
Essay On Animal Farm By George Orwell

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An ideology is a set of opinions or beliefs of a group or an individual. Very often ideology refers to a set of political beliefs or a set of ideas. Our ideology is our most closely held set of values and feelings, and it acts as the filter through which we see everything and everybody. Introduction: Description: Old Major is discussing his hate and the injustice upon the animals at Manor Farm and his beliefs and ideology. This was the creation of Animalism or what we call Communism. Enmity: The state or the feeling of being hostile or opposed to someone or something. Vices: Unjust or immoral behavior. Tyrannise: Rule or treat someone cruelly or immorally Thesis: The passage is a set of beliefs and rules made by OId Major, this greatly exemplifies a communist society because he believes that all animals are equal or in a society, all humans are equal. In a communist society, everyone is equal, they are paid the same wage, treated the same and so on. We can see the similarities between the actions in the book compared to actions in the real world, the animals rebel against the unjust humans and will no longer work for them and in the real world, the workers rebel against the bourgeoisie and unite everyone. …show more content…

Main Ideas/Themes: Equality: In the passage, Old Major mentions that no animal must tyrannize one another and respect each other because they are all equal. Hatred: Old Major mentions multiple times his hatred towards man, he says that man is an enemy and while fighting man they must never become one, such as wearing clothes, drinking alcohol or smoking

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