
Erik Weihenmayer's 'Blind To Failure'

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People will never be able to speak over long distances, fly through the air, or step foot on the moon. These are all challenges that were thought impossible for humans at one time. However, through determination and strength, people were able to overcome these challenges and achieve success thought once impossible. “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved” (Helen Keller). In a story written by Karl Taro Greenfeld, Blind to Failure, Erik Weihenmayer demonstrates that challenges in life can be overcome if a person sets their strengths, determination, and heart towards achieving a goal to show the unlimited ability of the …show more content…

Erik Weihenmayer’s story is shaped around that fact that he is blind and people believed he was extremely limited in what he could achieve in his life. Erik was born with the ability of sight, but he knew that he would become completely blind in his teenage years due to a medical condition. When he lost his sight, Erik learned to embrace his blindness and live his life to its highest potential. He discovered sports like wrestling and rock climbing where he could rely on touch to compete with sighted people. Due to great physical strength, Erik began to excel in rock climbing and became a very accomplished climber. Until he was offered a chance to climb it, even Erik viewed climbing Mount Everest as an insurmountable challenge. However, that opportunity did come and a team was assembled to help Erik climb Mount Everest. Many people doubted that he could reach the summit of such a mountain because of his blindness disability, but Erik was determined to prove them wrong. Erik wanted to show people that the blind can still achieve great feats like scaling a mountain, despite what many people believed. He wanted to serve as a symbol of success of the blind and show that determination, strength, and heart are keys to overcoming challenges in life. With all of this willpower and determination inside of him, Erik set out to climb the mountain that many people believed would be

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