
Essay On 12 Angry Men

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12 Angry Men; A Celebration and Criticism The modern trial system has been reshaped and molded over centuries although it maintains built on a democratic foundation. Although structured in order to provide constitutional rights and freedoms to all people, their remains flaws in it’s system. The film, 12 Angry Men celebrates the many accomplishes in providing individuals rights in its structure while highlighting and criticizing its flaws. The film, 12 Angry Men highlights many of the great things about the American justice and jury system. The film shows the beauty in having a jury needed to be unanimous in order to make its final decision. With people capable to not vote guilty because they have merely reasonable doubt opens the floor to healthy arguments and discussion. This really allows …show more content…

The film also discusses how truly democratic the system is with the practice that fellow peers are asked to judge a person's innocence or not. It explains that the jurors truly have no personal gain or loss from the verdict but rather can freely decide the verdict of the defendant with their own true beliefs on the matter based on the facts. The film, 12 Angry Men, also looks at the flaws in the American justice system. A strong flaw they press very strongly is how prejudice can and will always take a place in the courtroom to some varying degree. Although the voir dire process is meant to help eliminate jurors who would have biases towards the case, it can’t eliminate all jurors who can’t separate the facts from personal beliefs and that’s very dangerous for the defence. In the film it became evident that a man was voting guilty purely on the basis that the defendant was raised in the “slums” and he had an already constructed bias which he used to judge the case. The film also raises the issues with jurors that aren’t committed to the jury process, although may grow to want to leave

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