
Essay About Tom Passed Away

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Having not watched this film before I was surprised that I liked it as much as I did. In my opinion, every house hold has issues similar or at least must deal with situations that involve feelings. I can somewhat relate to Tom, I too dreaded the thought of having to talk about feelings because in my childhood we never talked about them so as an adult it was difficult to express feelings because of the fear of being hurt. Tom who, in the beginning of the film, uses his humor and wit to avoid the experience of his feelings. His humor was the only way Tom knew how to cope with the sexual, physical and verbal abuse from his childhood. Tom’s mother, Lila’s actions, after being robbed and raped, showed Tom it was something to be embarrassed …show more content…

Lowenstein because Savannah was unable to remember parts of her childhood and she needed Tom’s help in understanding her past. In working with Dr. Lowenstein, Tom had to bring up Savannah’s past which was identical to his past, thus making Tom start talking about the situations that he had never talked about prior. Tom realized the Dr. was very concerned about his sister, unlike his mother who served as a bad and unsafe emotional environment, that he found comfort, a mother like quality that he had needed in his life. He then started to open up about all of their childhood issues and secrets. Tom went from a smart witted, humorous, loud person to one with love and trust in his …show more content…

Only then can their minds open up to the possibility that they could work on emotional, spiritually, physical, and intellectual changes. I think Dr. Lowenstein saw Tom in a different perception than Tom had of himself and I believe she pushed him so he could see the good in him and to give him the self-esteem he desperately needed. He started becoming self-aware of what he was reflecting and showing to other people.
Question 4: What situation(s) in your life does this film mirror? In other words, describe a personal example that the content of this film brings to mind. How did you make/could you have made use of the four ways to change one’s self-concept that are discussed in the text? My childhood is similar to Tom’s, as a family we didn’t discuss emotional feelings or show love to one another. My parents did not get along most of the time, my dad was an alcoholic and my mother pretended everything was fine. My brother and sister would cope as Tom’s did and retreat from the house till things cooled off. All those years as a child I thought that was the way a family was until I started to see other families and realize that wasn’t the case. Honestly, I learned to show love when I got my first dog, although very awkward at first, it felt so good to show and love something so insistent and unconditionally loving. Fortunately, my siblings

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