Retell: Today’s class gave students to reflect on a recent field trip they had at the Eric Harvey ranch, the students were given the opportunity to learn about Eric Harvey and his family. Mrs. Danckuck had organized an activity with the class which allowed them to reflect on the field trip and their personal experience. The activity she created consisted of four posters around the classroom with different headings like; “What fascinated you most?,” “What questions do you have?,” “What did you accomplish?” And “What are you unsure of ?” Each student was given different coloured post-it’s and was give 10 minutes per poster to ananamousls add their thoughts on sticky notes. After each student had the opportunity to put post-its on every poster …show more content…
As children are still learning they do not have distinct experiences thus far to be able to determine what is wrong, right, impossible and possible. The teachers job is to help them learn this information, even if the child does not know the right questions to ask. Inquiry based learning is how the teacher is expected to teach the new information so they will truly understand the knowledge.In an inquiry, each activity must build the necessary understanding to accomplish the task. Mrs Danchuk was able to develop inquiry based learning with there students by having them to think on a deeper level within a tie frame she is enabling critical thinking in students. In addition, a common goals that educators bring to the classroom, and interdisciplinary instruction and exploration promotes realization of these objectives. My mentor teacher accomplished this by engaging students and helping them to develop knowledge, insights, problem-solving skills, self-confidence, self-efficacy, and a passion for learning. Mrs. Danchuck also included discipline based learning in the lesson by discussing each stick note and making it relatable to the students, she was able to help students develop a better understanding. In the reading one of the main concepts discussed in discipline based learning describes how students learn and gain more knowledge when they understand the ways
Jerry Harvey was born in 1961[2] and raised in St. Louis, Missouri. His first break in the music business occurred in 1980, when the Gland Slam Superjam rock tour starring April Wine, Judas Priest, and Sammy Hagar was performing at the St. Louis Busch Stadium. While Harvey was tinkering on his 1978 red Pontiac Trans Am, Hagar's people approached him on the street and asked to borrow his car in exchange for free tickets. They then used Harvey's car to drive on stage during Hagar's anthem "Trans Am (Highway Wonderland)."[1]
What do you imagine when you think of Kansas? When I think of Kansas, I think of a very dry, flat state with lots of farming. Just because we are not the most popular state in the United States, it does not mean that we do not have cool history. Most people do not realize that Kansas has had some very successful people. One individual that inspired me is Fred Harvey.
Way began hanging up poster boards around the classroom containing various statements. We were put into groups by counting to eight. The remaining time in class we spent analyzing, discussing, and in my group’s case debating, the statements. One of the statements was, “A nation of sheep begets a government of wolves.” While reading through the quotes, my group found them to have deeper meanings that can be interpreted in a variety of different ways. We spent lots of time conversing about what we should actually write on the poster. By the end of the activity we all just hurriedly wrote down our own opinions. This activity took all of the remaining class time. But Mrs. Way was quick to remind us of our two hour period today. As students’ eyes drifted toward the clock, Mrs. Way swiftly regained our attention. One of the worksheets that we had picked up at the beginning of class was part of our homework. Mrs. Way promised it was easy, then explained for the assignment all we had to do was highlight the words from Act 1 in the definition part of the packet. As the bell rung all thirty one of us made our way out the
The teacher wrote down all of the students predictions on the board before they began reading so that while they were reading, if they were asked to evaluate their initial predictions they were able to look back at the board and see what they were and compare. When the students did come across a part of the story that was related to their predictions, the teacher would call on a student to read aloud that part of the story and then discuss with their peers and see if that made any of their predictions correct or did not match their predications at all. When the students were finished reading the story the teacher asked the students what was the story about and then called on some students to share their answers with the class. Then she explained to the students that the whole purpose of the story was to never give up after your first try. The teacher also asked the students if each page of the story was fiction or nonfiction and then she had them explain their answers as a class. Some of the student got fiction and nonfiction confused so the teacher took a minute and explained what each of them meant. The teacher then asked the students why they think that she made them read this story. One student responded and said because we may face similar problems in our life like the children in the story. When it was the students turn to read a page from the story the teacher would first let the student read the sentence aloud and take their
The content area observed was Math. Mrs. “P” began the class by pointing out the different math problems that were written on the white board and that the students had been working on this week, her goal was to do a class review.
Once the students arrived and pushed their parents out they were given center options. Each day the centers were different because Ms. Danielle wanted to introduce new center toys and options and give the students a variety of options. After centers Ms. Danielle assigned students a spot on the reading rug she called these picture spots because on the carpet were different pictures. To assign each students picture spot she turned it in a game it was an I spy game. Ms. Danielle would call out the student’s name and then show them a card. On the card was their picture spot and the students had to walk around the rug and find their spot. Once they found their spot miss Danielle gave them the card. Once every student found their spot Ms. Danielle collected the cards and I hung them up during nap time on the wall to remind students if they ever forgot where they were supposed to sit. While Ms. Danielle read to the students Ms. Stephanie and I prepared lunch. When story time was over students were dismissed to wash hand, and find a seat for lunch. After lunch some students were picked up while others were to
Ms. Welling create an environment that encourages curiosity by making the students to cultivate their learning environment by asking “what is in box “ that encourages children’s engagement to think, problem and independent creating idea that this a critical learning class. At the beginning none of the students knew what the box is. She makes the student think about what they see in the classroom and what is going on. She tried to let the students think out of the box and she make series of examples until the student the idea of what is going on in the classroom. It is a slower process but at end the students got the idea of what critical thinking about. The children to feel a sense of belonging and as well as allowing them opportunities
In this hour students had a 15 minute break instead of recess since it was raining and they were not able to go out. After the recess, Ms. Baylor announced the results of the spelling test and the ones who had scored 100 on the test were asked to come in the front so that the rest of the class could clap for them. Students were then divided into learning centers. Students seemed very actively engaged in their respective centers and were following directions as they moved from center to center after every 20 minutes.
The objective 1(c)1.(i) was met in this course by the Inquiry and Integrated research papers that were written. The Inquiry paper assisted in meeting this objective by addressing specific theories that helped aid in proof about inquiry teaching. The inquiry paper also assisted in meeting this objective because it discussed different tools of inquiry that researchers discovered teachers would benefit from using inside of the classroom. The Integrated research paper assisted in meeting objective 1(c)1.(i) by discussing how academic disciplines can be connected through a specific lesson. Integrated curriculum was discussed in depth in the research paper and talked about the importance of facts and central concept principles.
Today was sad day as it was my last day with Mrs. Freeman’s 5th grade class. The class was at recess playing soccer and basketball. We went inside and worked on the integrated unit they were working on an article written by a slave owner who was looking for its slave that had run away. They talked about how it was intriguing, disturbing, interesting, and confusing. They were put into groups to figure out different questions to ask or what they wanted to know more about the advertisement. The second group came in and they started to work on a worksheet that talked about the primary source and how they would know if it was an advertisement. They worked on the different questions they would want to have answers to. The students really got stuck
While students are reading this book, I will prompt them to write post-it notes on their thoughts. This allows them to actively read and construct meaning while reading instead of just glancing over the pages. I will instruct the students to to write post its on things that confused them, things that struck an emotion, predictions, and connections to self, other text, or the world. Once the students are done post it noting the book, they will take out the post-its and put them into their notebook. I will put them into small groups to discuss their post it note
Then, homework review begins and since the students had previously had an entire week off from school due to the Thanksgiving break this took a bit longer than usual since, the class required more review. The homework was about the use of plural and proper nouns. As she went over the answers she had to remind the students the definition of plural and proper nouns and gave them many examples. After, she called on random students by picking wooden craft sticks with students’ names on them and asked each one to construct their own sentences using plural and proper nouns but also reminded them to incorporate adjectives in their sentences so they could “paint a story with words.”
Understanding cognition and how we learn is essential in the developmental stages of children. Not all students learn in the same way, understanding the cognitive process will assist in the development of the students. By modifying my approach when giving instructions I have noticed growth in current students that I am working with. Using concrete materials and giving the opportunity for students to be involved in hands-on activities on a daily basis, is essential in making new material meaningful to learners.. The knowledge gained from this topic has increased my understanding and is benefiting the children I am currently
In order to teach successfully teachers must learn about first learn about their students. Teachers must assess the student’s capabilities and interests. Some students are visual learners, while others learn from hands on activities, or verbal communication. Not all students can learn through memorization, rather they learn through interest and relation to the topic. “To realize what an experience, or empirical situation, means, we have to call to mind the sort of situation that presents itself outside of school" (Democracy and Education). The curriculum should encompass material that is most useful for a student to learn. It seems that in the majority of schools, students are not given the flexibility to guide their own learning, but rather follow rigid instructions that destroy the student’s imagination.
Students are placed in the responsibility of their own learning and understanding while the teachers encourage students to be more independent and more exploratory. The teachers will foster a sense of autonomy in the learning process as they act as a source of experiences. In addition, as the students watch their teacher makes mistakes, they will learn those failures are part of the learning process. The students will soon realize that mistakes are natural in life and it will serve as stepping stones to