
Essay On 1990s Sports

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1990s Sports The buzzer goes off the whole gym is silent then the hear everyone yelling Michael Jordan made the winning basket . Michael Jordan was one the best players in the NBA who played for the Bulls in the 1990’s. Another great player at this time was Magic Johnson who played for the Lakers. Tiger woods was a well known golfer in the 1990’s. Events of the 1990’s greatly influenced the sports. Some of the events going on in the 1990’s was the Post Cold War,Gulf War and Race and Gender Conflicts. In the post cold war the Soviet Union collapsed two years after the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989, the United States was left as the world’s reigning superpower. “As the nineties progressed, U.S. foreign policy became driven by the desire to support economic and political reforms in formerly Communist countries”. (Kallen, Stuart A. The 1990s. San Diego, CA: Lucent, 1999. 27-85. Print) “The collapse of the Soviet Union was so total and complete that if dramatically changed the dynamics of …show more content…

“In 1991, when Sports Illustrated convened a roundtable and asked a number of outstanding Black and White athletes if things had been better for them in the 1970s and 80s, most agreed that a number of things had improved”. (Black Athletes in 20th Century United States." Black Athletes in 20th Century United States. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Nov. 2015.) “Also, the roundtable pointed out that generally Black athletes, because of poor college preparation, were not prepared for life after professional sports”. (Black Athletes in 20th Century United States." Black Athletes in 20th Century United States. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Nov. 2015.) Furthermore it has been debated that African American are naturally more “athletic” than intelligent in comparison to white

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