Eric, the Huntsman, seems to be somewhat an outcast in his character. Due to the fact that he only wants to care for himself and wishes not to obey anyone, especially the spiteful Queen Ravenna. Although, he was forced to take the task to find what the Queen wanted, which was Snow White, he is desperate and tortured knowing that he will not get his wife back whether or not he goes to find the princess, yet he took this mission anyways.
The Huntsman’s Journey
The Huntsman happened to obey orders and take this journey as the Queen demanded, although he expects something in return, something that means everything to him. He was set out into the Dark Forest to find Snow White and supposably “kill” her, when unanticipatedly he was her savior and protector throughout their journey together. Throughout this adventure, Snow White and the Huntsman became closer together as the days went on. He taught her some survival skills to where if she were in a
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He would not leave her sight because if she was gone, he knew they would both would be found and killed. When Snow White was found unconscious by Eric, he had felt like it was his fault and that he was responsible for what happened. He was not there when it happened and he wished we would have been.
The Initiation
In the movie, initiation does occur. The Huntsman is separated by what he knows in his village to be able to survive anything that approaches the Dark Forest. He is then able to transform into a better hero than what he expected to be by staying by Snow White’s side, knowing he could not let even the slightest thing happen to her. For his return, he is able to watch the princess defeat the evil Ravenna from what he had taught her and watch her become the new Queen of the Kingdom of Tabor. He had a good feeling knowing that everything would go back to normal with Snow White being Queen.
The Conclusion of this
Eric Calhoune, both the protagonist and narrator, is an important character of the text. It is fascinating how he is such a devoted friend to Sarah, and wants to do whatevers best for her, even if it is not beneficial for him. Over the course of the novel, Eric evolved into a more forgiving character. This is accomplished when he goes to someone who used to bully him, Dale Thornton, for help on how to get Sarah Byrnes to
Then when he told Mr. Byrnes where Sarah was, it was a decision he made for both himself and Sarah, because if he hadn’t told Mr. Byrnes, then he would have been dead and unable to help her anymore. In addition, when Eric kept Sarah from going to Colorado, it was a decision for both of them because he knew that if Sarah stayed, then she could have a family, but also that Eric did not want to lose her or her friendship. Even though Eric had to choose Sarah’s safety over her friendship for different decisions of the book, he was able to do it in a way that he saved their friendship and kept her
Everyone knows that when the queen discovers that Snow White’s beauty is greater than hers, she asks the huntsman to kill her. Finally, we all know that the dwarves take care of her until her death, at which point the prince comes to the rescue and awakens her with a kiss. These are all elements of the story that we come to expect when we hear the name Snow White.
In Club Dead, Eric Northman had his memory erased and Sookie found him running along a rural street towards her house. He had no idea who she was and neither of them had the answer as to why he was so far from Fangtasia. During a mor warm, heartfelt moment between Eric and Sookie, he finally tells her that he does remember the time that they shared together and the he knows the reason why he was running to her house. As it turns out, the witch that had cursed him not only cursed him with memory loss, but had casted a spell that would make him flee to his heart's desire, only he would never get to know that he was with his love.
He got all the ladies he wanted with his charm, he wasnt shy like Dylan. But Eric was two faced, when he got in any kind of trouble he would say, "exactly what a parent wanted to hear" (Cullen 218). And he blamed most things that happend on Dylan, "Eric blamed Dylan... He said Dyan kept pestering him and eventually wore him down," (Cullen 202). Eric had alot of anger built up inside, he hated people who were not equally as smart as him, "Eric's only internal struggle was witch stupid bastard was more worthy of his wrath," (Cullen 216).
Together with Eric, who was described by Priestley as shy and childish. This changed as we realised his part in Eva’s death. Eric was honest and admitted his faults. Eric refuses to try to cover his part up, saying, what he did is what he did and he can’t change it. He was embarrassed that he was a hardened drinker. He is a thief and he later feels the guilt of this when he realises he contributed in encouraging Eva Smith's death and that he was the father of her unborn child. Moreover, when Eric realises that his mother is partly responsible for the death of his unborn child he is petrified, shocked and turbulent. By the end of the play Eric had taken responsibility for his actions alongside Sheila.
The film “Snow White and the Huntsman” depicts the journey between the two main characters Snow White and Ravenna the evil Queen. Snow White, who is played by Kristen Stewart for majority of the film, has been locked in her slain father's castle for years. The character is imprisoned by her father’s evil second wife played by Charlize Theron, whose now queen. The Queen also lives in fear of losing of her young appearance and uses the blood of virgins to restore it. She tests the success of this with the well-known mirror on the wall. When the magic mirror reveals that Snow White is the source of her immortality, the queen seeks to kill Snow White. In “Snow White and the Huntsman” many patterns are used like the camera shots of the film, lighting and color. The pattern of camera shots is seen throughout the movie using close ups shots and wide range shots. For example, when Snow White fled from the castle and is chased by the Queen’s horsemen into the Dark Forest, there are close up shots of medieval like armor enforcing the idea that the film is not in modern day and the action of the film will be done with weapons like swords and axes. Close up shots of Snow White and Ravenna dictates who is in power and who is not. The shots show Snow White wearing peasant’s clothing, whereas the Queen wears jewelry, expensive clothes and a crown. Wide range shots are shown in film with vast plains, castles and battles’ giving a sense of realism to the setting. Lighting is another pattern
In addition, the Grimm's version provides another male character "the huntsman", the savior of the story, a brave and strong man at the time that he goes into the grandmother's house and cuts the wolf's belly in order to rescue the women. In brief, men are portrayed as superior and intelligent in contrast with the weak and ignorant women which argues the patriarchal society of that era.
“Eric’s mother had something important to tell her sons. The two boys would not be returning to China with the rest of the family.” So that part from the book shows that Eric lives with his brother most of the time, he would cling on to his brother and this would later impact his life a lot. In page 48 on the first paragraph it says. “ He decided to follow in
Despite being the protagonist, Snow White is never given a chance to lead her own life. From the very beginning of the film, she is always owned by someone else. First her stepmother controls her life, then the huntsman orders her to leave, then it is the dwarfs (sic) who control and care for her well-being, and then it is the prince. Never once does she resist or attempt to go out on her own. By the end of the film, she does not even protest a near stranger kissing her as she sleeps. In fact, she figures that 's reason enough to run away with him!
Snow White was kind to the Wicked Queen. She did not wish any evil on her even after she sent her in the woods to die. Snow White only wished for the love of her step mother.
Snow White starts off with a lonely queen who sat sewing by her window one mid-winter night. She pricked her finger and seeing the blood so red made her wish for a child who has cheeks as red as blood, her
In the time the men were gone, Snow White had apparently just gotten into another fight with her “evil stepmom”. I really don’t know what’s so evil about this woman, but Snow really can’t complain until she’s taken a walk in my shoes. Being the whiny little brat that she is, Snow was running through the woods crying her eyes out just hoping someone would find her and give her just an ounce of attention. Poor girl. By the way things looked it was apparent she had no intentions of returning home, and with no one in sight she propped up against a large tree stump in defeat. When she leaned up against the wood though, it caved in and she fell into the middle of what she had thought to believe was a normal every day stump. Shocked and amazed at what she found inside, Snow decided to just make herself at home, because that’s princess etiquette.
Written in the stories of Snow White, Snow runs away from her stepmother to avoid being killed from her stepmother's hatred of snow's beauty. The brother grimm version focuses mostly on Snow White's survival from her stepmother's tricks to kill her. The brothers grimm makes it seem that the only problem that snow white is facing is her stepmother. This is seen when the version is translated to “So she kept house for them. Every morning they went into the mountains looking for ore and gold, and in the evening when they came back home their meal had to be ready.” This shows how her life isn’t in danger when she isn’t in a situation brought by the queen. ( D. L. Ashliman) Similarly, Snow White and Huntsman also includes Snow white eluding her capture by the queen but brings Snow White in different situations presented to her that arises many other conflicts
Over the years, Snow White’s story has been told in numerous different versions then its original version in 1812 by the Grimm Brothers. The main basis of the story has remained the same. Only a few minor tweaks to the story have changed. The three versions of the story that are going to be analyzed are the original story “Little Snow White” by the Brothers Grimm, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” by Disney, and “Mirror, Mirror” by Disney also. They each were created in very different times and the original story has changed over the years to appeal to the audience of that time. No matter how many versions there are Snow White is considered, one of the most cherished fairy tales of all time. They each use different methods to get their