
Eric Thomas Suffering People

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Some may say that suffering doesn’t help, it only hurts, but in reality, it does help, it helps you mold you into the person you are today. One way this is shown is through the suffering of people throughout history. If you look back at groups of people throughout history you can see how suffering has changed and in cases improved conditions. Something else is that suffering really can change a person’s character and help them develop credibility.
A great example of a suffering people were the blacks during the time period where slavery was common. They suffered going through slavery for hundreds of years, but as time went on, they grew stronger and stronger. Eventually, they would overcome agony and anguish of being enslaved, that they achieved their rights to be treated as humans, not slaves. This is a prime example of how suffering, even though it may be hard, and certain circumstances may be rough, will still lead you to success. …show more content…

Eric Thomas, who is a motivational speaker, has used all the suffering in his life to change and turn to use his pain to help and motivate others. He uses his past to go to schools and talk to kids about how they have to want to succeed they have to really want it and really put their minds to it. One of his best quotes is from a speech that he gave at a high school which goes, “Somebody came into my office crying. I said,’Look, don’t cry to give up! Cry to keep going! ‘Don’t cry to quit! You already in pain,You already hurt! Get a reward from it!’” This quote makes a good point by saying just because something is hard and the times are hard, don’t just give up, go out there and get something from

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