equally and has the same opportunity for success. However, this equality has continuously proven to simply be an idea as it has not been practiced since the birth of the country. The reality is that the United States is a country that was actually constructed by inequality and injustice. The land itself was taken from the Native Americans and the hard labor needed to build the country was done by African slaves. The group to enjoy the freedoms and liberties has been white Americans and they are at the top of the social hierarchy and have access to all the privileges and mobility, yet this fact is unremittingly
The OECD says that since the mid- 1990s more than half of all jobs created in the member states has been in non-standard work. According to the members, households that depend on such work have higher poverty rate than other household and that this has led to greater inequality. In 34 states is says that 10% of the population earn 9.6 times the income of the poorest 10%. Some believe it’s because of the wide gap in education. It is happening in the most unequal countries, which leads to leads effective workforce. There is no difference in inequality but some studies showed that it slowed down during the financial crisis and now it is growing again.
Franz Boas said, “If we were to select the most intelligent, imaginative, energetic, and emotionally stable third of mankind, all races would be present.” Your parents’ prosperity and fortune do not determine the level of opulence that you are able to achieve in your life, neither does the color of your skin. The meaning of equality is that two or more things are the same or identical. Even if they have one or two characteristics that are equal they will not have equivalent qualities. People think that if you have an unfair advantage then they should be blessed with the same advantage, but an advantage isn’t really an advantage. When one person is born into a wealthy white family and one is born into a poor black family they both have the same
Inequality, in this world, is a gigantic problem. And, I was one of the people who got categorized by it. In my neighborhood, my house was the smallest house. Every day, my mom and I would be sleeping on the dirt, while all the others are sleeping on their bed; we would listen to the cricket, while all the other would listen to music; we pick up a garbage for money, while the rest works in the office. Why? We are poorer than the others. Poor and rich are two very distinctive words, as distinctive as the people who gets categorized by them. From the history until now, many advocates for equality. Yet, there isn't a "real" equality. Today, inequality is a very big gap between people. It separates two groups of people: the extremely poor ones and the extremely wealthy ones. The wealthier ones get wealthier, and the poorer ones get even poorer. Many people have asked for the cause, as much as many people who have sought for solutions. Yet, neither of those questions have been answered. Well, in my opinion, economy, societies, and people themselves... all plays some roles in causing an inequality between the poor and the wealthy people in our society to rise rigidly.