
Essay Choose An Issue Relevant To The Late 1800s Or Early 1900s

Decent Essays

•choose an issue relevant to the late 1800s or early 1900s to address •prepare a one-paragraph summary of the issue •choose a name for your group •thinking as a person living during this time period, draw up a list of demands (about five or six) and discuss which are the most important and which you are willing to limit through compromise •choose meeting times and places appropriate to the people who would be involved •create a poster directed toward your primary audience and designed to build your movement One issue in the late 1800s or early 1900s was conservation. Business and government organizations destroyed the physical attributes of the land for their own selfish purpose of making more money. An example is lumber industries cutting down every single trees in a forested area of which they owned. This destroyed the natural habitat of the land and affected the living things that lived there negatively. Probably railroad companies had do the same as lumber companies to cut down trees that came in the way of them making the railroad just for making more profit. This would eventually destroy the natural environment and take a long time for the country to recover if this continued. Children got paid few pennies for the same job which would …show more content…

I would set age limits because you can’t have young children working in unsafe places especially since they don’t have the intelligence and are too young to develop skills to work. Most importantly it just heinous and very immoral. We can’t have young children working anywhere in the world, straight up. Depending on the work, the age limit will differ but won’t be too young. An example, in places such as garment factory, I could set the age limit at 16 and working at a railroad at 21. I would do this because by the time of both ages, they would have acquired the mental and physical strengths to work in both the

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