I was outside of Ernie's Lunchroom when I heard gunshots. I ran inside and found the lunchroom deserted except for a dead man on the newly mopped floor. There were three sets of footprints on the floor, that I labeled X,Y and Z. The cash register had just been rung up for $8.75. We recovered four checks for customers A,B,C and D. Customer A had $2.45 on his check, $3 on B's, $2.10 on C's and $3.65 on D's Check. Customers B,C, and D had finished their food. Customer A's food was untouched. Ernie, the owner and only worker,was able to present us with one fact. The shooter leaned against the wall and shot him at point-blank range. The footprints labeled X were leading away from the wall. These must be the shooters footprints. The footprints
The cashier stated that the couple had smelled like gas. She also asked them if they had been working on cars. The cashier stated that the couple did not answer the question, and they asked if they could have change for a $10. Robert then told the cashier to take all of the money out of the cash register. He pulled out a water bottle filled with gasoline and a lighter. He told the woman that if she did not give him the money, then he would light her on fire.
The bus driver that identified Joshua and Martha, identified Erika and Benjamin as the couple they were talking to on the way to Seacret’s Club. Investigators took a closer look in at bathroom in the Sifrit’s Condominuim and noticed an orange color in the grout of the tile and orange running down the shower stale which appeared to be blood. Pulled out the sink stopper and found hair, blood and flesh. Also, underneath the stink they discovered a bullet hole that went through the wall into the adjacent bedroom. A closer look at the two spent bullets reveled they one of them had bits of drywall on it and the other had what appeared to be blood in the twisted groves. Forensic discovered on window in the bathroom showed a partial palm print. Forensic team took the evidence back to the labs to
Common sense suggests that if there is a right handprint on the wall, the shooter pulled the trigger with his left hand. Since C is left-handed, that means that they pulled the trigger. The final piece of evidence that points to C as the murderer is his silverware was on the left side of his platter. His coffee cup was also on the left side of his plate. Usually, if the silverware and cups are placed on the left hand side of the plate, it means that the diner is left handed. So this means that C is left-handed.WHO COMMITED THE LUNCHROOM MURDER?
There are four people of interest. Blood, hair, and fingerprints were all found at the scene as well
The witnesses stated that the sacks that Mr. Riff was charged with carrying that contained the money were issued to him at the poker game. Mr. Riff testified he grabbed the hammer to use as a security measure for him in order to protect his winnings. The Defense disputes Mr. Riff tossed the hammer away prior to arriving home and in no way meant to steal from the market. The Defense in this case exercised oral communication by exploiting the redundancy in this case. This was to establish that the eyewitness testimonies for the prosecution were incorrect and imperfection was found during the police investigation.
At the seat customer C was sitting at, they had everything set up precisely the way a sinistral person would. They had their mug and cutlery on the left side and their napkin on the right side of the plate. All the other table sets had their cutlery and mug on the right side and not the left. Another solid piece of evidence points to the hand-print on the wall. The killer would have to have been left handed to have shot the gun and put his right hand against the wall.
4. Scenario: You are investigating a homicide involving a victim found dead in his apartment with a single gunshot wound to the head. You discover a suicide note. What key steps would you take to determine this death was truly a suicide and not a murder?
We then showed him area photographs of his previous residence at 4480 W. Bath Rd., in Bath, Ohio, and he pointed out the area where he had disposed of the bones in the photographs. This was a heavily wooded area, and he was asked if he could make a diagram indicating same. At which time, Jeffrey drew a diagram of Bath Rd., the driveway, the garage, and the house area, and a small wooded area just to the side of the house. He indicated that this was the area in which he had disposed of the victim's bones. We also asked him if he knew the name, Steven HICKS, and he stated that that was the name of the victim in Ohio, and the reason he remembered it was because it was his first one and he stated "you don't forget your first one.
A motion picture film taken by Charles L. Bronson showed a figure or figures in the sixth floor window of the Depository several minutes before the shots. Employees of the depository claim that they saw Oswald in the building carrying a bag, however some witnesses say that it wasn’t big enough to carry a rifle. Suspicion arises on the trajectory of the bullet, it is unusual that only three bullets could cause so much damage while the bullet in the end looked untouched. Photographs were taken of the scene on the sixth floor of the depository that displayed stacked boxes that formed a sniper’s position. Another proof of guilt is that Oswald was seen and followed outside of the depository by police officers.
Robert heard a gunshot, but a typically a New York city gun shot. Robert went straight down on the floor, and try to look up and see what’s happening. One of his co workers is being held by a guy in a mask. Looks like a M4 carbine in his hand. The women shouted for help, but everyone is screaming and trying to call 911. Robert noticing that his boss office is right next door, so he slowly crawling to the next door next to his office. Looking at his watch, it’s almost 5:00Pm on a Friday night. The man in the mask said: “If anyone in this office care for your blond friend, you will give me access to main BANK Account . And if you don’t give me your Account number, I will shoot her right in front of all of you guys and you will regret it. So which
There son stole meat from the factory to feed his family, he thought he was gonna get shipped away. Later that night there father had another boxing tournament and his manager found out he had a broken hand and Jim still wanted to fight, he needs the money. That night Jim was fighting a punched the guy's head and finally broke his wrist completely but still continued to fight. The second time they were hiring he finally got the job and worked with stacking bags and got $6.74 for working one day. There apartment is past due and now one of their sons is very sick and his fever is getting worse and one of their daughter has a sneeze. They sent their kids away with there grandparents and her sister. The father left his wife for a while because of the decision she made to have the kids shipped away without him. Jim went to Madison SO. Garden to try and get money to get his kids back. Finally brought his kids and his wife home, one year later he is now boxing with his manager and won his last fight and came home with a bunch of money. Jim was hired again with the same job and was offered another job to fight permanently. As you can already tell he has been switching his jobs back and forth like a normal man or women did
The handprint on the wall is a right hand so that means that the shooter is left handed. Costumer “A” his foot print lead to the kitchen has if he was sneaking out. Footprint “Y” is Ernie’s because his prints lead from the bucket and water and than behind the cash register. Then we are left with footprint “X” they are the shooters because the footprint comes from the wall where the handprint is and they move over to the body. From the looks of it B, C, and D were together because they sat by each other and if I add their checks up it equals the $8.75. The other think that lead me to believe that customer “C” is the murderer is that he was the only one out of the three that had his silverware and cup on the left side so he is left handed. So using the rules can help us see that the murderer is customer
John saw the man running away and hit the star screw laser to lock the exit doors. The man touched the door and got shocked and fell down. John caught him and tied him up to a chair. He asked him why he did not pay. The man started to cry and asked for forgiveness. He wanted a refreshing drink and said he could not afford it. Patricia got teeny mag to scan the man’s face. John used the device to scan his face that he was supposed to pay with. All the details and record of the man came up. Brown eyes, brown hair, 5 feet and 11 inches tall, born and lives in Dystopia and unemployed, David Rafany. There was a gloomy and sympathetic impression on John’s face. John decided without hesitation, offered David a job at the coffee shop until he is able to stand up on his feet. Patricia introduced all rules to David and said he will be supervised at all times. He was grateful and praised them. John finally untied him.
By the window the police also found footprints, but they couldn’t seem to find out who’s it was.
He agreed, and when he saw the ammo boxes he recognized them immediately along with a can of appliance epoxy spray. Mr. Scaffa works as an appliance repair tech. At this point it was evident that Mr. Jones would be under arrest for the burglary of the ammo. We asked Mr. Scaffa if he could recognize any more items as stolen, and he recognized the tool bags that were inside the car along with his Notre Dame checkbook. When we opened the checkbook it was indeed Mr. Scaffa’s. The tool bags contained numerous personal items of Mr. Scaffa with his name or address on it.