Essay 2 Everyone who is involved with education has different beliefs whether it’s about how to teach, what should teach, or what the purpose of education is. As time goes on, there has been change that has happened in the school systems and that will forever be changing for the better. People define ‘better’ in different ways, and people have disagreements on what could make education better and that’s why there all types of different methods and beliefs that create a diverse background of what education is and what it should be. My beliefs may be somewhat similar to some people, yet another group of people may disagree but this is what keeps education changing and growing. My beliefs of education is that the purpose is that students …show more content…
These ideas that I have are most related to Dewey mostly because I believe that students should be growing in all aspects. Gutek states, “For Dewey, human intelligence is socially constructed as people interact with each other in solving problems in their environment” (Gutek, p.361). This is very common to what my beliefs were because interaction between students and people in general create knowledge and like Dewey stated, helps people problem solve which is useful in the environment. The knowledge that is obtained or can be obtained through students is in my opinion learned as one progresses through life. Most students learn things by practicing or doing them and this is something that creates a knowledge. Everyone remember something better when it’s something that they found out on their own or practiced. The more that time goes on, the more experiences you endure which increases knowledge on what you had before. With this being said, I believe that educators should provide an opportunity for students to learn through experiences and to solve for their own problem because if they are able to work through an experience or problem then they will most likely remember the information better. Students should learn problem solving and thinking for themselves to solve their questions and working with one another or even asking questions. All subjects would be able to involve problem solving, group work, or asking
Growing up in school, when “Dewey” was mentioned, one more than likely thought of the Dewey decimal system, which was used in libraries. However, that system was created by Melvil Dewey, and while he was an important person, there was another Dewey that impacted education in extraordinary ways. That man is known as John Dewey. John Dewey shaped the education system that we have today by reconstructing the progressive education. Dewey was a philosopher, and educational theorist who used experimentalism, as well as many other theories to change the way the American Education system was done. He lived during the time period where traditional and progressive education were coming together, so he used both to create his own personal philosophies. Once of his major philosophies was relating learning to society. Additionally, he used dualism as an approach to his philosophies that changed the education system. He impacted today’s education system in many ways, with his different ideas still being seen in school’s today. Incorporating multiple subjects into school’s, as well as taking a hand’s on learning approach are two theories that while many other philosophers believed in as well, Dewey used to develop the education system. John Dewey was a model citizen, that benefited society and the American education system in a variety of ways.
Every person has his or her idea of what education should be. One wants to be educated or go to universities so he or she could have a higher degree. Some other person wants to get education just to fulfill one's self. Many people get college education thinking that they can make more money. Education is not about money; it is a lifetime process that enables one to satisfy one's inner self. It makes a person feel good for who they are inside.
His mother impressed the values of social responsibility and purpose on him” (Gutek, 2013, pg. 352). He was very well educated but didn’t agree with all his professors and fellow philosophers. “He would abandon idealism to create his own experimentalist version of pragmatism” (Gutek, 2013, pg. 353). “Dewey rejected the concept of growth coming from internal spiritual forces within the child: growth was a process in which the child interacted and responded to the environment. Dewey’s great society was one in which private interests would be absorbed int eh good of the community based on mutual and reciprocal shared interests” (Gutek, 2013, pg. 353). His educational pathway sent him down a road to be a professor of philosophy. “Dewey, came to see education as the means of creating knowledge through inquiry rather than transmission of extant information” (Gutek, 2013, pg. 353). “Dewey advised people to solve problems of life intelligently and reflectively” (Gutek, 2013, pg.
My philosophy as an educator entails many different ideas and techniques. I feel that certain basics must be taught and from there, students should be challenged to use these basics to develop their minds. I also feel that education should help a person become an individual who thinks for himself.
This paper is my personal educational philosophy statement. It represents my ideas and values about teaching and learning; it reveals my personal teaching beliefs and their relation to the five major established educational philosophies; it shows my role and responsibilities in educational process. I place great significance on personal style of instruction and its influence on curriculum implementation. The paper also highlights my career aspiration and orientation.
Education entails individual human development in the cognitive, emotional, creative and social areas. All children are entitled to a free education regardless of race, cultural background or handicaps. For education to be an effective part of the students life, the student and teacher must be actively and enthusiastically involved in learning. A teacher needs to be well prepared and organized. They need to know the perspective goals for each student and ways to achieve these goals. Teachers need to work with students to help them grow and develop ways to use their knowledge.
Education opens the door for endless opportunities. Children begin learning long before they enter the classroom. The school years are used to continuously expand their learning and educate them to be a functioning member of society. I believe every child has the right to receive quality education through quality instruction. Teachers hold one of the most powerful roles in society. Teachers spend more time shaping children each day than many parents do. Therefore, it is vital for teachers to set high expectations, model these expectations, and do everything in their power to help students achieve these expectations. As an educator, I make a commitment to my students on the first day of every school
Theories provide the foundation for educational practices, and many of them exist. While I consider my personal theory or philosophy of education to be one that is something of an ever-changing conglomerate of ideas, I realize that some of my guiding principals are directly attributed to well a well established theory.
Becoming a teacher is going to be one of the greatest accomplishments of my life. Teaching was never a childhood dream for me like it was with others. Some people have always known that they wanted to become some type of teacher, but I never decided to until I entered college. I’ve always loved being around children and it makes me feel great to be able to help someone, so becoming a teacher is the perfect career choice for me.
The purpose of education is enlightening the mind socially, morally and academically. It is also to have knowledge about the world and everything around us. Education is Knowledge. It makes us acquire skills and gives you an insight on the things you desire to know. There are many philosophies that have been established already but my philosophy of education is that every child has the ability to learn and when given the opportunity the outcome is powerful. Education is a unique and individual learning experience to each student therefore teachers should be passionate about teaching and make an impact on each of their student. In order to get through to each student, a teacher must fully understand his/her job. As a teacher, you are assigned
For me, the decision to become a teacher is more of a way of life than a career. I have always loved school, practicing at being school marm from a young age, and voraciously devouring every shred of education offered me in my career as a student. If it were possible, I would be a student for the rest of my life. And then I still would not have learned enough. As a teacher, I hope to instill this appetite for knowledge in secondary students. They are, after all, the future leaders of the world, and what better place to expand the minds of the generations to come than here in Appalachia where education programs, especially the sciences, which I plan to teach, are poorly funded and children’s dreams
My philosophy on education is that everyone has the right to the best education, it is about learning and testing shouldn't be the focus, and for education to thrive there needs to be innovation. Unfortunately, my philosophy is the opposite of what is actually happening in our school system and as a result we have a high dropout rate and low teacher retention.
When talking about education and the philosophy behind it, there were actually different roots of belief and understanding holds by educators and schools. Each and everyone hold different beliefs that somehow will influence on what and how students are taught. In different way of interpretation, philosophy of education is the answer for the questions on schooling, role of a teacher and what should be taught and with what kind of method. Before going too deep into my philosophy of education, I would like to talk on things that are related to my own philosophy of education. One of the key as in developing my philosophy of education is the meaning of education itself that is important and noble in human endeavours. In fact, all activities done,
Education is the process of learning that can take place anywhere and at any time. I believe that creativity and activity as well as books and lessons are essential to the learning process. As a teacher, I hope to instill in the children a sense of knowledge and self-worth that will remain with them throughout their lives.
"Some people make things happen, some watch while things happen, and some wonder ‘what happened?’ Which type of person are you?" author unknown.