
Eris And The Trojan War

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Trouble was brewing in the mind of Eris, the goddess of discord, or conflict. Wherever Eris was, disorder was with her. As a result, Eris was excluded from the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. The goddess appeared at the wedding anyway, determined to avenge the insult. Eris did a simple thing: she left a golden apple with the inscription “to the fairest” written on it, breathed upon the guests, then disappeared. Gods and goddesses have foresight. Eris may have foreseen all the trouble leaving the apple would cause. Since she loved discord, causing the Trojan War would please her and satisfy her taste for revenge.

It’s hard to believe that simply an apple started the Trojan War, isn’t it? Three goddesses, Hera, the queen of all the gods, Athene,

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