The storm raged and the windows quaked yet you stayed. You stayed with me at your peril. Eros has trapped me in your arms and will not let me escape. His mother begs him to let me go; for me to be free for that is my wish. But she begs me to stay so you can trap me forever and I can never leave for that is your wish. Eros will not listen but I will and stay to kiss your lips as I dream of another for whom I wish I was trapped with as the storm rages and the windows quake. “The stars shine bright in your eyes” you say to me you tell me I'm beautiful, smart, and sexy. You see those things in me that I can not. All I see is a sad girl that smiles to hide her pain. You are the only one who sees me and still thinks I am wonderful. Love can fill our hearts but it can also break the threads to others so we forget all those around us and we only see the point of our affection. …show more content…
Love. Most call you beautiful but I call you terrifying. You take my breath and fill my lungs with water and as I drown you kiss me and tell me that this is just the beginning. I call you terrifying but most call you beautiful. Love. Life is fun with you. It lights up my world when you walk in. How is this possible? I swear the sun was bright a second ago now it is dull compared to you. I had a favorite color but that was before I saw the color of your eyes now the gray of a winter cloud is my new
Love is the strongest four letter word know to man. It can be sharper than a sword and more effective than a grenade. On the other hand, love can a sustaining effect even ooze
When one is truly in love, they think less of themselves and more of the one in which
When people are in love it blinds them from consequences that can change their lives for example when daisy hits Myrtle and Gatsby says “Was daisy driving.’
In what season did the earthquake of 62 CE occur? The earthquake of 62 CE occurred around noon on a winter’s day.
On October 17, 1989, two tectonic plates--the North American and the Pacific--slid against each other on the San Andreas Fault. The result was California having a 6.9 magnitude earthquake in the San Francisco Bay Area, also known as the Loma Prieta earthquake. The destruction was costly, with damages adding up to about $6 billion, but more so were the lives lost. The casualty rate of this earthquake was 63 people and over 3,800 injured. The count could have been a lot worse, however, had it not been for the baseball game at San Francisco's Candlestick Park between the San Francisco Giants and Oakland Athletics going on at the time of the natural disaster. Now referred to as the "Earthquake Series," the third game of the 1989 World Series collided
The helplessness I felt as I sat clenching my head in the murky, brisk night. The words “ I will always love you no matter what”, repeatedly played in my head like my favorite melody. The feeling of your hands riveting my face as you gave me one last kiss overwhelmed me with heartache. The pessimistic stare you gave me as you proceeded to say, in a sorrow manner, “Goodbye Jo”, haunted me forever. The moment I never thought would come about came into prospective right then, you were no longer mine.
Media outlets constantly publish that California is long overdue for a massive earthquake. Thus, the question is, when will it happen? And when it occurs, are we going to be prepared for it? There are several easy ways to prepare for an earthquake, such as planning an evacuation route at home and in the office and putting together an earthquake kit filled with supplies. But, what if we could have an alarm that provides us with an earthquake warning before it actually occurs? A Mexico City-based startup called Grillo, Spanish for cricket, has developed an early earthquake warning system that can give Mexicans a two minute heads up before an earthquake happens.
“Oh beautiful long blond hair, skin soft as silk, eyes of blue like the color of the ocean. Pretty girl you are”.
According to the article L’Aquila has a history of experiencing earthquakes. The city’s first deadly attack occurred in 1703. Therefore, it was wrong to sentence these scientists for something that could not full be predicted. The April 2009 earthquake in L’Aquila destroyed the city and left many homeless. The European Commission posted an article in 2012 in which it states that many European countries, such as Italy, Greece, Turkey and Spain are at risk of having the same thing occurring again. According to Earth science professor Seth Stein of Northwestern University in Illinois, “ability to predict an earthquake hazards is lousy.” Scientist cannot accurately predict earthquakes in the short term.
Something that I saw that was beautiful is a girl her name was Kelsee Pickett. She is so beautiful I think she is beautifuler than the world. When I make her smile,laugh,curl her hair she is so beautiful. She makes me smile and laugh and her eyes are so beautiful, but I love her so much I’ll die for her. I love making her laugh ever time I make her laugh she always curls her hair I just love it when she does it. She likes me, but she doesn’t love me like I do.
Of all the treasures in the world, true love is of the most valued. They say that when you are truly in love, the universe around you simply stops, and no one else matters except you and your love. Love has the mesmerizing beauty of a stunning red rose, but it also has spiteful thorns surrounding it. But between friends and family, love can quickly go from black and white to shades of grey and can become fatal and suspenseful.
Imagine the lives and money we could save if you could predict when the next earthquake will hit. To bad that world is at least a century away. The technology and are study on the earth and tectonic plates isn't all there yet but at the rate we are advancing as a species we will quickly get the technology to easily predict quakes.
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) estimates that there are roughly 500,000 measureable earthquakes each year with 100 of the temblors causing damage (“Earthquake Facts,” n.d.). Much of the world’s population lives near the plate boundaries and faults where earthquakes are the most prevalent. Modern geologists and seismologists have developed techniques to help mitigate the geologic phenomenon’s catastrophic effects, but their ability to predict earthquakes is deeply mired in the nebulous realm of probabilities and statistics. Earthquakes expose our almost pathological need for control over our environment and trigger our most primal fears. An article by Alan Williams (2017) examines a new study that may provide evidence that the ancient Greeks viewed earthquakes not as a destructive force to be feared but as an instrument of creation which they wove into the fabric of their culture.
Love is a mysterious thing. It causes people to experience a series of different emotions both from their own hearts and due to the actions of others. It can cause a lover to want to quickly forget a beloved who does not love him or her back. Love can cause a person to regaurd his or her heart as part of a different being; the person can use this sepperation to forget his or her beloved. The speaker in "Heart! We will forget him!" by Emily Dickinson feels love and a need to quickly forget the man she is
Love, probably the most complicated and famous topic in the world. Many people have been trying to understand a love for centuries. Why does it exist? How does it work? The truth is that once a person is in love, his or her lover means everything to him or her. Furthermore, an explanation is not needed anymore because the person that loves is the person that understands you, patient to you, supports you and is kind to you. It seems that lovers are the happiest people on earth, but the trouble comes when one of the partners does not feel the same towards his/her partner. Love usually works better with two people where two individuals have the responsibility to care and support each other, but sometimes they will not love each other at the