
Eric, The Huntsman's Journey

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Eric, the Huntsman, seems to be somewhat an outcast in his character. Due to the fact that he only wants to care for himself and wishes not to obey anyone, especially the spiteful Queen Ravenna. Although, he was forced to take the task to find what the Queen wanted, which was Snow White, he is desperate and tortured knowing that he will not get his wife back whether or not he goes to find the princess, yet he took this mission anyways.
The Huntsman’s Journey
The Huntsman happened to obey orders and take this journey as the Queen demanded, although he expects something in return, something that means everything to him. He was set out into the Dark Forest to find Snow White and supposably “kill” her, when unanticipatedly he was her savior and protector throughout their journey together. Throughout this adventure, Snow White and the Huntsman became closer together as the days went on. He taught her some survival skills to where if she were in a …show more content…

He would not leave her sight because if she was gone, he knew they would both would be found and killed. When Snow White was found unconscious by Eric, he had felt like it was his fault and that he was responsible for what happened. He was not there when it happened and he wished we would have been.
The Initiation
In the movie, initiation does occur. The Huntsman is separated by what he knows in his village to be able to survive anything that approaches the Dark Forest. He is then able to transform into a better hero than what he expected to be by staying by Snow White’s side, knowing he could not let even the slightest thing happen to her. For his return, he is able to watch the princess defeat the evil Ravenna from what he had taught her and watch her become the new Queen of the Kingdom of Tabor. He had a good feeling knowing that everything would go back to normal with Snow White being Queen.
The Conclusion of this

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