
Erythema Nodosum Research Paper

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Erythema Nodosum

Introduction of Disease: Erythema nodosum is a type of panniculitis that affects the hypodermis of the skin, or the subcutaneous fat. Panniculitis is a group of diseases whose number one symptom is inflammation of subcutaneous adipose tissue (Braun-Falco, 2001). It typically initially manifests as a bumpy outbreak of highly touch-sensitive, red, swollen nodules on the skin. The part of the skin that becomes infected is the septa between subcutaneous fat lobules, with an absence of vasculitis and the presence of radial granulomas (Schwartz, 2007). The outbreak is usually limited to the lower legs. Chronic or recurrent erythema nodosum is rare but may occur. Erythema nodosum is recognized as a hypersensitivity reaction and …show more content…

Erythema nodosum nodules are tender, usually appear on the shins, and look like raised contusions or protuberances that progressively change from pink, to red or purple, to bluish brown as they heal. Fever and joint pain are also common associative symptoms (Rehmus, 2017). The nodules vary from a diameter of 1 to 10 cm and don’t have a clear border, echoing their subcutaneous anatomic location. Individual nodules may last for two weeks, and new projections may continue to arise for up to six weeks. These nodules may adopt a bruise-like appearance as they fade and often take roughly one to two months to heal completely (Schwartz, 2007). The lesions never ulcerate, and always heal without scarring. Patients with idiopathic and drug-induced erythema nodosum can often times lack systemic complaints (Braun-Falco, …show more content…

Erythema nodosum can be treated by leg elevation and cool compresses, Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for pain, and treatment of underlying disorders (Hebel, 2017). The disease almost always goes away by itself, and the nodules resolve in about a month without management. Bed rest, cool compresses, elevation of the legs, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs might alleviate the pain caused by the nodules. Potassium iodide tablets may also be given orally to decrease inflammation (Braun-Falco, 2001). Corticosteroids taken orally or by local injection are effective but, because they can worsen an underlying infection even if one has not been identified, are given only if nothing else works. Drugs that might be causing erythema nodosum are stopped, and any underlying infections or disorders are treated. A person may have to take antibiotics, such as penicillin, or a cephalosporin if the disease is streptococcal (Rehmus, 2017).

Prognosis of Patient: The prognosis is really good in patients with erythema nodosum. In most patients, erythema nodosum resolves without any antagonistic reactions (Hebel, 2017). Usually, the nodules will disappear by themselves in about a month. However, In contrast, 30% of erythema nodosum cases that have no known cause may last more than 6

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