
Indian Camp Hemingway Essay

Decent Essays

Ernest Hemingway’s iconic and historic life throughout multiple well-rounded short stories helped represent his life in his way that the reader can discover and understand. In the short story, “Indian Camp”, Nick Adams and his father along with his Uncle George, go out into the forest to an indian camp to help deliver birth of a child, Nick’s curiosity throughout the storyline eventually turns into silence of not wanting to see any type of tragedy again. Throughout the short stories that Ernest Hemingway writes, he includes many pieces of research that involve racism, sexism and coming of age. For example, in Hemingway’s short story, “Indian Camp,” Hemingway refers Native Americans to being described as “half-breeds” which is a racial slur …show more content…

Ernest Hemingway’s early childhood was controlled by his mother, which would dress him up as a girl. Ernest later on would attach to his father who go hunting and Ernest would feel free and feel like a boy because he did not have to wear what his mother decided for him. Hemingway was also known for his lying skills in his teenage years, he could convince his peers about how success in football but in reality he was not as described. According to the Dictionary of American Biography 1981, “Hemingway’s parents were devout Congregationalists. He was a choirboy and president of the Christian Endeavor Society and seems to have been a tractable and imaginative child, physically strong and handsome, mentally alert and adventurous.” Ernest Hemingway’s early life can help understand how Ernest was a well-rounded human being with a passion for creative writing and inspirational …show more content…

Nick Adams is told by his father to go inside to go see his mother, Hemingway writes his short story describing his mother to be naggy and rude. “Oh, Daddy, can’t you give her something to make her stop screaming?”(92). Similar to “Indian Camp,” Nick Adams is in another short story where women are described to be naggy and rude. “Your mother wants you to come and see her.”(103). Both quotes show and provide information to represent sexism in Hemingway’s writing and lifestyle. Ernest Hemingway uses his writing to show personal feelings towards females from his past experiences in his

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