
Essay On 1984 Freedom

Decent Essays

What is freedom? -Freedom Exemption from external control, regulation, inference, etc. In George Orwell’s 1984, , the protagonist, Winston Smith, is living in a world where there is one source of power that controls everything, the party. Their control of knowledge is the source of their power. Winston wants to believe that he can do something to change the current situation to grant everyone what they need, freedom. The concept of freedom is a dangerous aspiration, the light at the end of the tunnel.Winston is enticed with his own idea of freedom. Although his idea of freedom is quite simple to exercise, through his overconfidence, misplaced trust and ignorance such aspirations become impossible for him to execute. Winston’s overconfidence in the secrecy of his thoughts is astonishing ; blinding his reality with false hope which made his idea completely unattainable. Although he may feel safe, “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU”(14). These words are a motif throughout each part of the book. Such events directly relate to what political parties were like during the time period that this text was written: Americans and Russian at the start of the Cold War in 1959. Both of them wanted complete control over their citizens and their control of media allowed them to that. …show more content…

Winston is completely aware of what the Thought Police are , how they are everywhere and could be anyone, he knows that the party is trying to control history, he knows the potential outcome for being caught with a thought of treason against the establishment, he knows that party even controls love in their citizens. Although he knows every rule that is has expressed by the party over his life, his actions have demonstrated that he does not care, that is understanding,lack of knowledge, is being clouded by his aspirations and that leads to creation of his character trait of ignorance in the

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