In the vietnam war they used heavy duty equipment like tank.”M48 Patton medium tank, M551 Sheridan, Centurion main battle tank (Australia). The American used a few Sherman M4A3-M4A6 medium tanks in Vietnam (The M4 Sherman medium tank was the most common Allied tank used in World War II.) However, by the time the Korean War had ended, the Americans had, for the most part, replaced the Sherman with more modern tanks. The North Vietnamese Army and the Viet Cong were supplied with Soviet tanks: the T-34/85 medium tank, which was first used during World War II, the T-54 main battle tank and the PT-76 light amphibious tank. The Chinese supplied the North Vietnamese with the the Type 59 main battle tank (their version of the T-54), the Type 62 light …show more content…
Two PT-76s were destroyed by M48s. A third PT-76 exploded when it struck a mine”( also used trucks like”M-151 MUTT,M422A1 MIGHTY-MITE 1/4 TON TRUCK,M718 AMBULANCE,M-38A1 JEEP,UAZ-469,M-561 GAMA GOAT,M-35A1C DROPSIDE,M818 5 TON TROOP/CARGO TRUCK”( the vietnam war trucks and tanks where a very key roll in taking over land.In the war they had to find a way to take down planes so they made anti aircraft guns”Anti-aircraft guns and ammunition constituted the bulk of the early Chinese and Soviet air defense assistance, a mixture of heavy (85-130mm), medium (57mm) and light (23mm) artillery with associated search and fire-control radars. The heavy artillery would harass the incoming flights, and the medium and light artillery would concentrate on the lead aircraft as the American planes approached their target. Hundreds of men and women, even high school students, entered air defense training in what the Vietnamese and their allies feared was a race against time”(”Throughout the Army’s history, artillery, the “King of Battle,” has played an important, often decisive, role on the
An M16 Assault rifle would be weapon to carry in a warzone as well as the rounds that go with the gun. As a second item a minesweeper would be an essential weapon against the masses of mines that were used in the Vietnam war. A Combat radio would be useful which is better than yelling in the environment where silence is needed. On Average the M16 weighed 7.5 pound whereas the ammo weighs .7 pounds, the radio weighed a staggering 26 pounds.
With this new and improved anti-aircraft tank it became one of the perfect air defense weapon systems for potential low-altitude threats, with the M55 Quad 50 as its only rival in versatility. Known as the ‘Whispering Death’, the M55 Quad 50 consisted of four Browning M2 .50-caliber machine guns mounted in a power turret on a deuce and a half (2 ½) or 5 ton truck (“ADA Units in Vietnam”, n.d.). “Generally speaking…Quads could not go cross-country in support for maneuver units. But in operations away from established road nets where heavy machine-gun support was needed, it was possible to slingload the Quad with the CH-47 helicopter” (Charles E. Kirkpatrick, in “Arsenal”, Vietnam magazine,
Weapons in WW1 could decide who would win and who would lose. Newer weapons were brought into the War constantly as they were the most efficient in destroying and making other weapons useless. Making them more powerful for this reason making the death count rise double- time, however, not for long…
Centuries before the Korean War, wars were long and painful events that any man could ever go through. Troops would match from countries to countries, crossing mountains, trial through the forest, and wander the desert to meet with their enemy in battle. The only problem with the troops traveling so far for so long is that before the war ever starts, the men were fatigued and casualty rates were higher than they should be. By the Korean War, an amazing machine was introduced to the military ranks, turning the tide in warfighting and troop survivability. UH-1 Huey Helicopter, or Utility Helicopter, was the one machine that was created by Bell that change the concept in warfighting and giving the United States the upper hand in war. On several
In the post-World War II era, the Army had been training for another sophisticated, force-on-force war, like that in Europe, by developing new techniques and weapons based on lessons learned fighting the Germans. However, there were tensions building in Vietnam over the spread of communism beginning in the mid-1950s, leading to a proxy war between the United States and Russia. In a conventional ground war, maneuver forces were usually dispersed along a “line” facing the enemy. Combat support activities, including the field artillery, were located in the rear where they were used to engage the enemy forward of this “front line”. Due to the unconventional nature of the conflict in Vietnam, it was clear that new field artillery techniques would need to be developed yet again due to insufficient numbers and lack of mobility. The field artillery would not be
Protest! But sitting or kneeling on the National Anthem doesn’t resolve anything. All it has done is bring attention to this athlete. Who is under performing in the first place. Put your money where your mouth or in this case is protest is. Not only is he a millionaire but 90% of all his friends are. Create a mindshare group of your buddies, develop a plan and find a way to implement it - MAKE A DIFFERENCE to those who you claim you’re protesting for. You truly have the money, fame and platform to do something positive.
Likewise, the Vietcong received weapons, supplies, and heavy armaments, such as tanks, from the Russians and Chinese which made the resistance even greater than the U.S. and its allies' forces put together. This was evidenced clearly during the Korean war when the U.N. and U.S. forces arrived to Korea and forced the North Korean forces back to the 38th parallel and were even about to take North Korea as well, but as this was about to occur, the "human waves" created by the Chinese soldiers were introduced into Korea, retaking North Korea and forcing the allied forces out of Korea absolutely. Correspondingly, when the U.S. introduced its forces into Vietnam, the Vietcong received much support from Russia mainly but also from China, which turned the tide of the encounter and lead the communist Vietnamese to victory. On a more detailed level, during the mid of the conflicts, there were also several similar points. Operations on behalf of the U.S. had similar results, such being the case with "Rolling Thunder" and "search and destroy" tactics during the Vietnam war and the attack on North Korea after having taken the 38th parallel during the Korean War.
The Things They Carried is a story based on the experiences of young American soldiers fighting during the Vietnam War. The story begins giving you insight into the thoughts of the soldiers, describing to you what they humped along with them through their walk in the deep jungle of Vietnam. Some of those things were necessities P-38 can openers, pocket knives, heat tabs, wristwatches, dog tags, mosquito repellent, chewing-gum, candy, cigarettes, salt tablets (81) and some were objects to give them hope. Throughout the story you follow a young platoon of men on their journey through the jungle never knowing which day could be the last day of their lives. The author, Tim O’Brien, using very accurate description and detail gives us
(INTRODUCTION) In August 1964, Vietnamese DRV torpedo boats attacked two U.S. destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin. President London B. Johnson ordered the retaliatory bombing of military targets in North Vietnam. Shortly after the incident, U.S. congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, giving President Johnson war-making powers, and U.S. planes began regular bombing raids (Reference ). In Vietnam, the US enjoyed virtual air supremacy. Nevertheless, Air Defense Artillery (ADA) units were able to distinguish themselves and prove their versatility by providing fire support to ground forces. ADA earned more than 450 medals for valor, receiving more than 1000 Purple Hearts, and one Congressional Medal of Honor awarded to SGT Mitchell Stout (Reference ). Despite there being no confirmed aerial engagements, Air Defense Artillery played a vital role in the Vietnam War, and were at times crucial to battle success, proving their versatility, adaptability, flexibility.
In the beginning of the war the weapon of choice for the support troops was the M1 Carbine. The carbine was half the weight and held a less powerful cartridge than its brother, the M1 Garand. They
First, we will discuss ground vehicle advances. The Jeep was invented in World War Two. It was used as basic transportation for troops. After the war, the Jeep became more popular and was then used as a production vehicle for the public. Tanks of World War One were very primitive and very ineffective. In World War Two, the tank was one of the most important vehicles used. Leading up to World War Two, tanks were made more powerful, faster, lighter, and stronger. Tank warfare was very important in World War Two. All countries involved in the war were producing their own models of tanks. By the end of the war, the Allies had developed a new kind of tank. It had no big guns on it. It was a troop transportation vehicle that was heavily armored. Transportation vehicles were very important in the war. Without transportation, there is no efficient way to move troops. All of these vehicles were very important in the history of war.
The United States battle tactics did not fare well against an unseen enemy, who rarely presented himself in a full-scale battle, but rather picked at units one by one. A conversation between a colonel in the U.S. army and a colonel in the Vietnamese communist army summed up the guerilla warfare tactics used: "You know you never defeated us on the battlefield," said the American Colonel. The North Vietnamese Colonel pondered this remark for a moment. "That may be so," he replied, " but that is also irrelevant." The revolutionaries in Vietnam used hit and run attacks. They would assault small groups of soldiers, by sneaking up on them. This worked well, because it allowed the Viet Minh to avoid bigger battles, which they were not trained for. They knew that the U.S. soldiers were unfamiliar with the battlegrounds and jungles, so they used this weakness to their advantage, by being able to move more quickly and stealthily than the U.S. troops. They also knew how to
What were the causes for the excess and the abandonment of equipment for Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom?
of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) and U.S. forces, but fire had also been directed at
The production team also made sure the weapons and vehicles were historically correct as well. To me, those are two of the things I would notice when it comes to viewing historically re-enacted war movies. I have seen too many movies where the weapons or vehicles that are from the wrong era ruin the movie and therefore destroying its historic value. However, in this movie, the production team hired a company called Cinema Weaponry who furnished and restored some 250 weapons for the Air Calvary soldiers including M-79 40mm grenade launchers, M-60 machine guns, 45-calibur pistols and M-16E1 assault rifles. The Vietnamese used anything from French and Russian surplus rifles including the MAT-49 submachine gun and PPS-43 rifles. Since few actual AK-47 were around, they made custom replicas of the Ak-47s. Over all, the costume and prop departments for this movie did an extraordinary job to simulate and recreate the Battle of Ia Drang in 1965.