
Essay On African American Culture

Decent Essays

Many people have been surrounded by so many different cultures and ethnicities; one tends to lean on the culture that feels familiar and comfortable to them. The type of comfort that makes people reflect on their time with their loved ones is the very culture that they would relate to. There are so many different nationalities, in this melting pot called society; it’s interesting to get a feel of different backgrounds, history, food and the music that these different cultures experience on a day to day basis.
Blacks, since slavery have always had gatherings that included music, food, dancing and fellowship, same goes for the culture today. The music/dancing and food represent unity and a strong togetherness that people can relate to. Slaves, …show more content…

Most men will not visit a physician on a regular basis unless they are getting very ill. They believe that their health will get better in time without the help of a certified doctor. The average black man, with hypertension dies at the age of 55 years old due to no adherence to a low sodium diet and medication. Most black men do not like to be told to alter their diets and change their ways, it’s a pride thing for them. But the health conscious men that do go it is normally because their wives have harassed them constantly. Once they are comfortable with their doctors and understand the purpose of the drugs that they have been issued, sticking to medication adherence will keep them healthy and promote healthier lifestyles. Hypertension is the number one issue in the black community today, with diabetes coming in at a strong second. More blacks and people of color, as a general are being medically educated through their communities, churches and even family members. In today’s society there is no excuse to not be educated about health, nutrition and exercise. Most communities have medical facilities that provide transportation to assist with transportation needs to get community members to these

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