
Essay On American Heroes

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Throughout history, heroes have exhibited a common theme: save the lives of as many people as possible. Achilles, Napoleon, and Alexander the Great were idolized as the ideal figures of historical times, and common traits of a dignified social position and a militaristic past could be found in most “heroic” figures. Even through the 20th century, standout icons included Winston Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, both World War II heroes in elevated government positions. Nonetheless, the new century would prove to bring change to the definition of a hero; the September 11th attacks ushered in a tidal wave of social change. On the horrific day in American history, ordinary people rose to the occasion and risked their lives for the survival of countless others. From this act of terrorism, the definition of a “hero” was redefined; no longer does a hero have to be a war hero or save the lives of the entire nation, but a selfless act of bravery for others can be truly heroic. …show more content…

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United States, is largely credited for aiding the American people through the Great Depression. Through his New Deal plan, he created many opportunities for his citizens to repay their economic debt and become employed once again, by “bring[ing] recovery to business and agriculture, relief to the unemployed and to those in danger of losing farms and homes, and reform, especially through the establishment of the Tennessee Valley Authority” (“Franklin D. Roosevelt”). When disaster struck in the form of the Pearl Harbor attack in 1941, he swiftly responded with a declaration of war in order to keep his people safe. Roosevelt’s four terms in office are a testament to his success as a president, and he became an American hero of the 20th

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