A couple of the students in this classroom gets taken out of class to receive ENL services. Most of all the student gets excited when they see their ENL teacher. When I went to see what type of things they were doing while they was being taken out of the class, I notice the ENL teacher was helping each student on their needs. One student had a harder time sounding out letters while others would be practicing their Sight words of the week. They would first start of if they know the definition of the word, and putting it in a sentence and after learning how to spell it.
Critical Analysis of the Observations: What I notice is this class helps our ENL students. The come back to the classroom and share with Mrs. B what they learn and
Additionally, Paula struggles staying focused and on-task during class instruction. Paula frequently gets lost and distracted with the material in front of her, but Paula makes up for it with her dedication to answer the question correctly. Frequently, Paula observes her peers respond during whole class discussions and also answers some of the questions asked during these discussions. The teacher uses these opportunities as a learning opportunity to highlight the correct answer or guide the students into saying the correct answer. It is great that Paula wants to participate in classroom discussions because she remains fully engaged and frequently offered the opportunity to state his own understandings about the concept or skill he is being taught. Drawing on this observation and the use of intervention work, the teacher can plan future opportunities to allow the students to not only communicate their understandings about the content they are being taught, but to also further drive in the content he is being
You are in a “classroom” observing and observe the following behaviors from students. You are to respond to each of the questions regarding each student scenario.
A typical day in Julie Smith MC 201 class starts of with her playing music. Once her class starts it’s nothing but and excitement. She is a very loud and energetic person. She is not afraid to get all in your face as she is walking around the class teaching you for the topic of the day. She also has a lot of games she uses to keep people engaged in the topics to she is talking about. “ I love coming to Julie class because you never know what to expect from her. One day you might get class where you’re using your phone and the next day she’s handing out candy. I love coming to her class not knowing what to expect.” Said Ciara Bazile. Julie just didn’t wake up one day and say hey I’m going to be teacher like most people as she likes to put it, “ just happened by accident.” One of her old professors called her one night and asked her if she was still teaching at Webster and asked her if she wanted to teach an intro class, she immediately jumped at it. Her favorite part about teaching is “having students contact me after the semester to tell me about examples they 've seen - which shows that what we 've talked about in 201 has stayed with them. I love getting to know them and know their stories. College students are much smarter than people give them credit for.” Julie has been teaching since 1998 so she has no shame when it comes to teaching is not afraid to make a fool of her self when it comes to teaching. “I remember Julie teaching us about television and radio. She
After discussions with Mr. Meyer, Craig and I have elected to proceed with his suggestion that I write to each of Allye’s teachers on a weekly basis. Would you please comment on Allison’s behavior in class; is she participating and paying attention? Additionally, would you please provide information as to which tasks Allison will complete in the next week?
PS. 45 is a school in in Staten Island New York, serving 900 students, 61% of the students are economically disadvantaged. This is a diverse school where 5% of students are Asian, 17% Black, 48% Hispanic and 27% White. They have a population of English Language Learners that take up 6% and 23% of the school's population have disabilities. I am observing a 4th grade classroom at P.S. 45. This class is a general education class with 26 students, two of these students are English language learners and two others struggle with focusing. There are also a number of students in the class that need extra support.
Elsa seems to fit the profile of many first-generation Hispanic students. Although she was born in the U.S., her first language is Spanish and she arrived at school with limited English proficiency. Since she qualifies for free lunch and her parents are recent immigrants, they are more than likely a working-class family with limited resources for learning materials or experiences outside school, aside from the after-school program. Also, Elsa’s punctuality and readiness to learn may be an indicator that her parents probably place a high value on education. It is not mentioned if Elsa is shy in settings outside school, therefore, it is not clear if her shyness is a result of insecurity when speaking English or if it is a part of her personality. However, the fact that there are many others Hispanic children in the school is a positive element that can help her boost her confidence and ethnic identity.
The main purpose for this observation was to see if there was a teacher who visits the classroom to provide inclusion services, how many times a week does the inclusion teacher visit, and what subjects does he/she come for. I came to see that there is an inclusion teacher that visits the classroom. The inclusion teacher visits the classroom twice every two weeks. This inclusion who is a female visits the classroom to take a look at how Mrs. Carroll is teaching her class, and if she’s teaching her students in a learning and teaching way instead of giving the students the answers.
Currently, I am student teaching at Alfred E. Zampella PS #27 School in the district of Jersey City. The school is located in a busy city, next to John F. Kennedy St. which is especially busy in the morning and during rush hour. This results in several late students on a day to day basis. On the other hand, this school is also highly accessible and as a little over a thousand students. The school has grade levels from kindergarten to 8th grade, and has a mix of general, special, and inclusion education classrooms. Typically, families that enroll their students into this school are of lower-middle socio-economic class, and tend to be majority Hispanic, Indian, and African American, with few Caucasians and Asians. This school provides a variety of special programs for their ESL students and special need students. Students may be offered speech language pathology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, ESL programs, reading recovery, and counseling.
Language is the major tool used to interact with others. The complaint on which that certain words are offensive to certain cultures and sexual orientations is certainly valid however it additionally relies on upon the setting and the individual you are holding the discussion with. What implies one thing for you might be taken into diversely to another. A few words are negative and shouldn't be supported in any discussion. The issue with our interactions and the misuse of words is the unfortunate propensity we have made as a society all throughout time.
With a small group, discuss the following questions. Choose someone to read the question out loud, and direct the discussion so that each person can offer his/her opinion on the topic. Have another student record the group’s response and choose a third student to report the information gathered to the class in a discussion.
The rooms were inviting, and the students were engaged in learning. I quickly noticed that having a positive, and inviting classroom environment is of upmost importance for successful student learning. As the students walked through the second grade classroom they were greeted with a hug. When the students’ finished their morning work, the chimes signaled the students to line up, and transition to their first class of the day which is Science. This is where I was able to observe both Mrs. Stanford, and Mrs. Taylor
When Mrs. L began to share on Richards behavior when he attend the learning center with her she expressed that his distractions are limited. When he is at the learning center he has less students to become distracted from and he is able to stay focus on assignments. Currently, Richard works with a small group of students that are at close to his learning level. Mrs. L. expressed how it is more easy for Richard to work in a small group, because he is able to keep up with the learning material and use the students as reference to
Considering that my research revolves around Italian EFL students and the effects of L1 transfers on L2 writing, if I were to conduct observations I would observe a class of EFL learners. In such observation I would concentrate on studying the reactions of the students while writing in English. The most relevant aspects would be their body language, and their facial expressions during a writing exercise, test, or essay. As a matter of fact, analyzing a person’s body language is a vital element while trying to comprehend their feelings and level of confidence. I believe that such observation could be a valuable component of my research because through interviews and questionnaires the students might not be fully honest about their opinions
during my observations, I had to do six to nine hours inside ESOL (English to speakers of other languages) classrooms. One of the ways that I observed the school and teachers meeting the "Consent Decree" was by bringing other teachers who had the expertise to teach English learners, periodically, to assist the teachers and students. Another method pertaining to the resources was the fact that the teachers provided books written in many languages like Spanish and Chinese, this allowed all the children something to read and promoted the preservation of these children's native tongues during quiet reading time.
I chose to observe Mrs. Tijerina for my classroom observation. There are many reasons why I decided to observe Mrs. Tijerina. I elected to observe Mrs. Tijerina so I could see another teacher’s perspective on teaching Spanish, as she and Mrs. Fiechter are the only Spanish teachers in the school. Furthermore, I never had Mrs. Tijerina for Spanish 2, as the teacher I had left Adams Central. Additionally within the hour I was observing, there were many sophomore students that I knew personally so I was able to ask them on their options of the class. Finally, Mrs. Tijerina’s goal was to teach in a similar way to Mrs. Fiechter’s teaching, and by observing her I was able to compare and contrast the two