It has been over a decade and a half since Americans were first exposed to the power of foreign terrorism. The twin tower attacks left us helpless. Americans didn’t see it coming and we were even more unsure of how to respond to such a tragedy. Who would want to kill innocent people on purpose? Why? It wreaked fear over the American population for years. Its ghost, constantly revived with every sensationalized explosion, every failed attempt, every image of that Muslim man deeply dedicated to the Islamic ideology. Americans had never experienced such a huge attack from a foreign enemy since Pearl Harbor and we would do anything to prevent this atrocity from happening again. The United States responded much like it did in 1941. It sought vengeance. It made an enemy out of the organizations that propagated this attack. It started a war and eradicated any weapons of mass destruction that would leave us vulnerable again. It created a face for foreign terrorism. It generalized and stereotyped. It tried to make us feel safe even though it never could. Our fears continuously grew and our government’s power expanded with it. Americans gave the government a rubberstamp and told it to do whatever it wanted. …show more content…
It had been two years since 9/11, we began to hear horror stories about torture prisons, military personnel abusing war criminals, unsanitary living. (U.S. Abuse of Iraqi Detainees at Abu Ghraib Prison) We gasped as they were dehumanized and treated like animals. We reprimanded the actors who committed these atrocities but we justified the actions because it made us feel safe. The United States was warehousing the villains and it was working. We were no longer faced with the overwhelming dread of being attacked because our government was protecting us. We needed to expand government power so that we could maintain our
September 11, 2001 is one of the most infamous dates in American history. On this day, 19 radicalized Islamic militants hijacked four United States-based airplanes. Two of the planes were flown into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. Thousands of first responders, occupants of the Towers and bystanders were killed or injured. The third plane flew into the Pentagon in Washington D.C. and 125 people were killed. The passengers on the fourth plane revolted and forced the hijackers to crash into a field in Stony Creek, Pennsylvania. A total of 3,000 people were killed and over 6,000 were injured that day (“9/11 Attacks” 1). After the most detrimental terrorist attack in the history of the United States, action needed to
Immediately following those attacks, American citizens found themselves in a position quite unlike any they had previously encountered. Faced with a tragedy of unparalleled magnitude, many American's
The world knows America better than us Americans know of it. Through emotion and painful events such as this one America has came to better understand itself and the strengths that it has. America has one of the strongest military personal in the world, allowing us to be able to react to attacks such as this one. Peck states “Since September 11th, I believe we’ve been living out a national melodrama” (737). A western movie was created by President Bush “Wanted: Dead or Alive” casting Osama bin Laden causing the defining moment of Americas melodrama allowing people to be aware of the attacker by posting posters throughout the United States. America has sent military troops over to Iraq in search of the attackers killing innocent citizen in order to voice our opinions on this matter. “The best assurance that the US will not again be the object of comparably horrific terrorist attack is an equitable distribution of global capital that moves wealth more evenly though out the world and generates genuinely reciprocal forms of cultural
On September 11, 2001, the United States witnessed horrific attacks of terrorism better known as “9/11.” On the morning of 9/11, a terrorist organization known as Al Qaeda, hijacked four different commercial planes; two of them attacking the Twin Towers in New York City, one of them attacking the Pentagon in Washington D.C., and one of them crashing onto a rural field of Pennsylvania. Over 3,000 people were killed in these attacks, making it the largest terrorist attack in US history. As soon as these attacks occurred, US citizens concerned and feared for their safety, and questioned President Bush’s leadership. There were people who believed in Bush’s leadership, and there were people who blamed Bush for the attacks of 9/11.
On September 11th, hijackers took over four planes; collided into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and the fourth into a field near Skanksville, Pennsylvania. 2,973 victims and the 19 hijackers died in a result of these attacks. ( They were conceived to be a range of suicides by al-Qaeda. In return, Americans assembled together like never before. The Nation was in need of answers and subject to vulnerability. The president at the time, George W. Bush, launched the War On Terror and also put into effect the Patriot Act.
The U.S. suffered a very terrible blow September 11, 2001 when a terrorist group named Al-Qaeda hit our country with a series of terrorist attacks in New York and VA which claimed the lives of more than 3000 people, and left us speechless, hurt, without many loved ones and puzzled on how it happened. Before that there had been several attacks such as the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City in 1993 and of the Federal building in Oklahoma two years later known as the Murrah Building ( Kano, Wood, M., Bourque, L. B., & Mileti, D. S., 2011).
The terror attacks on September 11, 2001 at the Twin Towers in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. are remembered as America’s largest tragedy; after all, 3,000 people were killed in these attacks (Combs and Slann). A sense of security and confidence had vanished. However, what is not mentioned in the news articles, TV headlines, and radio chats on the anniversary of 9/11 is the large impact these attacks made on the American psyche. It is not that this outcome was of lesser importance, but it was one of the unnoticed, since all Americans underwent this change. Out of everything that came out of 9/11, this was well needed. Americans had been thinking the same thing about their country for a long time and needed to see that
On September 11, 2001 the world changed. It was on this day in the United States that four planes were hijacked by 19 terrorists associated with the Islamic group al-Qaeda. These hijackers intentionally flew loaded passenger planes into the World Trade Center building in New York City, the Pentagon building, and crashed on plane into a field in Pennsylvania. In total almost 3,000 American citizens lost their lives in what was the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil (Bergen). The resulting reactions from the US government to this attack would eventually involve two foreign wars and various pieces of legislation such as the Patriot Act. This became known as the “Global War on Terror.” A the time, President Bush’s approval rating soared from under 50% before the attacks, to over 90% after 9/11
Terrorism and the United States A cloud of anthrax spores looming in the sky of San Diego California
The United States is ranked number thirty-five on the Global Terror Index. The United States has a 4.23 out of ten terror rate. This number is pretty high acknowledging the fact that the United States is one of the most developed countries in the world. Studies show that there have been approximately 80 terrorist attacks in the United States in the past five years in which more than 150 innocent people were killed and more than 350 experienced severe injuries. September 11 attack was the most impacting terrorist attacks that the united States has ever experienced. 2,996 people dead in this tragic event, 19 of which were the terrorist. Over 6000 people suffered severe injuries. And the whole nation was left traumatized. The attack was led by
The world has been changed forever since the tragic attack on September 11, 2001. An observer described the atrocity by saying, "It just went 'bam,' like a bomb went off. It was like holy hell (CNN 1). " The new world will be different from what any American has known before. A new war has arisen, not against a foreign country or a major region of the world, but rather against a select group of people who have the capabilities to destroy the lives of so many. The war against terrorism which the United States is now forced to wage will not be an easily won battle. This war will not be fought solely on scattered battlefields in certain countries. It will instead permeate through every aspect of life as we
A U.S. TRANSPORT plane touched down at Guantanamo Bay at about 2:15 p.m. ET. Speaking on condition of anonymity, military officials told NBC that about 15 detainees were aboard the flight, including some who were unable to walk because of their wounds.
Purpose: To inform readers of the effects the recent terrorist attacks have on society today.
September 11th changed the lives of many Americans, irrevocably. The horrendous attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon altered the way American’s viewed their positions within the world, not to mention their lives and their safety. The attacks brought terrorism to the forefront of national attention, in every aspect. The government became immediately immersed in an effort to understand and defeat terrorism, and simultaneously, the media, with its perverse fascination with violence and profit-driven espousal to round-the-clock, up-to-the-minute coverage, demonstrated an obsession with the attacks, by broadcasting almost nothing but the latest developments in the search and rescue efforts and investigations
Terrorism in the United States has taken a big step since 9/11. After 9/11 there have been more and more police officers working. There are a lot or terrorist groups around the world but there are also motivational terrorist. The word terrorism does not really have a straight forward definition because there is different form of terrorism. The types of terrorisms that is around that people know are state sponsored terrorism, dissent terrorism, terrorists from left and right, religious terrorism and criminal terrorism.