28th Amendment In the 28th Amendment, what I am trying to establish into our current Constitution, is having much to do with anti-gun control. Essentially, I am going to make new gun laws that will make it easier to buy a gun, but also have many more processes in order to get a gun license which is needed in order to purchase a gun. I am, as of right now, against a few of the gun rules we have. I also believe that we need to not only make it harder, but almost impossible for a citizen of the U.S. that has a criminal record, to purchase/have any kind of gun. Here are a few ways I am going to make a great effort to establish a few new gun control laws in our Constitution. The first law I am going to establish is that from now on, you must be 16 and licensed to carry only a pistol of your choice. I want to do this because you should be receiving your license at that age and also may receive your first vehicle. So you should be able to store or carry a pistol with you in that vehicle. In my research, I have found that their have been over 300,000 armed robberies in the U.S. in 2016. If I were a civilian standing by, I would for sure want to be able to defend myself if in case they tried to …show more content…
The two countries that border the U.S. The citizen of the U.S. must also have a gun carrying license on file when they encounter border patrol in the foreign country. I chose to add this law because in my research, I found that Mexico’s murder rate has gone up higher in 2016 than the countries that are even in war in this previous year. Also Canada isn’t very innocent either. They had a crime rate last year of 2.500,000 cases. In other words, any right-minded citizen, after hearing the crime rate, would want some sort of weapon to carry with them when they are traveling to either of the two bordering
I enjoyed your PowerPoint presentation on the 26th amendment, which effectively changed a portion of the 14th amendment that allowed citizens who were twenty-one years old to vote. “The debate of lowering the voting age from 21 to 18 began during World War 2, and intensified during the Vietnam War” when men were being forced to go off to war, even though they could not vote, to support or disapprove of American foreign policies (Histroy.com). In my opinion, this was a justifiable reason to lower the voting age, and American’s supported, and ultimately agreed by passing the 26th amendment into law. It’s my belief, that voting age was not an attempt to exclude men from voting, but was a larger argument of at what age did a juvenile become and
“All men are equal” Thomas Jefferson wrote in the declaration of independance. The 24th amendment later fulfilled that all men are equal by prohibiting the federal and state governments from imposing poll taxes before a citizen can participate in a federal election. This meant that some states charged a tax to vote. This was thought to keep poor and black people from voting. This amendment made it illegal to charge a tax, or any other kind of charge to vote.It was proposed by the Congress on August 27, 1962. Then later it was ratified by the states on January 23, 1964.
If I had a choice to add a 28th amendment to the constitution, I would purpose equal income rights to both female and male employees. Fortunately, living in a country that strives for equal rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, I believe that if a female can perform equivalent work, in the same industry as a male or vis versa, she should be able to be entitled with same earnings as a male performing the exact duties.
The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution is commonly regarded as a major victory against racism that further advanced democracy in America. Adopted on July 9, 1868, it attempted to transform the oppressive culture of the Confederacy by granting citizenship rights to all people born or naturalized in the United States and affording equal protection under the law to all U.S. citizens. Nonetheless, in spite of aiming to put an end to discrimination against African-Americans and other minority groups, this important amendment did not entirely succeed in eradicating racism during the Reconstruction era.
The Constitution is a living, breathing document. It was recognized that each future generation would be facing new challenges that would have never occurred to the older ones, so it had the flexibility available by both interpretation and revisement to allow the newer generation to use the document as it was intended. As society and government grows, additions must be made to the Constitution to keep with the times. The Constitution is also governed by the thoughts of society at that time, seen in the implementation of the 18th amendment because of the urgings of religious and Women’s Suffrage movements. As it is also seen when the government grows weary of one president in office too long, seen in the creation of the 22nd amendment.
The 1860s were an extremely turbulent decade with numerous cultural, social, and political upheavals in America. During this time period the 13th and 14th amendments were ratified giving African Americans more freedom than they had ever had. However even with the ratification of these amendments whites and blacks were still segregated. It's not possible to achieve equality while the two are races are separated. Equality can only be achieved through communication, so you can begin to understand each other's side.
In 1971, the 26th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, granting eighteen-year-olds the right to vote. Before this landmark decision, citizens of the United States “had to be at least 21 years old” in order to cast their vote in an election (National Constitution Center, n.d.). It was the escalation of the Vietnam War that led to this expansion of voting rights. During the Vietnam War, thousands of eighteen-, nineteen-, and twenty-year-old men were drafted into military service.
The past 27 amendments have been the thread for America’s guide toward living life as a successful American. These amendments have fostered growth and justice for the past two-hundred years; however times are evolving which is means for new procedures. While observing the 2016 elections, I believe there are grounds for creating the 28th Amendment. The 28th amendment shall state that those running for any political office shall not be allowed to continue candidacy if examples of hate or malicious intent are present during campaigning. This year’s forum has been a very frustrating and disgraceful example of what America is not. The name calling and spiteful comments have made something that was once politically prestigious event to something that is merely a publicity stunt. It is plausible that one may get out of line sometimes and may lose sight of what is important, however this entire race has gone too far. It is unacceptable that some candidates are allowed a platform as big as the Presidential race to blatantly express their hate toward immigrants, other candidates, and even the wives of candidates. America is letting what most considered a joke turn into a reality. Unqualified candidates are turning into party nominees and
The United States of America has a problem that is growing worse every day. American laws are not protecting its citizens from injury or death. You may think the mass shootings in America the guns used were bought illegally, but “since 1982, there have been at least 62 mass shooter carried out with firearms across the country, with the killings unfolding in 30 states from Massachusetts to Hawaii. Of the 139 guns possessed by the killers, more than three quarters were obtained legally. The arsenal included dozens of assault weapons and semiautomatic handguns.” (Follman). Times have changed and so should our gun laws. The federal government should enact more control on all personal guns in order to reduce
To amend the constitution, various steps and procedures must be taken. When either Congress (which takes a two-thirds majority vote in both the Senate and the House of Representatives), or a constitutional convention (which takes two-thirds of the State legislatures) want to propose an amendment, they give it to the National Archives and Records Administration. The Congress proposes the amendment as a joint resolution to the National Archives and Records Administrations Office of the Federal Register for the publication process. The Office of the Federal Register adds legislative notes to the joint resolution and publishes it in slip law format. The Office of the Federal Register also puts together an information package for the States
This law shouldn't be allowed since, instead of making us feel safe, it will make us feel awful. There ought to be more tightly confinements to use and buy such weapons; historical verifications, psychological wellness assessments, history, and different measures to secure that the individual using the weapon is reliable and all around educated. Firearm savagery has shaken our country in the previous years and has turned into a noteworthy disputable issue. I think it is balanced in light of the fact that with everything occurring with weapon brutality inside our general public it is just ideal to secure ourselves however it is likewise not judicious in the event that we give everybody firearms. I trust that we can go to a shared view with individuals
The framers of our Constitution knew that time has a way of changing countries and their citizens. Our country was in a whirlwind of change in 1789 as people were experiencing freedom from the tyranny of England for the first time in their lives. Our country was being molded and formed into a great nation by the founding fathers. Expectations and rules had to be set to protect the rights of the minorities and majorities. Amendments to the Constitution were written to ensure equality for all in changing times.
On a date that will be remembered forever as a step forward for our nation, July 28, 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment became part of the U.S. Constitution. The Fourteenth Amendment gave a new sense of hope and inspiration to a once oppressed people. It was conceived to be the foundation for restoring America to its great status and prosperity. The Amendment allowed “equal protection under the law”, no matter what race, religion, sex, sexual preference or social status. It was designed to protect the newly freed slaves. However, it only helped the white race.
In the United States Constitution, the 8th Amendment prohibits the use and practices of cruel and unusual punishment. What exactly is considered to be cruel and unusual punishment? This question is a hot topic among America's many different current controversies. Many people are saying that the use of capital punishment (to be sentenced to death as a penalty in the eyes of the law [a capital crime]. An execution [capital punishment]) is a direct violation of the 8th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States (Capital Punishment). They say there should be another way to deal with these criminals other than having them executed. The purpose of this paper is to give a brief history of the death penalty
I believe a few laws need to be restructured. To me the biggest law that should be added is requiring a background check for all guns purchased from legal vendors. As of right now background checks on gun purchases vary by state some states require background checks some don’t. However background checks are only conducted at gun stores but not at things such as gun conventions or fairs. Many people ultimately go to a gun convention to avoid a background check and have no problems getting their hands on a gun even though they probably shouldn’t. I believe that all legal gun purchases should require a background check no matter the state, time purchasing, etc. If the government puts a required background check in all states in order to