
Essay About My Childhood

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Title The first thing I remember about my childhood, is the sound of my grandmother playing the piano in her house. I would wake up from taking a nap in her couch and she’ll greet me with a smile, and then we would eat together with the quite large family that I had. The food that we usually ate together would vary from panamanian food to chinese food, as we had chinese heritage. Even though my family was pretty big, she was always capable of uniting the family together and we always had a good time, me and my siblings together with my mom, we would go to her house every friday, and that was the day everyone reunited to eat and to talk about our week and just spend time with everyone.

My grandmother was always very religious, her house was filled with paintings of Jesus and Mary, also with religious statues and images. She really liked Jesus, she would always say that he was her best friend, and I thought it was funny, but I liked that. She was very into religion, she would always donate to charity and help the others, if more people had noticed her, I would’ve said she could’ve been a Saint. She played the piano in the church and she …show more content…

She gradually got worse and she couldn't do the activities like she used to do, and we all noticed. It was cáncer. Everyone in the family was worried. The economic problems in my family had ended, and we thought that my grandmother still sending us food everyday with her health was probably a nuisance, and even though we asked her if it was, she said that it was no problem for her, and she still did. My grandmother refused treatment, some family members said that she got tired of living, and others said that it was God’s will. As the months unfolded, my grandmother got weaker, her body was gradually getting thinner and her stomach looked inflated because of the cancer, everyone in the family was pained by this sight, but we couldn’t go against her

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