What drives people to undertake a mission?Well Ernesto Galarza, Forah Ahmedi, and Buck have to undertake a mission.Lots of people undertake missions.
Ernesto Galarza crossed the border.He went to a school called the Lincoln elementary school.He tries to learn English but was having a tough time.His first word was butterfly.He undertook a mission to learn english.Ernesto Galarza wrote about it in a book called Barrio Boy.
Forah Ahmedi tried to cross the border to leave her war torn country with her mom. Later meet a nice family. “My husband heard about a secret way of crossing the border he will go a check if it is true, I will come back if it is true.”said the lady “ you can come with us if you like?”said the lady.Then the husband came
Enrique’s journey from Honduras to the U.S. unveils the innate loyalty of a loving child to their mother and presents the dangers that a migrant faces on the road with consistent angst; nevertheless, it supports the idea that compassion shown by some strangers can boost the retreating confidence within a person. In Sonia Nazario’s “Enrique’s Journey,” he seeks the beacon of light that all migrants hope to encounter; “El Norte.” Like many children before him, it is the answer to the problems of a hard life. While being hunted down “like animals” leading to “seven futile attempts,” he is
The author Sonia Nazario goes on this journey to get the feel of what immigrants do in the real world. She wrote this story that way us readers understand the struggles immigrants go through daily. United States citizens do not realize there is a growing number of immigrants daily. Enrique’s mother Lourdes left him at such a young age with a lot of responsibilities, that children should not have to worry about. Lourdes wanted nothing but the best for her children, therefore she traveled all the way to the United States, that way she could make a lot of money to support her children. As a mother she did not want her kids to have the life she did. Throughout Enrique’s Journey by Sonia Nazario, the author includes emotional and logical appeals, accurately supported by statistics and personal accounts that give perspectives on the same issue of immigration and Enrique living without his
Joan Didion 's article Notes From A Native Daughter and Ernesto Galarza 's piece Barrio Boy both talk a lot about how life was like in Sacramento while they were growing up. In Ernesto Galarza 's article, he writes about living in lower Sacramento and Didion 's essay, talks about life in a different area of Sacramento, California. Ernesto Galarza 's Sacramento is filled with a lot of Mexican and other Latin American people living in a particular area of the city. Barrio Boy 's Sacramento took place in around the 1910s-1920s which was the early 20th century. Joan Didion 's Sacramento was at a later time which was 1940s-1950s and was also a time when World War II took place. Since these stories both take place in Sacramento, California, they
Richard Rodriguez, son of Mexican immigrants, was born and raised in California. As a result, he was exposed to several languages during his childhood. Rodriguez grew up listening to Spanish at home, but English was a strange and foreign language for him. In his essay “A Memoir of a Bilingual Child,” Rodriguez compares his native Spanish to the English that surrounds him. Through characterization and the tone, Rodriguez gives the reader a better understanding of the similarities and differences he finds in the two languages present in his life.
In the year 1997 a young boy around six months crosses the border on the back of his mother along side his father. They trekked through the harsh environment to cross the border into the promised land to seek a better life for the young boy. Eighteen years later he would be challenged by the american education system to see if his parents sacrifice was worth it. Andres Guzman grew up in the quiet suburbs of a not so small town of La Mirada located between Norwalk and Buena Park and not too far from Los Angeles. After graduating from the originally named La Mirada High School Andres face the journey to get be accepted to a four year university. No four year would accept him though because he didn't apply himself in high school.
This 17 year old boy travels all the way from Honduras all the way to the United States. In order to get from one place to the other, he has to cross the border without getting caught. So he ends up going on a train and has to cut across Mexico and stroll along the treacherous parts, but ends up making it out alive. Enrique's experiences during Enrique's journey demonstrates how determined a person is willing to be in order to find their family member no matter the consequences.
When people undertake missions it isn’t always dangerous. There are many reasons someone would want to undertake a mission. In Barrio Boy and Apollo 13 they have to accomplish many challenges to overcome their missions. Certain missions or challenges can increase the desire to accomplish them. In order to undertake a mission you must work hard, trust people, and believe you can achieve your goals.
One person was motivated to take on a mission was Ernesto Galarza from the story Barrio Boy. In paragraph one, the text states,”It was a new building, painted yellow, with a shingled roof that was not like the red tile of the school in Mazatlán. I noticed other differences, none of them very reassuring.” This shows Ernesto is nervous to move to a new school in a new country. Another example in the text is in paragraph 14, when the text states,”in words like pasture, bow-wow-wow, hay, and pretty, which to my Mexican ear and eye had so many unnecessary sounds and letters.” This shows the struggle Ernesto had during learning English with Miss Ryan. Lastly, in paragraph 17, the text states,” At Lincoln, making us into Americans did not mean scrubbing away what made us originally foreign.” Ernesto learns an important lesson from his mission which to learn English and to be a “good American”. To summarize, Ernesto’s mission and motivations were his challenge with English and moving to another country.
What drives people to undertake missions is because they want to accomplish something they want and take the risks for it. For example The Song of Wondering Aengus he saw this girl and she left and he took the risk of never stop looking for her. Also in The Hobbit Bilbo had to take a risk of going on a dangerous adventure. And finally in The Other Side of the Sky Farah Ahmedi wanted to cross the mountains to get to Afghanistan to be safe but could not because of the guards and had to take a risk.
Unfortunately, for the toll of privilege, comes the sacrifice of peace. Maybe one day, the children of those weary eyes will recognize the sacrifices they have made. The youth-adapted biography “Enrique's Journey” by Sonia Nazario illustrates a teenage immigrant's compelling life events. Enrique, a dejected adolescent, endures the disheartening absence of his
Firstly, Ernesto Galarza in the non-fiction text, Barrio Boy, written by Ernesto Galarza, is motivated by his love for Miss Ryan to learn English. Ernesto came from Mexico to learn English at Lincoln School in California where Miss Ryan was his teacher. In paragraph 17, Ernesto informs the reader, “It was easy for me to feel that becoming a proud American, as she said we should, did not mean feeling ashamed of being a Mexican.” Galaza was relieved that becoming an American and learning English did not mean that he had to forget about his Mexican heritage. Furthermore, Ernesto states, “The main reason I was graduated with honors from the first grade was that I
The article “My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant” was written by Jose Antonio Vargas. In it, Vargas tells of the time when his mother brought him to the Phillippines’ Ninoy Aquino International Airport when he was twelve. His mother told him that she wanted to give him a better life so he boarded onto a plane with a man he had never met before and was told that he was his uncle. He arrived in Mountain View, California and moved in with his grandparents Lolo and Lola. Vargas says that he grew to love his new home and when he entered sixth grade that’s when he found his passion for language. He tells of his struggle of making a distinction between “formal English and
What drives us to undertake a mission? What would make you undertake a mission? Many reasons, maybe it was escaping a country, like Farah Ahmedi when she was escaping Afghanastan with a prospetic leg, or maybe it was to claim their neighbors stakes before stampeders did, like Walt from "King of Mazy May." Some missions just need to be conquested.
At age 14, Benito Vasquez crossed the border and came to the United States. He has never gone to school and couldn’t read or write. ("Some Young Immigrants Face Education Hurdle to Stay in U.S.")
Why do people undertake missions? Cap from The Cremation of Sam McGee undertook his mission of cremating a fallen friend whose last wish was to be warm. Aengus from The Song of Wandering Aengus undertook his mission of finding his long lost love, a glimmering girl. Gerta from A Night Divided undertook the rigorous mission to dig her way to freedom. However, all three felt determined to complete their respective missions to either resolve or change something about their current situation and refused to succumb to hopelessness.